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India third most powerful nation: US report


Sep 22, 2010
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India third most powerful nation: US report
[India third most powerful nation: US report]
India is listed as the third most powerful country in the world after the US and China and the fourth most powerful bloc after the US, China and the European Union in a new official US report. The new global power lineup for 2010 also predicted that New Delhis clout in the world will further rise by 2025, according to Global Governance 2025 jointly issued by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the US and the European Unions Institute for Security Studies (EUISS). Using the insights of a host of experts from Brazil, Russia, India and China, among others, and fictionalised scenarios, the report illustrates what could happen over the next 25 years in terms of global governance.

In 2010, the US tops the list of powerful countries/regions, accounting for nearly 22 percent of the global power.

The US is followed by China with European Union at 16 percent and India at eight percent. India is followed by Japan, Russia and Brazil with less than five percent each.

According to this international futures model, by 2025 the power of the US, EU, Japan and Russia will decline while that of China, India and Brazil will increase, even though there will be no change in this listing.

By 2025, the US will still be the most powerful country of the world, but it will have a little over 18 percent of the global power.

The US will be closely followed by China with 16 percent, European Union with 14 percent and India with 10 per cent.

The growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organisations and national governments to cope, the report warns.

This critical turning point includes issues of climate change, ethnic and regional conflicts, new technology, and the managing of natural resources.

The report also highlights the challenges proponents of effective global governance face.

On one hand, rapid globalistion, economic and otherwise, has led to an intertwining of domestic politics and international issues and fueled the need for more cooperation and more effective leadership.

But on the other hand, an increasingly multipolar world, often dominated by non-state actors, have put a snag in progress toward effectual global governance, it said.
another sugar coated "analysis" from the U.S ....really Obama's PR department must be working overtime ....desperately before his visit here in November......:lol::lol::lol:
WASHINGTON: Hard as it is to imagine it amid the chaos of Commonwealth Games preparations in New Delhi and a million small mutinies across the country, an official US report has declared India to be the fourth most powerful nation/bloc in the world after the United States, China, and the European Union.

Issued jointly by the US National Intelligence Council (NIC) and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), the report "Global Governance 2025" says the United States remains the world's most powerful country in 2010, accounting for nearly 22 per cent of the global power.

It is followed by China (12 per cent), and India (eight per cent). Japan, Russia and Brazil with less than five per cent each. Taken as a bloc, European Union comes second with 16 per cent of global power.

But an "International Futures model" measuring GDP, defense, spending, population and technology for individual states projects the relative political and economic clout of many countries will shift by 2025. The power of the US, EU, Japan and Russia would decline while that of China, India and Brazil would increase, even though there would be no change in the power list.

By 2025, the United States' share of global power would decline from 22 per cent to 18 per cent, while China would rise up from 12 per cent to 16 per cent to displace EU (down to 14 per cent), making U.S and China as close 1-2. India will remain in third or fourth positions (depending on whether EU bloc is counted in or not) with its share of global power going up to ten per cent.

The 82-page report is the product of research and analysis by the NIC and EUISS following a series of international dialogues co-organized by the Atlantic Council, TPN, and other partner organizations in Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, New Delhi, Pretoria, Sao Paulo & Brasilia, Moscow, and Paris with unnamed officials and strategic experts.

The report shows growing concern among Indian officials and analysts about China as they worry about an ''absence of an internal equilibrium in Asia to ensure stability.'' India, they concede, is not well positioned to help develop regional institutions for Asia given China's preponderant role in the region.

As a result, the report says, India is primarily interested in transforming global governance institutions. ''The Indians thought existing international organizations are 'grossly inadequate' to deal with mounting challenges...Many hoped the United States would continue to be very much part of the Asian region as a political, economic, and military power,'' the report observes.

It also cites some Indian experts fearing that a system developed by the West, which includes democracy and rule of law, would suffer as the East (read China) becomes more powerful. ''It would be a pity if the West does not hang together to influence the future,'' an Indian interlocutor is quoted as saying.

From Third World country to third most powerful nation - The Times of India
I doubt this report...................but as we are still developing....and emerging as regional power......in coming years .....we can
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