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India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap


Although I cannot prove it for lack of information on the Indian side, I am extremely confident that Pakistani nuclear security is at least 2-3 notches ahead of what India has in place, hands down.

Very nice, wishful thoughts. Do you know where your officers and Indian army officers went to learn how to secure nukes?? Any guesses? Oh yes US it was ...... !!!
So you have no idea about the security of each country's weapons are, all you have to go on is "they both went to USA to learn." Pakistan has more reasons to keep their arsenal under the best security systems they can come up and vet personnel properly than India does. USA, Israel and India don't like Pak having nukes and the first two have renowned intelligence institutions.
This system is fool proof till only that time, when there is no internal breach. And your personnel have at times suspect inclinations. As per your own Prez's admission.
So how do you choose whether to believe what he says or not? He said Pakistan has no first-strike policy and you know that's BS. Why would they ever allow radicals to get inside, the first target could well be Pakistan's military institutions.

MIRV tech will not put Indian Defences at a weaker plane.
Because those defences probably wouldn't work anyway.
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Well no doubt the 'Hell' broke lose here!:whistle:

My indian comrades you know balls about our c & C systems as regards to our nukes, one.

Second, if you wanted to speculate and keep the guess work online, please do so, but dont think that what you have been feeding us and others would be accepted unabated!

Try to find ot your own details regarding nuclear safety and then we may welcome you to comment on our procedures.

Hundreds of Officers both from Pakistan and india go on various courses, not only to States but many other countries, so does it mean that you ans us have accepted their doctrines blindly!? Or do you want to suggest that it both india and Pakistan have been exactly copy pasting foreign teachings? We both being pitched against each others since our inceptions and having much in common still have very distinct and unique strategies and doctrines to kill ech other, and this this is so openly known that even a 'Doc' would know that:D

So let's not get carried away that if our or your officers were trained at some place so either of us can assume and guess away the actual techniques being employed by us.

Now the concern regarding either it is the FC or PA/SSG who have been kicking out the dead terrorists during the current operation:

Well if it is the ORBAT that you are looking for then i am deeply sorry that it wouldn't be realizing, but just as soother i would like to clarify that since the very start, both in Balochistan and NWFP (to include Tribal belt) when ever operations have been launched they have been in conducted in conjunction and coordination among PA and FC (both FC Balochistan and NWFP). Keeping out the ratios of participation from both sides i can safely say that this cooperation have been extensive and at large scale, and these two forces have been so mingled up that considering them as separate entities would call for naivety on the part of the claimer! and the same very much holds guud for the Operation Rah-e-Haq.

As for the "surrender" thing, as still this doubt prevail around here, i would only say that it have already clarified by me extensively, so please help yourself. Repeating the same BS again and again would not fetch much marks around here.

Lastly, Pathans have been part of our armed forces since the very start, Pukhtonistanism have been in our country again since the very start, Pathns have been occupying many top slots both in our military and civil bearucracy since the very start, many of these Pathans have been against the operations and been sympathetic to the terrorists since the very start, and on the lighter part 'Pathan Jokes' have been around since the very start, BUT, this have never stopped any of the decisions either taken by the govt of the military against the 'bad' Pathans nor it has raised concerns over a Pashtu General handing over the blue prints to CIA or MOSSAD!! So please let's cut the crap and think clearly, if it has not happen in 60 years it is not going to happen in future or to be specific if it has not hapen since 1998 it would never happen in future!

If you think that this hype and propaganda can still succeed, then you are welcome to fuel the 'hell' more than ever, and guess what we are waiting!!
although i waz not able to complete SSG Course!!!:sniper:

but still i can kick general and his commandos all alone just give me a chance and ill simply show them!!!

A third class statement from third class person........!!!:angry:

BUZDILLL.......!!! MF
And that's India's army chief?
Honestly, aren't Indians themselves scratching their heads over this?
How stupid or how ignorant can a person be?
If India is a "peace loving" country, like all Indians like to tell us, then how come we continue to hear unwanted horsecrap coming from the likes of your army chief and other very important icons from Indian soil.

