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India has more claim over Tibet than China

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You can try to excuse this back stabbing as much as you want. None of your neighbours have any reason to trust you... China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh... etc. All of them have a reason to distrust, or even to hate you.

Nehru should not have come up with that complete lie of "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" just before stabbing us in the back. Two-faced behaviour.

I don't see how its back stabbing. Chinese government back stabbed Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people if anything.

And you don't get to speak for our neighbors. They know whats best for them. :cheers:
I don't see how its back stabbing. Chinese government back stabbed Tibet, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people if anything.

Calling someone your friend and brother, before hosting their largest separatist group (immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government) can be defined as nothing else but "backstabbing". This too, even though China had done absolutely nothing to warrant such behaviour from India.

And you don't get to speak for our neighbors. They know whats best for them. :cheers:

Yeah, all your major neighbours are getting closer to China every day. Just take a look at your neighbours:

China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc... all of them have a reason to distrust, or to even hate you.
The clan of Gautama Buddha was ethnically Kirat who later linguistically converted into Indo-Aryan. So Buddha's true ancestry was Sino-Tibetan, and ethnically he was much closer to Tibetan and Chinese than to Indian. Therefore India doesn't have any right to claim Buddhism as their invention.

in fact, again referring to ancient hindus' sanskrit scriptures, it is interesting to note that the first settlers of Nepal such as Manju sri and his companions came from the Mount Shirsha which the ancient hindus used to call China.

the original Nepalese were all Sino-Tibetans who were later bastardized by the hindu Rana and brahman colonists as they systematically killed their males in the name of sacred hindu fire sacrifice to their fire god agnideva and turned their exotic females into erotic sex slaves and thus the present Nepalese hinduized castes came into existence. those who look more hindu are considered high castes while those who look non-hindu are considered low castes. just study about the Rana rulers of Nepal and their aboriginal concubines to verify my claim. a traditionally prostitute Nepali hindu caste called Badi has been created out of the concubines' bastardized children and even in this present day the badis have been infected by the mental and sexual inclination of becoming prostitutes. one hindu Rana king could make thousands of aboriginal concubines pregnant, so different mothers but single father of all the bastards and this way caste names derived. in fact in hindusatan the gotra system is somewhat like this which means one brahman hindu ruler but thousands of girls as production houses to produce humans out of one singular person's semen. this is how hindusatan expanded itself at the cost of other nations.
Calling someone your friend and brother, before hosting their largest separatist group (immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government) can be defined as nothing else but "backstabbing". This too, even though China had done absolutely nothing to warrant such behaviour from India.

People who overthrow and annex peace loving countries and their governments are no one's friends no one's brother.

Yeah, all your major neighbours are getting closer to China every day. Just take a look at your neighbours:

China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc... all of them have a reason to distrust, or to even hate you.

India is doing whatever needs to be done. What China is doing in India's neighborhood, America has already done that in your backyard. Ever wondered why Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and India distrust you?
People who overthrow and annex peace loving countries and their governments are no one's friends no one's brother.

So you admit that India lied to us and back stabbed us.

If they truly felt this way, why did Nehru sing that stupid "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" song? Deceit and lies of course. Two-faced behaviour.

We should come to expect this behaviour from India.
So you admit that India lied to us and back stabbed us.

If they truly felt this way, why did Nehru sing that stupid "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" song? Deceit and lies of course. Two-faced behaviour.

We should come to expect this behaviour from India.

It is two face, they are there, but cant even say what they want too..








Isnt that such a shame Chinese-dragon?
So you admit that India lied to us and back stabbed us.

If they truly felt this way, why did Nehru sing that stupid "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" song? Deceit and lies of course. Two-faced behaviour.

We should come to expect this behaviour from India.

Your government shoved the 17 point agreement on the Tibetan authorities and its peaceful people under the shadow of arms and force.

Every one should expect this behavior from China. No wonder all your major neighbors are wary of the Chinese policies.

And as for what Nehru believed in thats none of my concern. This is how the new India thinks. Deal with it.
It is two face, they are there, but cant even say what they want too..

I admire your attempt at trying look at it from another perspective.

Nothing really changes though. Shi shi wu chang, etc... probably the only time I would disagree with the Buddha.
Another Integral Part BS In the Making. Hope Chinese would take you On Ride for this : )

Just out of curiousity.

We both know that China's claims to Tibet are superior to India's; that goes without saying, although whether either China or India should 'rule' over Tibet is quite another matter. On that, since China is practically in occupation and there is no opposition to her rule, there is no point in debating a wholly theoretical proposition.

The only thing is: when issues like this come up, why don't you ever bother to put forth your case in plain, simple terms, with references to the relations between Tibet and China in the past, and with references to the historical, administrative and legal position? It would help the quality of the dialogue and help us to understand, in fact, why China is in Tibet.

Only under extreme pressure did someone come up with something factual in recent weeks, to my memory. Of course, I could be wrong, and possibly this has been discussed to death in the past, before I joined the forum, in which case, if you could point me to those exchanges, I will thank you nicely and go away to read those exchanges.

Awaiting your response with great interest,

Warm regards,
A real dumb move by Dalai Lama. Guess a powerful India is more useful to him than his own Tibetan constituents, that he could afford to piss off Tibetan exiles to placate India.
here is the list of india shamless claims:
claim mumbai is better than shanghai
claim CWG is better than beijing olympics
claim $30 ipad is made in india
claim india will over take china in 2020
claim india is unsc front runner
claim india is more inovative than china
claim india can allies japan skorea taiwan vietnam against china
the list goes on and on and on
I don't see why people keep claiming tibet was a peaceful place before China invaded. It was a brutal theocracy with the majority of its population enslaved. The tibetans who tried a violent revolution were the upper class supported by the CIA( CIA itself admits this so don't troll). They failed due to lack of support from the vast majority of recently freed slaves and that they were crap at fighting ( spoiled pansies that they were).

Communism did a lot of bad things for China but it did not accept slavery or theocracy.
Buddhas was born in Lumbini, Nepal, his fathers kingdom was in both modern India and Nepal.


Buddha was born into a Hindu Kshatriya(warrior/Caste System) family, like the Rajputs or Gurjar. Back then Nepalese I think were called "Kiratas" who are Mongoloid in origin who lived in Northern Nepal and North east, and was considered non-vedic and barbarians. They were mentioned along with Cinas, Chinas(Tibetian maybe). So I dont know if he was Nepalese as you think.. In general, maybe this guy didn't exist at all.

Buddhism the religion was born in Eastern India when Buddha was traveling around eastern India even attended enlightened in Bodh Gaya. This is where Buddha founded Buddhist beliefs.

And NO Buddha wasnt ethnically Kiratas.

No, Buddha was mongoloid of Sino-Tibetan origin, and China has more right to claim his legacy than India.

Buddha was born in Nepal and he was Mongoloid race « Kapilvastu Day Blog

Han and Tibetan were both descended from the Pro-Sino-Tibetan people from the Tibetan plateau. Han and Tibetan both share the common Y-DNA O3a5, blood is thicker than water. No one can split our Sino-Tibetan brotherhood, especially we are facing the intruders.
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