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This got joe and mage to talk in bong-sprach in hurried voices the last time I brought it up.

You actually know approximately which part of the country your train is speeding through by the hawkers getting on and off and the jhalmuri means home is near.

Cheers, Doc
You actually know approximately which part of the country your train is speeding through by the hawkers getting on and off and the jhalmuri means home is near.

Cheers, Doc

Am reminded of the many times my pop told me about his trip in his youth by train from Delhi to Madras....down to the very first station where idlis first show up.

If you do it now ........ what would you do then. Time won't stop nor go back for you or anyone else. Do what is necessary and important at its given time.

Trust me, the kid @JohnWick needs some outlet for his heat building up. Guy filled up like 2 whole pages posting chick pics in the "whatever" thread iirc (like in a row, asking for django's opinion literally on each one haha).....till @Arsalan stepped in and was like...kiddo take a deep breath and count to 10 lol. So I think the fix is "out there" rather than "in here" heh.

@django and @war&peace can testify to it lol....think django-bhai said "guy is so thirsty he could drink the indus" lol. Prime of yer life should not be wasted online imo.
they don't know what happens when a person becomes mother and father of the whole population..

give just 5 years, the same people will be crying on internet..
Haha, we r on our way to become a economic powerhouse and its needless to say that hasina played the pivotal role in that regard. We r grateful for her strong leadership. BTW we don't have any mother of nation. Stop making things up.

Mujib is our father of our nation for getting rid of the baggage called West Pakistan. U should better worry about some other country. I've heard that particular country's foreign reserve is in negative figure or something like that. :enjoy:
Trust me, the kid @JohnWick needs some outlet for his heat building up. Guy filled up like 2 whole pages posting chick pics in the "whatever" thread iirc (like in a row, asking for django's opinion literally on each one haha).....till @Arsalan stepped in and was like...kiddo take a deep breath and count to 10 lol. So I think the fix is "out there" rather than "in here" heh.

@django and @war&peace can testify to it lol....think django-bhai said "guy is so thirsty he could drink the indus" lol. Prime of yer life should not be wasted online imo.

In simple plain terms ....... the guy needs to get laid.

A to be doctor interested in plastic ......... well.

The thing with 17 years old is that they feel they can bring down a solid brick wall ....... all hormones, no balance, no stability. It's a phase of life, happens to almost everyone .... but the most stupid thing is to think that others haven't gone through this phase. And right time to put your hormones to some good use .... to benefit latter down the road.
Haha, we r on our way to become a economic powerhouse and its needless to say that hasina played the pivotal role in that regard.
By reading your post I have a feeling that you are proposing the big economies of the world to come to borrow money from a would-be super-rich Golden Bangladesh. You should ready yourself to shortlist the countries and dispense billions of dollars to them.

However, it would be wiser to think deeply about paying back the borrowed $45 billion from them plus a yearly $1 billion in interest.
This got joe and mage to talk in bong-sprach in hurried voices the last time I brought it up.

I make it at home now. Eat your heart out, অবাঙ্গালী

By reading your post I have a feeling that you are proposing the big economies of the world to come to borrow money from a would-be super-rich Golden Bangladesh. You should ready yourself to shortlist the countries and dispense billions of dollars to them.

However, it would be wiser to think deeply about paying back the borrowed $45 billion from them plus a yearly $1 billion in interest.

LOL. Why are you getting upset?
...........ছাগলে কি না খায় !
By reading your post I have a feeling that you are proposing the big economies of the world to come to borrow money from a would-be super-rich Golden Bangladesh. You should ready yourself to shortlist the countries and dispense billions of dollars to them.

However, it would be wiser to think deeply about paying back the borrowed $45 billion from them plus a yearly $1 billion in interest.
My friend, U misinterpreted my message. I m not saying that we have already become a economic powerhouse. What I meant is if hasina/AL remains in power for another two terms, let's say till 2030 then she will laid down all the necessary foundations based on which will will become an e economic powerhouse by 2040/50.

But in order to to ensure that we need progressive AL and a leader of hasina's caliber at the helm of things at least for another two terms.

