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India has more claim over Tibet than China

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Exactly right.

It amuses me how often Indians say that "Buddha came from India". A very quick check online, will show that Buddha was born in Nepal.

The clan of Gautama Buddha was ethnically Kirat who later linguistically converted into Indo-Aryan. So Buddha's true ancestry was Sino-Tibetan, and ethnically he was much closer to Tibetan and Chinese than to Indian. Therefore India doesn't have any right to claim Buddhism as their invention.
India is not more stable than CHina. Unrest, ethnic violence, are more acute compared to China. Violence by the naxalites, cahemire freedom fighters and Darjeeling unrest are not being reported by the Western media nor by the most famous CIA agent the Dalai Lama. Indians are more deprived of their civil rights than in China. So the Dalai Lama gives his evil benediction for the mass killing of Cachemire muslims inhabitants who are being prosecuted and killed by Indians Soldiers armed by the Sionists and US war Criminals.

Lol..First learn to Spell Kashmir right then post the BS.
Please send DALAI LAMA back to Tibet and get it LoL
India has absolutely no claim on Tibet. Its China's and its should be respected that way..
Why don't DALAI LAMA claim all China ? we're all Buddhist
Exactly right.

It amuses me how often Indians say that "Buddha came from India". A very quick check online, will show that Buddha was born in Nepal.

I think when we refer to our history we take whole Indian Subcontinent as one region (Akhand Bharata).

Around 500 BCE, small kingdoms and confederations of clans arose in the southern regions of Nepal. From one of these, the Shakya polity, arose a prince named Siddharta Gautama (traditionally dated 563–483 BCE), who later renounced his status to lead an ascetic life and came to be known as the Buddha ("the enlightened one"). It is believed that the 7th Kirata king, Jitedasti, was on the throne in the Nepal valley at the time. By 250 BCE, the southern regions came under the influence of the Mauryan Empire of northern India, and Nepal later on became a nominal vassal state under the Gupta Empire in the fourth century CE. Beginning in the 3rd century CE, rulers called the Licchavis governed the Kathmandu Valley and surrounding central Nepal.

So this is reason why some India say that Hinduism, Jainism, Budhism and Sikhism born in India. Otherwise in real Sikhism was born in Pakistan, Jainism was also likely to have started from Pakistan, Budhism from Nepal and Hinduism from Indus (Pakistan).
The clan of Gautama Buddha was ethnically Kirat who later linguistically converted into Indo-Aryan. So Buddha's true ancestry was Sino-Tibetan, and ethnically he was much closer to Tibetan and Chinese than to Indian. Therefore India doesn't have any right to claim Buddhism as their invention.
Remember Buddha was a Nepalese, not Indian. So Buddhism is a Nepalese religion, and Indian religion is Hinduism.

Buddhas was born in Lumbini, Nepal, his fathers kingdom was in both modern India and Nepal.


Buddha was born into a Hindu Kshatriya(warrior/Caste System) family, like the Rajputs or Gurjar. Back then Nepalese I think were called "Kiratas" who are Mongoloid in origin who lived in Northern Nepal and North east, and was considered non-vedic and barbarians. They were mentioned along with Cinas, Chinas(Tibetian maybe). So I dont know if he was Nepalese as you think.. In general, maybe this guy didn't exist at all.

Buddhism the religion was born in Eastern India when Buddha was traveling around eastern India even attended enlightened in Bodh Gaya. This is where Buddha founded Buddhist beliefs.

And NO Buddha wasnt ethnically Kiratas.
What a subtle way to say that China has no claim whatsoever on Tibet. He's the Dalai Lama for a reason :enjoy:
What a subtle way to say that China has no claim whatsoever on Tibet. He's the Dalai Lama for a reason :enjoy:

Yeah, what a great way to remind us of how India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government.

Perfect timing, just when India wants to join the UN Security council, and just when India whines to China about not interfering in Kashmir. :azn:
Yeah, what a great way to remind us of how India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government.

Perfect timing, just when India wants to join the UN Security council, and just when India whines to China about not interfering in Kashmir. :azn:

I do not understand how this equates to "backstabbing". Countries have been known to provde asylums to political refugees and in ths regard, India had no choice. Buddhism is a thriving religion in India, providing asylum and safety to a religious head and that too of a major religion in india, is obviously the natural conclusion. And India and china havent been enjoying a cordial relationship exactly. We were neither allies nor enemies at that period. And india being a democratic and free entity has the complete freedom to do what she wishes. And it is true....chinese shouldnt interfere in the kashmir issue at all, nor should it attempt to claim our territory as its own. I presume it was a sort of retaliatory move as well.
I do not understand how this equates to "backstabbing". Countries have been known to provde asylums to political refugees and in ths regard, India had no choice. Buddhism is a thriving religion in India, providing asylum and safety to a religious head and that too of a major religion in india, is obviously the natural conclusion. And India and china havent been enjoying a cordial relationship exactly. We were neither allies nor enemies at that period. And india being a democratic and free entity has the complete freedom to do what she wishes. And it is true....chinese shouldnt interfere in the kashmir issue at all, nor should it attempt to claim our territory as its own. I presume it was a sort of retaliatory move as well.

This was during the period where Nehru was singing his fake "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" song.

Hosting our largest separatist group, immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government, is NOT the sign of a friend, or even a "bhai".

We did absolutely nothing to India before 1959, that would warrant something like that. India just wanted the Tibetan government in exile as a "political chip", and they are playing their chip.
Yeah, what a great way to remind us of how India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, immediately after they failed to overthrow the Chinese government.

Perfect timing, just when India wants to join the UN Security council, and just when India whines to China about not interfering in Kashmir. :azn:

He was escaping persecution. And he's a spiritual leader, not a terrorist. India did what was the right thing to do.

Besides this is the Dalai Lamas statement, not Indian government's. Can we please be security council now? Get over yourselves, you aren't all that important just yet.
He was escaping persecution. And he's a spiritual leader, not a terrorist. India did what was the right thing to do.

Besides this is the Dalai Lamas statement, not Indian government's. Can we please be security council now? Get over yourselves, you aren't all that important just yet.

You can try to excuse this back stabbing as much as you want. None of your neighbours have any reason to trust you... China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh... etc. All of them have a reason to distrust, or even to hate you.

Nehru should not have come up with that complete lie of "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" just before stabbing us in the back. Two-faced behaviour.
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