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India did it all Eons Ago Cars, Stem Cell research & All that

Disclaimer: Not read the OP.

But...Why is this news ridiculous? I believe the ancient Bharatiyas were far more advanced in science than we are today.

That however does not take away from the pressing need to improve the science, technology and lives of Indians today.

Really? In what way were the ancient "Iron-age" folk better than the people today?
Considering all the years that we have existed as a culture, we have not contributed much when compared to the Chinese, Greeks and the Romans.

reminds me of my primary school teacher..
everything that is invented by firangis are written in vedas.. they translated it properly and got to know how to do it..

My driver keeps asking me to convert to islam...he gives the same argument. "Everything that America has ever made...has come from the Koran."
To which I say that they are better muslims if they can do that and you cant.
Really? In what way were the ancient "Iron-age" folk better than the people today?
Considering all the years that we have existed as a culture, we have not contributed much when compared to the Chinese, Greeks and the Romans.
Disagree. And I am not talking of the iron age. I talk of an age that pre-existed that. One whose records are not found bar those in our scripture and epics.

And in all the documented years that we have existed as a culture this is a fragment.
List of Indian inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lastly, I have mentioned, if you read through the conversation that it does not take away from what we are to do in the modern age ie today. We as a country have our goals set in what we need to achieve now in science, technology and medicine.
Disagree. And I am not talking of the iron age. I talk of an age that pre-existed that. One whose records are not found bar those in our scripture and epics.

And in all the documented years that we have existed as a culture this is a fragment.
List of Indian inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scriptures and epics are fairy tales. There is very little in those scriptures that actually makes sense.
For as long as we have existed, out contributions to humanity in terms of inventions and discoveries are nothing great to talk about.
I will list out some things that the Greeks, Romans and the Chinese did which we failed to do/record:
a)Did not send out explorers to go and record the happenings of lands beyond the Himalayas
b)Did not develop political-legal frameworks to the level of the Greeks and Romans
c)Did not invent contraptions and machinery which could be called cutting-edge
and so on...
It was as if the Aryans came and brought iron and chariots and then never felt the need to advance the weaponry for 1000s of years they were settled here...gun powder spread from China to Europe but it was only when Babur decided to show up that we got introduced to it.
Europeans flirted with the usage of Elephants and realized means to kill its usage but we continued usind elephants as our main stay in warfare for 1000s of years more.

The mughals brought more science to India than we could have ever had in that period.
Wars speed up inventions, territorial expansions cause wars and scouting by sending ambassadors and explorers lay the grounds for territorial expansions.
Please point out things I am not aware of that our ancestors did right.
Oh my god now more Indians will come on Pakistani forums claiming first cars and stem cell research was done by them.... Great
There are Muslims out there who say hilarious things like past,present and future including all the science were told in Quran.This type of fanatical thinking is present in people of all the religions.But the good thing is times are changing and many people apart from Muslims don't take these cock and bull stories seriously.
I personally don't approve of teaching such tales to children as history.However ,we should let the children know that we were one of the great countries in olden days which was ahead of many other countries in many fields.There should be a separate subject for it.Our present syllabus make us believe that we have always been inferior and got civilised only after renaissance in Europe.
This is all a concerted effort by the Sickular brigade to defame hindus.
Scriptures and epics are fairy tales. There is very little in those scriptures that actually makes sense.
For as long as we have existed, out contributions to humanity in terms of inventions and discoveries are nothing great to talk about.
I will list out some things that the Greeks, Romans and the Chinese did which we failed to do/record:
a)Did not send out explorers to go and record the happenings of lands beyond the Himalayas
b)Did not develop political-legal frameworks to the level of the Greeks and Romans
c)Did not invent contraptions and machinery which could be called cutting-edge
and so on...
It was as if the Aryans came and brought iron and chariots and then never felt the need to advance the weaponry for 1000s of years they were settled here...gun powder spread from China to Europe but it was only when Babur decided to show up that we got introduced to it.
Europeans flirted with the usage of Elephants and realized means to kill its usage but we continued usind elephants as our main stay in warfare for 1000s of years more.

