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India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan


I would also urge my government to launch preemptive attacks on indian research centers/factories if they ever dare to work on any delivery method that can reach Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen.



I see clearly why you were banned ...
Moreover, 1971 is to India what losing a horse is to an old man (see the parable of an old man losing a horse). I am not at all certain looking back at this time that Madam Gandhi did India any favours.

From a purely strategic POV, instead of having one foe (a "united"-on-paper, but separated geographically and culturally) which would be much, much more susceptible to Bharat's "blackmail" and all manners of hassle - now you get two enemies.

We were talking about past experiences of chinese intervetion of behalf of pakistan when pakistan needed it most .

In that regard ,the current status of our relations with Bangladesh is out of context.
This is the same dangerous attitude that Clinton talked about: Indians thinking they can some how come out on top in a nuclear war. Its misplaced, in the advent of a nuclear war both India and Pakistan will be changed forever. I doubt whatever will be left of us can be called India or Pakistan, or anything resembling a habitable nation-state.

People here need to calm down. Saying that Kashmir needs a final resolution does not NOT equate to threatening nuclear war. But obviously given the existence of nuclear weapons its all the more necessary for us to work out our issues peacefully.

THAT is not the same as us holding a nuclear bomb to your head and saying 'give us Kashmir or we fire'. So please stop pretending it is. Its just prudence and cold clear logic that nuclear weapons make true peace urgently desirable, there is so need to get so childishly defensive.

Kasrkin....You need to calm down and read my statement again......

What Im trying to convey is that India wont be firing the first weapon since we have a "no first use policy".......but will be ending the war with retaliation....
Now first off, you have to understand that there can be no nuclear war between India-Pak or any other country without we being attacked first with nukes.....
So where does the idea of "Indians claiming a win" even come into the picture??
A cornered dog doesnt care whether he kills his opponents or just lays a few bite marks, its own survival is the only thing on its mind....India would be the cornered dog.....

Now coming to your second point:
"THAT is not the same as us holding a nuclear bomb to your head and saying 'give us Kashmir or we fire'"
That is exactly what Pakistan wants......
Your country has been supporting terrorism in India for a while, and your only trump is your nukes.....
I mean there is a whole thread about "India can do nothing if another 26/11 happens" where senior mods are endorsing this.....
So how is this any different from what you claim in your post?
We are victims of terror, but we should not retaliate or take any drastic actions because that may lead to a nuclear war....and Pakistan claims that the terrorism is related to Kashmir, so unless that is resolved, nuclear war will always be hanging on our necks.....

In my previous posts, I have made it clear that I am in favor of "World de-nuclearization"....but even after knowing the dire consequences of nuclear war, Pakistani's are against it......because Pakistan uses it as a "bargaining chip"......I call that "holding a nuclear bomb to your head and saying 'give us Kashmir or we fire"
how do you 'win' a nuclear war......nobody will be alive to celebrate when both sides are tossing nuclear missiles at one another
'India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan'

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch's new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders' so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

"Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim 'victory'," Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.
If GOI felt that it could come on top in Nuke war against PAK nation in 1999 then why didn't it attack PAK during Kargil skirmish? Although it assembled an army of 7, 00,000 at border in 2003, why didn't it have the gut to order firing few shots at PAK army? Seeing a report of this nature and going through the memory archieve of the events that have occurred in last 8 years, it seems like IND has recently acquired superiority over PAK in nuke delivery systems thus GOI's PAK prodding efforts to draw it future conflict and simultaneously hiding its failure to its people. Also the timing of it coincides with war party's bombing threat in Baluchistan, IAF’s deployment of SU's in border and ISRO's building muscle near at PAK-Iran coastal line. Hope, my PAK's brothers are intelligently observing the situation and preparing for the worst.
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Whatever it may...its 100% sure, if there is a war in which Nuclear Weapons are used.(no matter who use it first), the future generations (of other countries)will study in their history classes "there was a country named Pakistan/India/China...So lets hope our leaders are not that foolish to play with nukes..I think Indian leaders are courageous and prudent in that way to declare 'Not to use First' policy!
Whatever it may...its 100% sure, if there is a war in which Nuclear Weapons are used.(no matter who use it first), the future generations (of other countries)will study in their history classes "there was a country named Pakistan/India/China..
Agreeing with you completely, I want to point out that the zest of the Indian message is that in case war party attacks PAK then IND wants GOP not to think about the usage of nuke option.

IMO, whether IND has acquired the ability to come on top of PAK or not is irrelevant and GOP should call it Indian bluff and be ready for the worst, I.e nuke first doctrine.
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the nukes are there as a deterrant to prevent another major war......
the nukes are there as a deterrant to prevent another major war......

Agreed Boss....but have you seen the irresponsible leaders of our nation.....

Bloody Trigger happy arsholes....sometimes borderline fundamentalist.....
I wouldnt trust my life in the hands of these folks....

Also war can be avoided with nukes.....but can we control the damn terrorists??? The next war is not going to be over Kashmir, but the militancy being supported in the name of Kashmir.....

The next war is not going to be over Kashmir, but the militancy being supported in the name of Kashmir.....

Here comes the usual Indian spin after sweet talk. BTW Indian friend, what has your GOVT been doing for last sixty years to provide plebiscite to the Kashmiries?
Here comes the usual Indian spin after sweet talk. BTW Indian friend, what has your GOVT been doing for last sixty years to provide plebiscite to the Kashmiries?

Well I am Indian.....I am going to act like it!!!....

Indian govt. has done nothing to provide plebiscite to the Kashmiri's....I thought you knew that....or else why the beef with the Pakistani's??


After reading the first two pages and the last two---I am surprised---no one mentioned about the rest of the world---when you dropped 100 to a 150 nuclear weapons---there will be other casualties as well---depending upon the winds---most of the neighbouring nations will face the nuclear fallout---a very painful death---the cloud may take 6 months to a year to go around the world---it will be total and utter devastation.

If and ever the nuclear war starts, there maybe other players that will jump into the scenario---if china jumped in, then it will totally change the face and the shape of the playing field.

Overall---the world will be seeing the doomsday scenario----the world economy will collapse---trade will come to a stand still---the fear of death and destruction, shortage of food supplies, medicine, warm clothing, lack of medical care in all the nations will create chaos, disturbance and anarchy all over the world.

The worst of the humanity will come to the surface---looters ansd plunderers will take to the streets---the fear of oncoming death by nuclear fallout will make animals out of the civilized human beings in the 'civilized' world.

The world as we may know of---will sieze to exist.
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@Loushan, may I ask what bit you there, to put out the s_ _ _ you have.

typical indian thinking. you will see me protest in Tiananmen if my government refuse to nuke india after such "nuke exchange" with Pak.

we are still waiting for India to come up with any reliable delivery method that can be used to hit our population centers like Wuhan, Chengdu.

I would also urge my government to launch preemptive attacks on indian research centers/factories if they ever dare to work on any delivery method that can reach Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen.

You can protest all you can. Since you are so hyper about preemptive attacks, why dont you start form today.

Do you think Indians have there nukes where you guys can reach them. Is that it.

A nuke armed india threating the peace of Asia will never be tolerated.

Well the asians did tolerate the nuke armed Chinese when they were doing what they did in Khmer/Viet/Tibet/NK and dare I say within China during your great leap backwards.
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