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India blocks China's bid to save Pakistan on terror finance scrutiny

Actually India dosn't care about SCO or BRICS.

UNSC permanent seat is what matters to India. But with growing economic clout and 1.3 billion people, with out India UNSC is a joke.

India wants a place in all these institutions to become important in the world and China can continue to block Indian participation until its financing of terrorism stops.
Biggest gainer of India losing BRICS is going to be US and Japan and this point is not missed by China and more specifically by Russian Leadership
No need to whine. Just continue to block Indian entry into SCO, UNSC and kick it out of BRICS.

India blocks China in this and China will block India where it matters. Nice trade off :lol:

Go and block us in SCO and BRICS rather than whining in this thread ... :rofl:
Biggest gainer of India losing BRICS is going to be US and Japan and this point is not missed by China and more specifically by Russian Leadership

BRICS is specifically an economic organisation. China is the country that gives BRICS its importance. Remove China from BRICS and its importance goes into the scrapheap. Remove India from BRICS, and its not a big blow to the group that cannot be made up with other countries inclusion.
India should not be participating in these groups. By participating, India's importance is given an artificial boost piggybacking on China's importance in BRICS.

Only thing India is involved right now is BRICS, so China can continue to block India in SCO, UNSC, and APEC while using its importance in BRICS to undermine India and hopefully kick it out.

You are living in a fantasy, though that's funny to us. BRICS is a term coined by someone at an investment bank. No one in the west takes that seriously. Do you even know the economic condition of Brazil and Russia? Even if you could kick us out, that would make the group a joke. Include Pak, it would be a bigger joke than you think tank with an unfortunate name. :lol:

Besides, if you can do something, don't whine here; go petition you government. Oh wait, you are or at least pretend to be a Chinese, I forgot people have no say in your country. :rofl:
Actually we are doing our Chinese partners a massive favor which they will evebtualy realize later

Samaj nahi ayaa o_O
China blocked our resolution which hurt us but our blocked resolution hurt Pakistan not China.
So, we have to put our weight where China direct feel heat.
India should not be participating in these groups. By participating, India's importance is given an artificial boost piggybacking on China's importance in BRICS.

Only thing India is involved right now is BRICS, so China can continue to block India in SCO, UNSC, and APEC while using its importance in BRICS to undermine India and hopefully kick it out.
LoL ,Remove india from BRICS, it will become a real BRICK. Only two strong economies in BRICS is india and china. Take out Russia and all you have is neutral or western followers.

Logically you cant take out india, as it is a economic forum for large developing economies. If India decides not to give much importance to BRICS, then china will be run over by western powers in multilateral forum like WTO,global warming ...etc. As good as blowing your own ...

You need to follow your own suggestion and add pakistan to it . It will be real ...RICK then :lol:.
China blocked our resolution which hurt us but our blocked resolution hurt Pakistan not China.
So, we have to put our weight where China direct feel heat.

India can annoy China as a pest, but not hurt China.
While China can use Pakistan to hurt India.

As long as India and Pakistan are hostile to each other, China benefits and India will continue to be bogged down.

LoL ,Remove india from BRICS, it will become a real BRICK. Only two strong economies in BRICS is india and china. Take out Russia and all you have is neutral or western followers.

Logically you cant take out india, as it is a economic forum for large developing economies. If India decides not to give much importance to BRICS, then china will be run over by western powers in multilateral forum like WTO,global warming ...etc. As good as blowing your own ...

You need to follow your own suggestion and add pakistan to it . It will be real ...RICK then :lol:.

You think China need India on WTO? :lol:

If India is out of BRICS, India loses out in global importance. BRICS can go on without India. Indonesia should be included in BRICS.
India can annoy China as a pest, but not hurt China.
While China can use Pakistan to hurt India.

As long as India and Pakistan are hostile to each other, China benefits and India will continue to be bogged down.
As long Japan and Vietnam feel threaten by China India can also exploit this situation.
For Pakistan, it getting economically dwarf day by day.
Did india "block" by using VETO?

If no then how can india even "block" anything?

According to sources in the government, India, with the support of allies like the US, managed to derail China's bid which was backed by Australia to shield Pakistan on terror financing. The FATF meet agreed with India's argument that Pakistan, despite not being part of FATF, was part of APG which works in close collaboration with FATF, and its enforcement of targeted financial sanctions against terrorism should be subject to monitoring by FATF through the APG.

The title should be "US in Favor of India and Blocks China's Bid to Save Pakistan ...."
I feel Chinese went overboard by blocking the move of asking Pakistan to bring Lakhvi and others to justice. With this, China may have made Pakistani establishment happy but in the process they have indicated that they don't care about the terrorism. They have also sent a signal to Indian establishment (including Modi) that they favor terrorism in India and wants to destablize her and will do anything to get it done. They have sent message to the world too that they don't care about bombing happening around the world, people being killed in the name of religion and these terrorist have china;s support.
Soon china will realize that they have done the blunder when the fire of terroism spread and burn their villages, cities etc. Hope that day does not come but its irony that humans, civilizations do not learn from others.
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