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India could strike Pakistan with nuclear weapons first to pre-empt attack

with mirv in hand. Cn they really destroy all of our nuckes????????
1 missile multiple nuke, easy to disperse and hide.
With nukes st sea too, is it really an option??????
What if due to indian pre emptive strike intelligence information force Pakistan to destroy all of India????????????
I believe this is going to be true.

Unless India does that, it will be plunging into a "two-front-war-scenario" which is a non-viable situation for India. And why should India use nuclear weapons second when half of its fleet is already destroyed and it is already struggling to keep up against one enemy - Pakistan? It is indeed in the best interest of India to launch an offensive nuclear strike first, cause as much damage to Pakistan as it possibly can and save as much military power as it possibly can to confront second enemy - China.

NiamatAllah Shah Wali spoke about Turkey and Iran siding with Pakistan to defeat India. This only seems possible when Pakistan is a victim of Nuclear attack first.

To be able to strike back, Pakistan must diversity storage of its nuclear arsenal and it must come up with mechanisms which enable second strike using non-standard means, and I am talking about outside standard delivery mechanisms.
..Naimatullah shah Wali also mentioned that help will come from north ( China) , so this means that China will be involved in the war.BTW Pakistan is taking steps to improve its second-strike capability
with mirv in hand. Cn they really destroy all of our nuckes????????
1 missile multiple nuke, easy to disperse and hide.
With nukes st sea too, is it really an option??????
What if due to indian pre emptive strike intelligence information force Pakistan to destroy all of India????????????
Last time I checked the most cunning plans of the Indian chief Gen JN Choudhry was foiled by a Pak Major with 35 soldiers in his command at the dead of the night. By the by that general was groomed under Field Mrashal Montgomery..
you too can try,and i can say we can capture all your cities in less than 24 hrs and we can make sure none of NW are launched,i too can claim many things with out logic.if you cannot reply logically please dont quote me.

I just asked one advantage for china to fight India for Pakistan and you couldnot even comeup with one,just one reason.
PLZ do it but remember you tried i before. I donot want to quote indian authors who wrote about the fact that indian generals were sure that they will lose indian punjab.
I think Pakistan should launch nuclear attack today or within this this week on india to deal with this first strike threat.I am waiting for my death due to fighting with india
Pak will attack u from that place where u never imagined attack will come fact is if Pak destroed India also be scratched from face of the earth
India attacked Pakistan And PAkistan attacked India with Imaginary nuclear war. Internet warriors got killed in imagination and one of the party to war emerged for another imaginary victory. SO now what ?

Can we please get back to reality and address the real issue (poverty, Inflation, Bad Governance, Human rights), rather than act like Teenagers :lol:
Well this is serious matter, any country who will use first strike could end the both countries from the world's map.
no one attack first in nuclear matter.
There is increasing evidence that India will not allow Pakistan to go first,” Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at a conference on nuclear policy hosted by Carnegie, a think tank, yesterday.

This statement of Indian nuclear strategist has multiple facets. It exposes the paranoia, fear, confusion & helplessness of India due to military strength of Pakistan & its continuous increase in the form on successful Ballistic, Cruise & Tactical Nuclear missile programs, Fighter-Jet Program & latest tests of Sea-based cruise missile launch capability & MIRV technology. India is helplessly watching its own military programs fail miserably despite hefty investments. Now as a last resort, India has official shed its political statement of "No-First-Use-Policy" regarding nuclear attack.

Futhermore, now Indians have no chance left point fingers at Pakistan by saying that its Pakistan who can't be trusted with "No-First-Use-Policy" regarding nuclear attack.

Pakistan never believed in the political statement of "No-First-Use-Policy" and initial steps to develop a credible second strike capability is an evidence. So the statement of Indian nuclear strategist maybe a news to those who think that India will NOT initiate war but NOT for Pak Army.

It will a suicide for India if India initiate any attack on Pakistan soil whether conventional or nuclear because the separatist movements within India will get out of control in every possible way. So with regards to separatist movements, India is a giant tinder box and all it needs are a few sparks of war.
india needs to look on the map, pakistan is located right next door plus conecting with many countries which are also muslim plus friend china which has approx 40 to 60 billion pound investment cpec and would like to connect to gawador and iran to turkey. Then india has to look at its own population which has good percentage muslims and also seperatist groups.

nuking pak would be like poking and cracking open a beehive, with wild bees out to sting in all directions. This for india would lead to ultimate bloodbath in all directions and from within. internally and externally punished.

plus radation spreading - its time for builiding a small town like mad max barter town except it be called mad massoud barter town.

right,they forget that there is no mountain between india and pakistan so the radiation would kill them aswell
heck we dont even have to nuke india,all we have to do is nuke some areas in our territory which are close to the indian border and let the radiation take its toll on the indians
Such irresponsible chest thumping from Indian intellectuals will only increase nuclear arms race in the region.
No wonder Pakistan has speeded up the development of both the warheads and delivery systems.
In the last six months or so , 4 new delivery systems have been tested.
Babur 2 , Land to sea
Babur 3 , SLCM
Raad 2 , Air to sea
Ababeel MIRV.

By adding different types of launch platforms ,Pakistan is adding to the difficulty India will face in trying to neutralize Pakistani nuclear arsenal.
with mirv in hand. Cn they really destroy all of our nuckes????????
1 missile multiple nuke, easy to disperse and hide.
With nukes st sea too, is it really an option??????
What if due to indian pre emptive strike intelligence information force Pakistan to destroy all of India????????????

Empty vessels produce the most noise. We all know India is squealing.
Another reason for Pakistan to build large, powerful, and credible second-strike capability via submarines.

This is a very serious threat not to be taken lightly...
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