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India successfully tests its first nuclear-capable cruise missile

Nice, Now he is quoting himself. good to see what happens when people ignore him.:pop::pop:. Indians should stop posting in this forum. looking at the quality of post here only enlightened, intelligent and self declared scientist ashok321 will be left in the forum.
I still reiterate and maintain that its a partial success.

If its not, then what it is, a full success as per you?

How did you know that my claim is baseless without even cross checking, or what facts/info am I privy to on this to put a dent in your inane claim?

Clarify your stand; If it is not a partial success, then, is it a full success as per you?
Once you say yes on this = full success, I will retort with full force.

Common, once again I challenge you.
Don't be a word juggler here, it wont help you, instead you would be ridiculed in the process. The jury is out here.

Finally, leaving all above you started insulting people a la loco by calling them a retard?
I am waiting.

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Why do you expose your great knowledge in missile technology again and again?

Hold your stupidity for a while. Every missile in its developmental phase is tested for a particular mission. It does not fulfill all parameters. Infact even in user trials, it can not be tested for all its attributes in a single mission.

Indian missile test Shem is exposed. All you can do is attack others. If it's a cruise missile, does it use its terrain hugging feature. If it's flying above the clouds, it's not a good test as its most important feasures, terrain hugging is not tested.

Sounds like India just tested a 800 miles subsonic Brahmos than a real long distance cruise missile.
Till Modi is PM, he will not be able to acknowledge any success of India. Psychological problem
He isn't Indian in the first place. Someone on this forum checked his IP and he happens to be a Bangladeshi. Maybe he is one of the illegal Bangladeshi immigrant who happened to come illegally sneak into India a while ago and Modi govt must've deported him. That would be the only reason I could see of his relentless rantings about Modi and BJP
I don't believe they have released the flight video of the latest test, just the launch video. You may be referring to previous videos when DRDO released the full flight video. Anyways, its just the testing phase, not all capabilities are tested in a single go. Flying low will probably be the last of the tests when they have full confidence in navigational capabilities of the missile. Till yet they haven't even tested for its full declared range.
flying low is the real reason and main purpose of these missiles.

The video itself is just in number of seconds...

hold your horses... DRDO said the missile achieved all the mission parameters while it was flying for the total 50mins, what are these parameters??? well we don't know and Neither DRDO or Army will induclt it without all the objectives of a Cruise missile. this is not a final test remember.
the achieved the parameter of 1000km far target by using sub sonic missile in just 50 minutes.
I reserve my right to troll...

So supposed to be 3 tests... what happened?? Why 2nd and 3rd test not done??
So was this missile tested with terrain hugging capability? If not, might as well call this a ballastic missile as it will be detected far away. I don't think theIndian scientist would cheat its military, would they?
Man this is a test firing,only one nation is technically capable of testing a missile with its full flight envelope in its first flight itself. To our bad luck,that nation is our enemy.
flying low is the real reason and main purpose of these missiles.

the achieved the parameter of 1000km far target by using sub sonic missile in just 50 minutes.
No, the real reason is survivability till it reaches target. It may achieve that by flying low, or flying through blind zones of Radar coverage.

And we are not so technologically advanced so as to test all parameters in a single test and come out successful. We can only work up our way incrementally, one step at a time. So far, there had been problems with waypoint navigation and wing deployment, this being sorted during this test. Now the next step will be further testing the limits of TERCOM and DSMAC along with addition of G3oM. Incrementally it will test all the capabilities of the missile.

Going by your logic, did Pakistan test Babur with live warhead, the very first time, after all Babur needs to hit a target with a warhead. If not, did you confer the test a failure?
Indian missile test Shem is exposed. All you can do is attack others. If it's a cruise missile, does it use its terrain hugging feature. If it's flying above the clouds, it's not a good test as its most important feasures, terrain hugging is not tested.

Sounds like India just tested a 800 miles subsonic Brahmos than a real long distance cruise missile.

See, DRDO has in their release said that it flew at 100 m altitude. However as chinese definition always differ from whole world, I do not know whether it is terrain hugging as per your definition or not.
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