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India hands over 88 A/C buses to Bangladesh

Come on dude just stop this dick measuring contest for God's sake. It is going nowhere, if you think your country has better automobile industry then it's fine.
Calm down, why all this mud slinging
Remember give respect take respect
And best of luck for Bangladeshi automakers, hope we can learn from each others experience

OK first sensible post from an Indian poster! Lal Salaam!

Other Hindutva trolls take lesson from this brother's pragmatism and nobility...
OK first sensible post from an Indian poster! Lal Salaam!

Other Hindutva trolls take lesson from this brother's pragmatism and nobility...
Come on, you are painting entire country with same color due to some trollers:D too bad
Btw Nice buses :cheers:
And ours are nice to:D
Come on, you are painting entire country with same color due to some trollers:D too bad
Btw Nice buses

Thik hai Bhaisaab.

I will now delete my post as a goodwill gesture. It is true that one cannot generalize.
if you think your country has better automobile industry then it's fine.

Bangladesh doesn't have any of these industries, auto, mobile, or automobile!! :D

OK first sensible post from an Indian poster! Lal Salaam!

What do you mean?? :angry: All my posts were very sensible too!! :mad:

Other Hindutva trolls take lesson from this brother's pragmatism and nobility...

I hate trolls. :D

Come on, you are painting entire country with same color due to some trollers:D too bad

Yes, all these Bangladeshi trolls here are just........:disagree: :p:
Bangladesh doesn't have any of these industries, auto, mobile, or automobile!! :D

What do you mean?? :angry: All my posts were very sensible too!! :mad:

I hate trolls. :D

Yes, all these Bangladeshi trolls here are just........:disagree: :p:
Oh sir you are killing him :D
Oh sir you are killing him :D


The sole reason for that little dude's angst is religion, that's why you'll more than often, find words like 'Hindu', 'Hindutvadi', 'shakha', 'RSS Hindu' etc in his posts that he means as derogatory, whereas nobody from the Indian side refers to him and his ilk in the same tone. It is quite clear from his posts that the subject of religious differences and his (obviously horrid) upbringing, make him post the way he does. You're new here ... it will take you some time to learn their actual ways; don't be fooled by their half-hearted attempts to look good. :)

The sole reason for that little dude's angst is religion, that's why you'll more than often, find words like 'Hindu', 'Hindutvadi', 'shakha', 'RSS Hindu' etc in his posts that he means as derogatory, whereas nobody from the Indian side refers to him and his ilk in the same tone. It is quite clear from his posts that the subject of religious differences and his (obviously horrid) upbringing, make him post the way he does. You're new here ... it will take you some time to learn their actual ways; don't be fooled by their half-hearted attempts to look good. :)
He is just defending his country, there is no point in mud slinging yaar
He is just defending his country, there is no point in mud slinging yaar

From what, and from whom? ... and how? by being derogatory towards religions other than his own? You would think that these people would be grateful to India for their free existence today, but ...

These internet bangladeshis view everything through the lens of religion.
These internet bangladeshis view everything through the lens of religion.

Internet unfortunately brings out the worst in most defence/nationalist minded people....because the talking and debating is not face to face so we have epidemic of trolling and unadulterated hate.
Internet unfortunately brings out the worst in most defence/nationalist minded people....because the talking and debating is not face to face so we have epidemic of trolling and unadulterated hate.

I'd beg to differ kind Sir....

I think you hit the nail on the head and then slid sideways. Nationalists will defend their nation. It is standard behavior.

Ask Bombaywalla on what kind of words he used towards Bangladeshis such as "We are your master, you know who your master is..." not even as a joke.

And saying this to a nationalist secular person from a country other than your own - what do you expect they will do?? We have every reason to feel immense pride in our accomplishments in Bangladesh and never used to sling mud at anyone until he started to provoke me. I actually blame myself for taking his troll-bait.

I define his behavior as cowardly trolling because he'd never do this in someone's face over here in Dhaka where he derives his income from (his admission). He knows exactly what would happen. This is called biting the hand that feeds oneself.

I usually don't see Pakistanis do this to us here in this forum. Only some Indians like him with some odd inferiority complex.

Respect needs to come from India and Indian posters first because it is a bigger country and an older country.

He is the one with the hate because he annoyingly (and unfailingly) shows up wherever I post and has latched on to me like a leech with some kind of psycho complex.

As for his insinuations that 'Internet bangladeshis view everything through the lens of religion' - it couldn't be farther from the truth. My beef is with communal people - especially Hindutvabadis.

I have no issues with non-communal Hindus of any belief - I have Hindu friends from all over India.

Somebody find this guy a girlfriend :laugh:
I agree with most of your post. Some people like to annoy and humiliate others by nature...it is better not to denigrate oneself to their level if possible (I know sometimes it is difficult)....people can then clearly see who is the troller and who is being mature....and respect and genuine debate will naturally come from those who's opinions matter.

I also count Bangladeshis among some of my closest friends....smart capable people.

The problem for many defence forum people is that the whole region is underdeveloped so many people act like vultures to try feel better about having more scraps than the other....so they can feel better.

India for one should not even be in the business of comparing with Bangladesh....for its particular situation and history...Bangladesh is doing more than fine...and I hope it does better. I hope India does the same too....certainly there are many things we can learn from Bangladesh in social development....just like North India can learn from South India.

Too many in South Asia are too quick to belittle and point out real or perceived flaws with each other.....instead of trying to learn, empathise and cooperate to rectify the problems sustainably and efficiently.....this happens at local neighbourhood level and national level as well....and it only amplifies with wealth and free time. This streak has to go....hopefully one day it will. Till then I simply roll my eyes at the unbridled haters, you should try do the same....no point giving into anger....that is exactly what they relish in.
Listen, you little man, Bilal. I don't know how you managed to somehow come to the conclusion that I make my money from your silly little nation. LOL

You are a religious nutjob waiting to burst out; well that is clear from the tone of your posts, and don't make it sound like yours are mere retaliatory posts - we've all seen the bile you spew from that horribly trained mouth of yours. As for the rest of your post - it is as usual, useless to respond to.
I'd beg to differ kind Sir....

I think you hit the nail on the head and then slid sideways. Nationalists will defend their nation. It is standard behavior.

Ask Bombaywalla on what kind of words he used towards Bangladeshis such as "We are your master, you know who your master is..." not even as a joke.

And saying this to a nationalist secular person from a country other than your own - what do you expect they will do?? We have every reason to feel immense pride in our accomplishments in Bangladesh and never used to sling mud at anyone until he started to provoke me. I actually blame myself for taking his troll-bait.

I define his behavior as cowardly trolling because he'd never do this in someone's face over here in Dhaka where he derives his income from (his admission). He knows exactly what would happen. This is called biting the hand that feeds oneself.

I usually don't see Pakistanis do this to us here in this forum. Only some Indians like him with some odd inferiority complex.

Respect needs to come from India and Indian posters first because it is a bigger country and an older country.

He is the one with the hate because he annoyingly (and unfailingly) shows up wherever I post and has latched on to me like a leech with some kind of psycho complex.

As for his insinuations that 'Internet bangladeshis view everything through the lens of religion' - it couldn't be farther from the truth. My beef is with communal people - especially Hindutvabadis.

I have no issues with non-communal Hindus of any belief - I have Hindu friends from all over India.

Somebody find this guy a girlfriend :laugh:

@Bilal9 is bad mouthing about India and Indian products from the moment this thread was revived in page 11, and now crying victim! :)

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