I make it at home now. Eat your heart out, অবাঙ্গালী

LOL. Why are you getting upset?
...........ছাগলে কি না খায় !
Dear Joe, I m not a "পাগল". Bangladesh is the shinning beacon of southeast Asia. I know it, u know it, everyone knows it. What I m stating here is based on actual facts. Look at whre we were 10 years back and look at where we r now. When BNP left the power the country was on the verge of becoming the second Afghanistan.

From that position the way our honourable prime minister, the mother of humanity restored everything and put the country back to its track is truly remarkable.

My friend, blue-sky is just upset cuz the way bnp got rejected by the public. I m just trying to make him understand that what happened has actually happened for good. He SHOULD NOT hold any grudge against AL.
My friend, U misinterpreted my message. I m not saying that we have already become a economic powerhouse. What I meant is if hasina/AL remains in power for another two terms, let's say till 2030 then she will laid down all the necessary foundations based on which will will become an e economic powerhouse by 2040/50.

But in order to to ensure that we need progressive AL and a leader of hasina's caliber at the helm of things at least for another two terms.

Dear Joe, I m not a "পাগল". Bangladesh is the shinning beacon of southeast Asia. I know it, u know it, everyone knows it. What I m stating here is based on actual facts. Look at whre we were 10 years back and look at where we r now. When BNP left the power the country was on the verge of becoming the second Afghanistan.

I am NOT denying that 'Desh is the shining beacon of south-east Asia. Not at all.

But I AM in agreement with @bluesky that you are exaggerating the situation and making the country faintly ridiculous.

From that position the way our honourable prime minister, the mother of humanity restored everything and put the country back to its track is truly remarkable.

My friend, blue-sky is just upset cuz the way bnp got rejected by the public. I m just trying to make him understand that what happened has actually happened for good. He SHOULD NOT hold any grudge against AL.

A question of emphasis, otherwise I agree with your. If your pitch is so extreme, it will put up the backs of people.

I am NOT denying that 'Desh is the shining beacon of south-east Asia. Not at all.

But I AM in agreement with @bluesky that you are exaggerating the situation and making the country faintly ridiculous.

A question of emphasis, otherwise I agree with your. If your pitch is so extreme, it will put up the backs of people.

I m just trolling in this thread. Don't take those exaggerated statements seriously :p:
And right time to put your hormones to some good use .... to benefit latter down the road.

I put my hormones to great use when I was 17 through 22. Started a bit early at 14 actually. I was a big kid.

I do not really know who else benefited.

Or if there are some benefits walking the earth unknown to me.

But I sure did.

Cheers, Doc
I put my hormones to great use when I was 17 through 22. Started a bit early at 14 actually. I was a big kid.

I do not really know who else benefited.

Or if there are some benefits walking the earth unknown to me.

But I sure did.

Cheers, Doc

Oh well ............ did you read that bit where I said to get benefits latter down the road and I don't consider 5 minutes of pleasure as some sort of benefits.

The way I see at your situation ........ you were totally under control of your hormones and not controlling your hormones. There is a difference.

My message remains .... wait for the right time.
Bwahahahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You really are a BCL mind-hazed, brainwashed dumbass kid arent you?...to put a mere politician at this level...and buying absolutely everything such creature+ilk is selling you to a T.

Just about as nuts as they come....like those red guard extremist kids in China during "father of humanity" MAO-STRONK political doctrine....that just end up being pawns in the end (and all that time and effort wasted...all that innocence and good nature lost and thrown away for nothing)...because they have no actual critical thought process going on.

You are a lost cause....and you will only realise it much later when its likely too late. Stupid kid...BD is in big trouble if you are the crop thats coming up to control stuff that actually matters and can hurt actual lives. Others more on the fence (unlike you who has gone charging into one side recklessly) must hopefully heed these words.

@Brainsucker @django @Desert Fox @Psychic @Game.Invade @bluesky @Skies @Tps43 @PakSword @Aung Zaya @VCheng @jhungary @Hamartia Antidote @Al-zakir @Indus Pakistan @Vergennes @Joe Shearer @hellfire @Hell hound @Major Sam @OsmanAli98

5 years down the road they will see results:rofl::rofl:
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