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Featured India moves to buy 6 more Poseidons from US for $1.8bn

Indian Navy... most of the hardware is domestically produced...
IAF... good blend of domestic and imported hardware... although they too were not very keen to buy domestically produced hardware...
Indian Army... mostly prefer foreign stuff... they want Indian tank to fly... worst advocate for Indian products...

Just to give you an example of Indian Navys domestic production.
KolKata Class Destroyer
Radars and Sensors:
Combined gas and gas system: 4 × Zorya-Mashproekt DT-59 reversible gas turbines

Main Gun:
76 mm gun Oto Melara SRGM (Italian)
AK-630 CIWS (Russian)
RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers (Russian)
Brahmos (Russian Product)

I mean name one thing that is actually yours in that Destroyer. Anyone can do a patch job even Pakistan is doing same with Jinnah Class frigates with exception of using our homemade cruise missiles.
So Hindutva's are going on a crazy shopping spree to bolster its defences, but what's the use of all these toys if the Bakhts can't protect its land which has been taken by Chinese.
It is only a matter of time before India also goes for the Wedgetail AWACs, given the commonality of the platform with the P8I btw..

It is the same platform that the other members of the anti-China brigade use ( UK, USA, Australia .. maybe Japan aswell at some point.. )
It might be a sexist remarks but you know how women feel comfortable in hiding their insecurities when they are on shopping spree? it's like that with India these days :D

Insecure India watching mighty Chinese military strength on border.

India shopping in market: bhaiya 6 bare wale poseidons to dena. :blink:
Indian army is trying to squeeze in goodies as much as they can, in the garb of emergency procurements hastily before they fall back in the hands of archaic bureaucracy. Though this will beef up Indian capabilities, hastily procurement is prone to be marred with corruption and buying things which they actually don't need.

These procurements will drain current funds and also tap a continuous outflows, this in turn will help pull India into a trap halting all its ambitions to be a Supa power.
Good thing is that this skirmish happened. India will bolster defences further, defence budget will go up to 3% of GDP I believe. India trying to take on China means Pakistan being left far far far behind.
It might be a sexist remarks but you know how women feel comfortable in hiding their insecurities when they are on shopping spree? it's like that with India these days :D
Except its not women going shopping for Salwar, but a nation going on a shopping spree for the top of the line weapons.:D At least something changed, now Pakistan is not issuing a statement of concern and is instead rejoicing the imaginary Chinese victory in the "war" and panic buying of Rafales, hammer armament, P8 i, predator drones.
Good times.
Indian army is trying to squeeze in goodies as much as they can, in the garb of emergency procurements hastily before they fall back in the hands of archaic bureaucracy. Though this will beef up Indian capabilities, hastily procurement is prone to be marred with corruption and buying things which they actually don't need.

These procurements will drain current funds and also tap a continuous outflows, this in turn will help pull India into a trap halting all its ambitions to be a Supa power.

All the major platforms bought during this period have been in the pipeline. They have been discussed here on this very forum multiple times. However, some armaments seem to be new based on how they can help in this particular situation. Hence, they are definitely not hasty. They were always in the plan.

Shortages in Squadron strength, ammunition and other weaponry is openly disclosed by India with PDF Pakistanis mocking the situation then and now - when we buy to cover shortages and fast track purchases overriding bureaucratic hurdles. This should have been done long ago and hope some lessons are learnt.

The new weaponry being purchased are not dummies but potent systems that the Chinese will now have to evaluate in their threat matrix. The western systems are benchmarks that even the Chinese want to meet. It will be a headache regardless how you dice it. Unfortunately, they will not be all available now.

With such new threat India's weapons purchases finally seems to have more clarity. A mixture of Indigenous weapons and advanced weaponry from the west. Both imports, self-made and made in India licensed builds is the correct way moving forward. We finally seem to have a plan.
The strange thing is they take such pride in it. I mean, I understand that you do what you gotta do, and it wasn't so long ago that China was in a similar position where it had to import its military hardware. But it's just weird how they strut around and brag about Rafales and Poseidons like they made them.

The funnier thing is that India thinks it has "strategic relationships" with Russia, France, the US, etc. because it buys weapons from them. India isn't a partner, it's a customer - and a gullible one at that.

Whatever floats your boat... relationship changes from period to period.. there are no permanent foes or friends..

It might be a sexist remarks but you know how women feel comfortable in hiding their insecurities when they are on shopping spree? it's like that with India these days :D

Yes being in bankrupt state and knocking IMF door.. India pretty much messed up..
The strange thing is they take such pride in it. I mean, I understand that you do what you gotta do, and it wasn't so long ago that China was in a similar position where it had to import its military hardware. But it's just weird how they strut around and brag about Rafales and Poseidons like they made them.

The funnier thing is that India thinks it has "strategic relationships" with Russia, France, the US, etc. because it buys weapons from them. India isn't a partner, it's a customer - and a gullible one at that.
Yes but I don't recall the Chinese bragging about receiving Su-27s or engines from Russia before. If anything, these purchases were somewhat viewed negatively because it meant the indigenous industry still needed improvements. As for the Indians, I believe deep down they too are not overly joyous at these imports because it reflects the non-existence of their own arms industry. But they don't want to be too depressed over this glaring abscence so it makes a lot of sense for them to rejoice in the imported military hardware, however expensive they may be (ahem quarter billion dollars per Rafael).

We will make them go bankrupt.
Dude there is no way India will go bankrupt ... this is complete madness. India's economic position, while definitely not ideal for an economy of its size, is still extremely far away from bankruptcy. Most countries in the world economically are still worse off than India. How would Pakistan, a country a fraction the size of India, make it go bankrupt?

You are right we should have made cheap copies of various platforms... gradually by using hacking and theft, we should have acquired western technologies... should have used them to UPGRADE and create new platforms...
We should have also set up a virus research facility with the help of an European nation and have started a biological war against the world...

We don't have the relationship with USA like Canada have... but US feels that we can come handy in handling Chinese... and only time will tell whether that would happen or not...
I have always said that it would be in India's national interest to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese ... especially in terms of reverse engineering. It is the only way for India to jumpstart its indigenous industry ... we have seen the pitiful efforts of indigenous programs like the Tejas and Arjun (which all have critical foreign sub-systems) and the failure of joint programs like the FGFA. I truly believe that India wants to reverse engineer weapons systems like the Chinese ... the only problem is they do not have the capacity do so.
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As for the Indians, I believe deep down they too are not overly joyous at these imports because it reflects the non-existence of their own arms industry.
Who knows what they believe deep down. They're so delusional and live in such a constant frenzy of propaganda and trash media that I doubt they have any rationality or reason left. In short, they are completely mad.
But they don't want to be too depressed over this glaring abscence so it makes a lot of sense for them to rejoice in the imported military hardware, however expensive they may be (ahem quarter million billion dollars per Rafael).
Fixed. It's jaw-dropping. Precisely, it's $220,000,000 US per plane. That is just mental! For comparison, that's around the price Singapore is paying for the F-35B (the most expensive variant of the plane). No wonder they keep comparing their mediocre fourth-generation fighter to the J-20, they're paying fifth-gen prices for fourth-gen capabilities. I hope the Indians here have spent enough time in this forum to understand that just because they paid fifth-gen prices doesn't mean they get fifth-gen performance.

Congratulations to France on this magnificent con-job.
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