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Indian Air Force wants out of fighter program with Russia

RUSSIANS are struggling to fund the FGFA and other future military projects.

India was their main cash cow and indian money helped a lot with further funding of new weapons development

Israel USA and France have taken over india market

Russia will keep declining in military technology

Americans guard the source code

Spare parts are subject to conditions

The usage of the american aircraft are tied to many bilateral conditions
I think iaf wants f-35 but t-50 is not bad.india wants Russian prototype jet to be like f-35.they are different jets with different configuration.7 billion is a huge amount of money.i think in 7 billions,India can start it's own single jet fighter program.i am not talking about Tejas.i think iaf needs some foreign engineers to design some critical parts of fighter jet.india can do it without paying huge money.look at Pakistan,still making jf-17s and now planning aesa radar on block 3.even we want more f-16s.india should at least start a proper program to make an ideal fighter jet.
PAK-FA focus more on aerodynamic so they sacrificed some stealth characteristic.
Opting out of the FGFA is fine but I seriously hope we don't start sucking American balls. If FGFA doesn't work out, more Rafales and bringing in the French to speed up AMCA should be the way to go

You should read this. Rafale is not the silver bullet. There is no option other than F-35.


it seems slowly but surely india is getting in mess with defence technology.

Iaf top brass and def ministry is corrupted.

they act like a begger who wants ferrari. just today i was reading how india have more starvation than north korea.

still we want expensive stuff without realising numbers we need and budget.

Your airforce never liked the Russian fighters. Your previous governments forced them to procure Migs & Sukhois. Now they have been given the freedom and they are choosing US fighters.

Maybe,but USA wants India to buy F-16 before F-35.It will definitely be more Rafale,the Rafale JV factory in India is almost completed and will innagurated in exactly 7 days

Sorry! you cannot skip the line. You better get in line now lest you may regret further.
You should read this. Rafale is not the silver bullet. There is no option other than F-35.

Rafale would get beaten easily by any 5th generation and that includes the F-35 which in turn would get easily beaten by either F-22 or J-20.

Your airforce never liked the Russian fighters. Your previous governments forced them to procure Migs & Sukhois. Now they have been given the freedom and they are choosing US fighters.

Actually the SU-30-series is very popular. Even countries like Malaysia and Indonesia that have access to US fighters have brough SU-30-series fighters.

You are right about Mig-29 which is not that good.
countries wasting resources of poor public on the name of defense from each others . hope a day without military for earth

That will not happen soon. Countries like US rely on military and conflicts. If the world is peaceful their importance will be lowered.
You should read this. Rafale is not the silver bullet. There is no option other than F-35.


Your airforce never liked the Russian fighters. Your previous governments forced them to procure Migs & Sukhois. Now they have been given the freedom and they are choosing US fighters.

Sorry! you cannot skip the line. You better get in line now lest you may regret further.
i want to be bill gates.

but i have 7 rupey 50 paisa.

You forgot that nearly half the combat fleet is actually these beasts here

What's their availability. Nice shiny planes that have no teeth
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