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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.


WTF has Pakistan got to do with indians of different religions deciding to slaughter one another??????........keep us out of this. Not our problem or concern. indian so called "Muslims" don't even register on our minds or psyche. Please don't drag us into this.
Indian muslims are Indians(their people , their concern) , I could care less about them , so should other pakistanis
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .

The creation of Pakistan was just as much racial as it was religious. There is no such thing as a collective of "Sub-Continental" Muslims........:lol:

indian is indian and Pakistani is Pakistani. Both are different to one another.
200 Million Muslims demanding a state is possible
20 million Sikh demanding state also possibe

Kashmir to giya giya
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .

Hindu's can use anyone as a boogeyman against Indian muslims, If Pakistan never
existed they will use Afghanistan as a bogeyman. Traiotrs like Abdul Kalam Azad and
Hussain Ahmed Madni screwed the muslims of India, now you have to prove your
loyalty to Hindu's everyday but they still dont trust you.

Then there are people like Zakir Naik who are against 2 nation theory but he has
ran away to Malaysia now lol.
Many Pakistani trolls on social media are pretending to be Muslim Indians and inciting Muslims and Hindus. If you ask how do I know this? Indians don't spell words like Pakistanis. And their gau urine insults and prophecies of ghazwa e hind are a dead give away.

Burning your neighbour's home isn't such a bright idea.
:yahoo::yahoo: In this world Pakistan is the only Muslim country who gives 2 sh!ts about sub continent Muslim problem, every one else is just for taking pictures, period. don't worry you will come to your senses eventually. sub continent is thirsty for blood for a long time. some buddy has to quench her thirst.
Many Pakistani trolls on social media are pretending to be Muslim Indians and inciting Muslims and Hindus. If you ask how do I know this? Indians don't spell words like Pakistanis. And their gau urine insults and prophecies of ghazwa e hind are a dead give away.

Burning your neighbour's home isn't such a bright idea.

Absolutely its not a bright idea, but believe me Pakistanis at social media pretending to be muslim indians are not the problem.

The Problem is RSS's Brahmin extremist mentality. Period.

And what is happening with muslims currently in India is not an isolated event or spontaneous happenings.

The Lynchings, the 'ghar wapsi' schemes, the jai shri ram madness, all of this has been programmed & planned to its minute details. I mean the Hinduwadi, they have all the support from the govt and the right wing media, killing muslims at will.

See the anti muslim riots in India has a history, even before the partition, right... but the current onslaught against muslims has its roots back to 2002 Gujarat. Gujarat was the first laboratory where the mass scale violence against muslims brewed through hate mongering was tested & it created enormous political gains for extremist hindu lot i.e RSS, BJP.

To cut the long story short, Extremist Hindus got a brilliant recipe for political mileage, they used it at larger scale, attracted hindu vote and ultimately captured the whole country.

Anyone who thinks that this cow vigilantism or onslaught against muslims will die down any time soon, lives in a fool's paradise, to me it will only spread & increase and at some point of time in future it will spill out of Indian borders 'overtly'. It will not be contained.
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .

Even if the British hadn't split us, we (Pakistani Muslims) would have gotten our own land eventually. The reason is simple, we can't remain submissive to tyranny, this is trait is only exclusive to the Indian Muslims. :lol:
WTF has Pakistan got to do with indians of different religions deciding to slaughter one another??????........keep us out of this. Not our problem or concern. indian so called "Muslims" don't even register on our minds or psyche. Please don't drag us into this.
bro. isnt that the way of the world(of losers) always blame others.They are indians 1st and muslism 2nd hence this feeling. Cant imagine these ppl back in teh time of Prophet s.a.w......these ppl would ve left him in a heartbeat citing "problems". These ppl are srtill stuck in 1947 and havent moved on........... they even poison their youth against us to this day. Heck I ve seen their 11 yrs old ahole visiting Lahore a while ago who was cussing Pakistan and ended up getting his *** kid by a 8 yrs old lahori kid and these were our relatives from bombay. Cant wiat to see how things pan out when Imam Mahdi shows up, lol.
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .

What is the use of, what you are saying? Pakistan came into being owing to the collective will of the then Muslims of the subcontinent, as expressed in 1946 elections. It was their right, which they used in their own time. There must have been reasons, in front of that generation of Muslims, that they voted for the idea of Pakistan. We today cannot fathom their feelings. In politics, hindsight analysis are often irrelevant.

In any case, I personally am indebted to all those Muslims of subcontinent, who voted for Pakistan, for the freedom, I have.
Absolutely its not a bright idea, but believe me Pakistanis at social media pretending to be muslim indians are not the problem.

The Problem is RSS's Brahmin extremist mentality. Period.

And what is happening with muslims currently in India is not an isolated event or spontaneous happenings.

The Lynchings, the 'ghar wapsi' schemes, the jai shri ram madness, all of this has been programmed & planned to its minute details. I mean the Hinduwadi, they have all the support from the govt and the right wing media, killing muslims at will.

See the anti muslim riots in India has a history, even before the partition, right... but the current onslaught against muslims has its roots back to 2002 Gujarat. Gujarat was the first laboratory where the mass scale violence against muslims brewed through hate mongering was tested & it created enormous political gains for extremist hindu lot i.e RSS, BJP.

To cut the long story short, Extremist Hindus got a brilliant recipe for political mileage, they used it at larger scale, attracted hindu vote and ultimately captured the whole country.

Anyone who thinks that this cow vigilantism or onslaught against muslims will die down any time soon, lives in a fool's paradise, to me it will only spread & increase and at some point in future it will spill out of Indian borders 'overtly'. It will not be contained.
Yes Hinduwadis support Cow politics. But their intentions are not to protect holy cow but to tarnish image of Muslims. They want Muslims to take the bait and react. This plays into their hands. Unfortunately not many understand this.

RSS brahman's own daughters are marrying Muslim men, 1 percent dwindling brahmans cannot harm 25% Muslims. They will go extinct soon.

Only 30 Muslims have been killed in lynchings. Muslims blowing things out of proportion and reacting violently is what Hinduwadis want. This will convert secular Hindus into Hinduwadism.This is the larger goal of the RSS. Muslims should fight this issue in courts not on social media or battlefields.

Gujarat cannot be replicated else where. Gujarat has 7% Muslims and strong Hinduwadi base. They are not stupid to ignite Gujarat like programs which dis integrate the country for sure.

We cannot ignore the fact Hindus hate each other more than Muslims. So let's not react in the manner which RSS wants us to.
bro. isnt that the way of the world(of losers) always blame others.They are indians 1st and muslism 2nd hence this feeling. Cant imagine these ppl back in teh time of Prophet s.a.w......these ppl would ve left him in a heartbeat citing "problems". These ppl are srtill stuck in 1947 and havent moved on........... they even poison their youth against us to this day. Heck I ve seen their 11 yrs old ahole visiting Lahore a while ago who was cussing Pakistan and ended up getting his *** kid by a 8 yrs old lahori kid and these were our relatives from bombay. Cant wiat to see how things pan out when Imam Mahdi shows up, lol.

IF they get slaughtered by the indian hindus, they won't blame THEM, they will somehow blame Pakistan and Pakistanis. That is their logic. indian so called "Muslims" and indian hindus deserve each other. A match made in heaven.

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