The mughals brought more science to India than we could have ever had in that period.
Wars speed up inventions, territorial expansions cause wars and scouting by sending ambassadors and explorers lay the grounds for territorial expansions.
Please point out things I am not aware of that our ancestors did right.
You are totally disregarding the contribution of Indians to maths,science,linguistics and astronomy.A quick Google search can enlighten you about it.While it is wrong to exaggerate our past achievements,it is equally wrong to totally disregard them.It is true that in the past 2000 years India hasn't invaded other countries or made any path breaking discoveries or inventions.The reason was we started adopting and promoting philosophies and religions of non violence.I don't know what made you praise mughals while they along with other Muslim dynasties were the very cause of destruction of our civilisation.What great inventions we made in mughal era?Hindus went into a shell .mughals totally suppressed free thinking.
Scriptures and epics are fairy tales. There is very little in those scriptures that actually makes sense.
For as long as we have existed, out contributions to humanity in terms of inventions and discoveries are nothing great to talk about.
I will list out some things that the Greeks, Romans and the Chinese did which we failed to do/record:
a)Did not send out explorers to go and record the happenings of lands beyond the Himalayas
b)Did not develop political-legal frameworks to the level of the Greeks and Romans
c)Did not invent contraptions and machinery which could be called cutting-edge
and so on...
It was as if the Aryans came and brought iron and chariots and then never felt the need to advance the weaponry for 1000s of years they were settled here...gun powder spread from China to Europe but it was only when Babur decided to show up that we got introduced to it.
Europeans flirted with the usage of Elephants and realized means to kill its usage but we continued usind elephants as our main stay in warfare for 1000s of years more.

The mughals brought more science to India than we could have ever had in that period.
Wars speed up inventions, territorial expansions cause wars and scouting by sending ambassadors and explorers lay the grounds for territorial expansions.
Please point out things I am not aware of that our ancestors did right.

An example of where you are wrong in terms of weapons research is Damascus steel. Research it and you will know how Indian it is.

Every culture has different priorities. I have already listed out what we did achieve. I dont believe you actually perused the list.
You are solely focusing on what we did not. And you are looking at those things from a western cultural paradigm. That is hardly something that can be debated about.
An example of where you are wrong in terms of weapons research is Damascus steel. Research it and you will know how Indian it is.

Every culture has different priorities. I have already listed out what we did achieve. I dont believe you actually perused the list.
You are solely focusing on what we did not. And you are looking at those things from a western cultural paradigm. That is hardly something that can be debated about.

Point is we haven't done shit in the last 1500 years or so,,,whatever be the reason.
Thats a long fucking time imho,,we need to focus on future.............**** the past:coffee:
This is one thing which makes me think ancient Indians were much more technologically advanced than us..

Another example is this (aranmula Kannadi)

The problem with ancient Indians is that instead of writing it down, all the knowledge was shared to students through vocal.. I am not sure about aeroplane or hydrogen bomb but there were things our ancestors did which we should be very proud of..
Point is we haven't done shit in the last 1500 years or so,,,whatever be the reason.
Thats a long fucking time imho,,we need to focus on future.............**** the past:coffee:
I would say 1000 years.
600-700 years of the different Muslim/Mughal period and another 300-400 years preceding that.

But what matters is that we are cognizant of this now and how we proceed now.
You are totally disregarding the contribution of Indians to maths,science,linguistics and astronomy.A quick Google search can enlighten you about it.

I am well read about the achievements. Thank you.
There was an age when such higher concepts were explored. There is no doubt about it. However, there was nothing significant that was developed which could change the lives of the common-folk. A simple concept like a village mill was never developed. You are still transfixed on these limited concepts which were developed by thinkers as coffee-table topics mostly. Did we implement the mathematical concepts in developing something great? Archimedes did develop working models of his theories, take the water hook device which could wreck the Roman ships as an example. Read about simple things like a water mill which was essential for the development of a farming community were imported back then never to be fully explored.
Watermill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While it is wrong to exaggerate our past achievements,it is equally wrong to totally disregard them.It is true that in the past 2000 years India hasn't invaded other countries or made any path breaking discoveries or inventions.The reason was we started adopting and promoting philosophies and religions of non violence.
The concept of a nation is a stretched one over here. We have for most part of our existence, been a cluster of constantly squabbling and warring nations. Most states were fighting, so non-violence could never be practical. The Rajput states were fighting amongst themselves, the Chola kingdom did invade SE Asian countries.

I don't know what made you praise mughals while they along with other Muslim dynasties were the very cause of destruction of our civilisation.What great inventions we made in mughal era?Hindus went into a shell .mughals totally suppressed free thinking.
Mughals brought the concept of modern warfare to the sub-continent. They brought concepts of better administration and taxation. Their legal system was a derivative of the Roman legal system.
BBC - Religions - Islam: Mughal Empire (1500s, 1600s)
pray,tell what free thinking was our civilization doing at the time Ghauri showed up?
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