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India, Japan share notes on China Army build-up


May 3, 2009
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India, Japan share notes on China Army build-up

With India’s relations with China coming under strain in recent months, New Delhi and Tokyo have exchanged notes on the lack of transparency in Beijing’s spending on its military upgrade. They have also shared their concerns about Chinese military build-up in border areas.

Sources said that the issue figured in discussions between External Affairs Minister S M Krishna and his Japanese counterpart Katsuya Okada last month. Okada visited New Delhi and held delegation-level talks with Krishna on August 20.

Sources said that the two sides had expressed “similar language” in describing Chinese actions. India has also expresses it views on the subject with the US when defence officials from Washington came to New Delhi and spoke about their concerns over Beijing.

While an exchange of views is not new, what has gained relevance is that New Delhi, Tokyo and Washington are on the “same page” with regard to Beijing’s aggressive postures, diplomatic sources told The Indian Express. While Pentagon in a recent report has talked about Chinese military activities, Japan’s Defence Ministry’s annual report — released last week — highlighted China’s increased military spending.
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