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India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan

How can the politicians of both countries reach this conclusion. Do u think that India will give a second chance to pakistan after first strike.

And you think pakistan will just sit idol and wait for repaeted indian attack.

Lets pray, that there is never a nucclear wars, the world has just witnessed the use of two atomic bombs during WW2 and thats when the japanese were not nuclear power themsevles. Thinking of any nuclear conflict between two nuclear power is one hell of a scenerio, both countries and the rest of the world cant afford such a doomsday.

enough time has passed away and now both countries should be mature enough to accept each other existance. This dustbin thinking of distroying other country for good, wipe out each other cities and then claim victory is nothing but bull **** and utter madness.

lets be very clear, neither india nor pakistan can inhilate each other.

I would repeat what I asked before, if Indians felt that way then why did they stay away from attacking PAK after lining up around 700000 soldiers at PAK’s border in 2003? What prevented them from escalating Kargil war to a full fledge Nuke one? Retracing all the developments and going through the memory archive, it felt like IND didn't only succeed stalling the PAK nuke progression but also distracted the global community from watching its own development. Bravo Indians! You guys are the best for coercion, chanakya couldn't be happier from hell.
logical.....you know what this word means...:).....may be your reply is logical........or ............or ........:)and i thought nowadays delivery system work on calculations....i never knew....you just need to fire from below...:)...a nuke missile..and it will automatically fall on enemy terrirtory...:)...haaaa...i cannot stop laughing.......no maths or calculations....:)

haaaa...u sound so logical.....1000kms away......japanese......subcontinents.......what a logic....go back read my first post...and understand what is logic........make some sense...when replying......:)...........do some homework....:)

I think the guy is too much obssesed with the funny peice of estimate that he came up in his first post.

Regarding nuke war between India and pakistan, I think the same fear would force US and other countries to make efforts to denuke pakistan overtly or covertly in near future.

As of now US needs Pakistan solely for its WOT in the region. Once it is done in Afgan, I believe US would increase its pressure to denuke Pak. India may not face the same treatment because it is Vital for United States's other strategic objectives in the region like containing China, Iran etc. The most favorable option as an ally for US would be India in this case. Also the fact that India does not accepts policy dictations from US so plainly as compared to Pakistan (Kerry Lugar, Drone attacks etc), the possibility of pressuring India for the same, and getting anything substantial out of this, is very limited.

As the scene is unfolding each day, it is quite clear that US is favaouring a south Asia with balance of power literally shifting towards India and it no longer sees both the nations with equal parity. Maybe thats why Indo-US Nuke deal recognizes India's WMD and on the same hand US is full of doubts and suspicions over Pak's nuke and its safety.

Indias growing influence in the region, economically, politically and millitarily, would be essentially required by the US in order to contain rising China. Which means US would be more than happy to let New Delhi have all of its nuke and also have access to international nuclear technology and resources without commiting itself to NPT and CTBT.

While, with the constant apprehansions of the world (US / Israel in particular) about pakistans nuclear weapons falling in hand of jihadis or its proliferation to rougue nations or a nuclear war scenario with India, will cause some surprising turn of events in near future after the WOT. Media reports of US special forces based in pakistan planning to take pakistans nuclear weapons by force, may be one of such hints.
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No one wins in a nuclear war. It's childish if Indian politicians have thought about this. But we do have a nuclear no first use policy.

And so do we, i know Indians like to believe whatever they want but that does not changes the facts.

Lest any Nuclear war happens, there would be no such win-loose situation. Both countries will suffer to an extent that the next 10 generations wouldn't be able to grow up in these two parts of South Asia.
for the reasons your wrote above, I see signing the NPT as a must. India's refusal to sign the NPT shows its intention to be the bad guy in this game.

simple and plain.

Without Signing NPT India haven't transferred its Nuclear Tech. to any other Country. Whereas China, a signatory of NPT helped Pakistan to build and pile up their Nuke arsenal. :agree:

on September 6, 2008, India was granted the waiver at the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting held in Vienna, Austria. India is the only country, which has not signed the NPT and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), to do so. :victory:

now, I think that intentions of both India and china might be clear to you. :bunny:

However, I advocate to sign NPT (both for India and Pakistan) only after other nuclear powers will bring down their nuke bombs to same count. NPT is a way for the nuclear powers to perpetuate their power by limiting the military capabilities of other countries. :agree:

for more clarifications, following statements may help you:

India's External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said during a visit to Tokyo in 2007: "If India did not sign the NPT, it is not because of its lack of commitment for non-proliferation, but because we consider NPT as a flawed treaty and it did not recognise the need for universal, non-discriminatory verification and treatment." :tup:
No one 'wins' nuclear war.
This isn't the Soviet union vs. America that the after effects of the nuclear exchange wouldn't be felt by the 'winner'.
Our economies would be ruined, long term health problems would be catastrophic, our rivers would be polluted with nuclear residue, so would the ground, the winds would probably spread the nuclear residue over to our neighboring countries among other problems.

Shows the immaturity both sides leaders have.
'India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan'

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch's new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders' so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

"Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim 'victory'," Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.
Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington's pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch's 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton "was nervous" about the book's publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because "I cracked; I just cracked."


must be the biggest joke on the face of the earth!

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These sort threads are foolish and only bring tension between members and our hearts & minds .. plzz take this sh_t off start thinking about peace people for GOD's sake . if it was ever to happen a nuk war GOD forgive too many people will die is that wat you people want if so you have to be dumb as hell plzz lets think for our children and there future if we cant think for our selves i rest my case iam sick of this bs stop it.
Pakistan has powerful atomic bomb and our missiles are also 100% opretional so if India make a mistake then they will be very sad.
nuclear war b/w two countries.
RESULT= neither side is winner & lost of innocent humans on both sides, that mean both parties lost in terms of humanity
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