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India third most powerful nation: US

Where were u born....are u sure in INDIA..i don't think so

Just remove your rose tinted glasses and you will realize that he is indeed saying the truth. India, at best, is what USA was, in between the period from 1880's till 1930's. We are a full century behind the developed "Powers". ofcourse, it is a very positive sign of a nation growing in right direction. But its too early by any standard, to call India a "Powerful" nation.
@footmarks and @coldheart ... the rankings are a perception of India's external rather than its internal perceived image... If US thinks India is 3rd most powerful nation... let be it... if you want to believe it or not.

You may not concur on its 3rd rank... but for sure it is one of the most powerful nations in the world based on the impact it has towards world economy which is enough to influence global decisions.
India, World's Third Strongest Country
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For me powerful countries are those which can project power outside its region.Our leaders are so scared of doing anything against China after countinously being provoked forget about doing anything outside the region.

We cant take care of Myanamar forget about influencing world decisions.I would have agreed with this rating if we were bully in our region..which we are not.

For me the most powerful countries are...


and no other country deserves to be in the list.

A country needs to have Great leaders with balls of steel to be powerful...not the second fastest growing economy.

You took the words from my mouth :tup:

Even if India did have a Security council seat with Veto power,i wouldn't believe this list.

We may having a limited role in the international stage,but we certainly don't have a clout in any part of the world.

Heck! we don't even have a strong clout in our own neighborhood to begin with,we have lot lot to do.
I am of the opinion by 2025 Indian will be the number 2 economy.

"The truth is that China is not the socialist market economy the party describes, nor moving towards capitalism as the western consensus believes. Rather it is frozen in a structure that I describe as Leninist corporatism - and which is unstable, monumentally inefficient, dependent upon the expropriation of peasant savings on a grand scale, colossally unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It is Leninist in that the party still follows Lenin's dictum of being the vanguard, monopoly political driver and controller of the economy and society. And it is corporatist because the framework for all economic activity in China is one of central management and coordination from which no economic actor, however humble, can opt out."

Power, corruption and lies | World news | The Guardian

China's present authoritarian goverment stays in power, mainly two ways, force, and corruption. In a more democratic system like India differant market and poltical difficulties will be delt with in a way that allows the pressures to be dispated, in China soon or later they will cause an implosion.

Much to your horror, Sir., that I travelled though China as recently as this summer, and I see most Chinese are happy; they are wealthy and healthy as well in general.

Yes, China is still poor compared with USA. Yes, China’s system is flawed. Yes, China has corrupted officials. Yes, there are discontented people. And to your horror again, the corrupted are perhaps no worse than those in the States where corruption is legal as in the Wall Street. In addition the corrupted there are sentenced to death, but the corrupted here are still enjoying their hefty bonus and keep sucking the blood of ordinary people. Over there, the discontented voice their discontents via various ways, including but not limited to shouting slogans “down with CPC” in the public, posting on internet, and going some sort of riots if you will…

Instead of Chinese structure “frozen”, well, I think only American system is frozen in bi-camel system for hundreds of years such that Mr. Obama’s change basically is rendered a joke. Steven Rattner, the car tsar, recently interviewed with Bloomberg, implying that the problem is that the old-styled Congress is in the way. Now, you can’t deny, the American system has to be funded by Chinese “frozen” structure by trillions of dollars. :lol:

Buddy, it’s high time that you pull your head out of dark sands and have a closer look around the world and to see the change! Or you will risk being thrown into history garbage can.

Perhaps you are right that India will be number 2 in 2025... but who will be number one? That is China! And America is number 3 or 4, if there is no change but "frozen". :hitwall:
It is the USA that has been blocking India from the council seat, not China. I wonder why Indians have historically blamed China for it. READ the voting record.
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