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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

I am speaking about comments by Pakistani trolls who pretend to be Muslim from India.

43 lynchings since past few years. Some of them are Dalits.
Blowing things out of proportion isn't helpful. Muslims should fight such cases in courts instead of make hateful comments which RSS wants to tarnish image of Muslims.

When indian trolls try to be afghani and westron beside fake account and make hatefull comments what do you think about that? India tried it best to make afghani and **** peoples to fight each other what about that? What would you do with hindutva trolls who post negetive against pakistan on each and every forum? The trolling and fake disinformation indian were using against pakistan is now used bt afghani.
Today you tell me we are neighbours and its not ok then was it ok when india was and still is using afghan land against pakistan?
Truth hurts buddy.
When indian trolls try to be afghani and westron beside fake account and make hatefull comments what do you think about that? India tried it best to make afghani and **** peoples to fight each other what about that? What would you do with hindutva trolls who post negetive against pakistan on each and every forum? The trolling and fake disinformation indian were using against pakistan is now used bt afghani.
Today you tell me we are neighbours and its not ok then was it ok when india was and still is using afghan land against pakistan?
Truth hurts buddy.
Hindus cannot speak Aghani languages and don't have much Islamic knowledge. So their act becomes obvious.

Pakistani can easily pose as Muslim Indians and most won't be able to tell the difference.

I want to make this clear. Pakistanis speaking for Muslim Indians will only do more harm than good. Hinduwadis want that.
Stop posting one liners. Provide a detailed explaination

If you are living in India you don't need any explanation.

Nor does any Pakistani.

Note the widespread disgruntlement on this board with Imran and the deeper economic plight they are sinking into.

And then the euphoria of the American man smiling at them again.

Connect the dots.

It's too late for them as well. But they will rejoice at your fate first.

Till the northern mobs stream across ...

Cheers, Doc
Many Pakistani trolls on social media are pretending to be Muslim Indians and inciting Muslims and Hindus. If you ask how do I know this? Indians don't spell words like Pakistanis. And their gau urine insults and prophecies of ghazwa e hind are a dead give away.

Burning your neighbour's home isn't such a bright idea.

LOL we couldn't care. They are all the same to us.
If you are living in India you don't need any explanation.

Nor does any Pakistani.

Note the widespread disgruntlement on this board with Imran and the deeper economic plight they are sinking into.

And then the euphoria of the American man smiling at them again.

Connect the dots.

Cheers, Doc
I am only concerned about India. Hindu rashtra and a civil war can be stopped. Why you think its late?
Ya'll should convert to hinduism and make india hindu again

LOL Indian Muslims think that by svcking Hindu @$$ and appeasing their granddaddy harmony could be faked.

Indian Muslims will be lynched, hacked, raped and murdered like they never existed.

RSS ideology is crystal clear. This is why Pakistan was created in the first place.

Let these cowards hack each other. We couldn't give a toss.
I am only concerned about India. Hindu rashtra and a civil war can be stopped. Why you think its late?

You don't have the numbers, the money or the firepower.

And when the mobs come, it will be a state supported Stalinist purge.

Cheers, Doc
You don't have the numbers, the money or the firepower.

And when the mobs come, it will be a state supported Stalinist purge.

Cheers, Doc

Well said padamchen. Well said. Spoken like a Brahmin elite priest LOL It will be purge night.
All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.


Are you seriously an Indian person??? If you are really an Indian guy, here is my thought process for this entire episode..Again, i am a supporter of BJP and RSS due to certain factors that impresses me.

Indian who are Muslims are not going any where...India is a land for all Indian..be in Hindu, Muslim or any one...Even also, amongs hardcore Hindus, we are not against Muslims per se...and I am sure, same is true for Indian who are Muslims towards Indian who are Hindus...There will never be a situation where people in general will fight based on the caste or religion....But there will be always some fringe situation that is happening since long time, where bad people in society will fight with each other some reason or the other...
Fighting in the name of religion is nothing new in last 300 years of our history...That does not prevent us to stay united and try achive nationhood...So why do you bother now?
Do you think, these things are not happening earlier? Of course it was the case even when BJP was not in power...In our country, where people do not give rent to other people based on the different cast, how do you expect they will be mature enough to not to discriminate based on religion... I am not saying this things are not real, but my point is different...These things are happening not only with Muslims, but with many other people in some form or the other....If you go to different state, there is a shuttle preference to locals for any private job...I may complain about it...But these are accepted normality in our soeciety.....

We are getting irritated not due to the fact that we are not accepting the incidents happening with some Indian who are Muslims, rather the tendency of few Muslims to play a victim card when many other simillar incidents are happening in our country which deserves simillar sympathy like Muslims being ill treated in few cases too....
Hindus cannot speak Aghani languages and don't have much Islamic knowledge. So their act becomes obvious.

Pakistani can easily pose as Muslim Indians and most won't be able to tell the difference.

I want to make this clear. Pakistanis speaking for Muslim Indians will only do more harm than good. Hinduwadis want that.

I understand your concern. You want Pakistanis to leave Indian Muslims to their own devices. But that is a two-way street. Unless Hinduwadis stop meddling in the affairs of Pakistan, that would not be possible. Also, the wound of 1971 is still fresh so advantage will be taken from the chaos, if opportunity presented itself. All I can say to Indian Muslims is buckle up and if you get a second chance of getting total independence, then take without a second thought. People rarely get second chances of getting freedom.
You know, I went to Ajmer Dargah last week and I am a Hindu brahmin, during Jummah amongst a seas of Muslims and I didn't see any hint of war or hostility.

P.S- I know you are a Salafi so you may not exactly be cool with Dargahs and all but that's besides the point.

Exactly, some people has to stop playing the typical victim card
You don't have the numbers, the money or the firepower.

And when the mobs come, it will be a state supported Stalinist purge.

Cheers, Doc
I don't want to indulge in such discussions. But your disgusting Hinduwadi self made me reply.

Muslims have unity. And we think getting martyred in the cause of Islam gets us to heaven.

Will a dalit and a brahmin unite? Will Hindus who are more concerned with worldly desires be willing to risk their lives.

Purging jews or minorities in USSR was a different thing. Muslims in India have the numbers and zeal to fight.

So stop being a blood thirsty hinduwadi.
I understand your concern. You want Pakistanis to leave Indian Muslims to their own devices. But that is a two-way street. Unless Hinduwadis stop meddling in the affairs of Pakistan, that would not be possible. Also, the wound of 1971 is still fresh so advantage will be taken from the chaos, i situation arises. All I can say to Indian Muslims is buckle up and if you get a second chance of getting total independence, then take without a second thought. People rarely get second chances of getting freedom.

Your expectations are too high. The Indian Muslim is even a bigger crook than an Indian Brahmin leech.

God works in mysterious ways. These two were created to cancel each other out.


It will take 5 years at the very least.

And unlike Rwanda, Bosnia, Myanmar, or Lanka, there will be no premature halt either.

The world will do nothing to disturb its biggest market.

Cheers, Doc

I will stand at a distance and enjoy the spectacle.

In my book the Indian Muslim and Hindu Brahmin are other sides of the same coin. For Pakistan both are equal venomous enemies. Both harbor hate against Pakistan in equal measure.

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