This is absolutely no way to bring the message of "peace" and harmony.
This is no way to bring both nations closer.
Indian hypocrisy at it's best.
As for Indians claiming that their weapons and missiles are aimed for China and that they're gradually changing their strategy and tactics against China, you people must know that we actually don't give two hoots about it, infact, the more India is concentrated at tackling China, the easier it gets for Pakistan to fight if the time may come against India.
And make no mistake, that time will come, especially when our peace loving neighbour is using double standards and continues to spur out bullsh!t like this which almost every Pakistani will most certainly not appreciate, especially our Army staff and our government.

I am confused as to what policy the Indian government is following regarding Pakistan, strange people, those Indians are.

So you have no idea about the security of each country's weapons are, all you have to go on is "they both went to USA to learn." Pakistan has more reasons to keep their arsenal under the best security systems they can come up and vet personnel properly than India does. USA, Israel and India don't like Pak having nukes and the first two have renowned intelligence institutions.

Well its like going to school, you have your basics and then you work through them.
So the point was about basics. Have even given you the name of the officers in this case, so apparently am not talking out of my hat or in blind, or without having some idea of what am talking about.
You can check up on the veracity of the concerned officer, he was in Somalia in UN and was posted as representative to UN under Musharraf if you have any suspicion that I have named an individual out of air:cheers:
Contention of having better security in place was taken up and challenged, and your rebuttal was a poor excuse at one here.

So how do you choose whether to believe what he says or not? He said Pakistan has no first-strike policy and you know that's BS. Why would they ever allow radicals to get inside, the first target could well be Pakistan's military institutions.

Infact he said it for Pakistan has reportedly developed a second strike policy, something now that they find is more conducive and in sync with image of a responsible nuclear power.
This has increased Pakistani defence posturing vis-a-vis India and has further underlined the end of any threat of a full scale conventional warfare.
A head of state does not make stupid statements and that includes your own Head of state.

Read this for your pleasure:

Pak develops second-strike N-capability - US - World - The Times of India

Because those defences probably wouldn't work anyway.

Because there is something called kill probability which will be degraded due to MIRVs, not because of your ridiculous idea above. Ever heard of "swarm" concept in ABM defences? I doubt it:rolleyes: So if you have any idea of the same, accept that and stop posting just for the heck of posting and being "in action"!

Well no doubt the 'Hell' broke lose here!

Yup especially when I see funny posts which become too difficult to digest!:cheers:

My indian comrades you know balls about our c & C systems as regards to our nukes, one.

At the same time, we supposedly know associated structures in the region of the balls you are talking. In short, quite a lot of sensitive area of yours we have idea of:rofl:

Source: courtesy Pakistan Army:woot:

Try to find ot your own details regarding nuclear safety and then we may welcome you to comment on our procedures.

I know the details. Thank you very much. Not talking with a novice here be rest assured.

Hundreds of Officers both from Pakistan and india go on various courses, not only to States but many other countries, so does it mean that you ans us have accepted their doctrines blindly!?

Ever heard of building a concept and working on it which requires a foundation? were you even able to appreciate what that point was meant to be? I seriously doubt it.

Or do you want to suggest that it both india and Pakistan have been exactly copy pasting foreign teachings? We both being pitched against each others since our inceptions and having much in common still have very distinct and unique strategies and doctrines to kill ech other, and this this is so openly known that even a 'Doc' would know that:D

Ah atleast am not a Military Professional you see, who gets stuck at a certain point as the inherent training does not allow them to see at a point beyond their immediate visual axis:cheers:

I do appreciate the nuances of Indo-Pak rivalry, and have plenty of exposure to the same, thank you for the update sir.

So let's not get carried away that if our or your officers were trained at some place so either of us can assume and guess away the actual techniques being employed by us.

Ok here we come to the point. Now you mean to imply you have not dispersed your weapons components, so you mean to imply they are in ready to use assembled state. Neither have you kept them away from a delivery vehicle (read missiles/ACs etc lest you talk about Mazdas here !!!) so you have mated missiles waiting, nor have you installed electronic measures to further secure them which need authentication before deployment from a political authority in addition to the COAS, so in short , you have your section commanders calling the shots here?:cheesy:

Or have you sent your weapons to Mars?:rofl:

Now I can understand why your weapons are foolproof!!!

There are only so many ways you can secure weapons, especially in conditions where the loyalty of troops and the officer cadre is suspect!! So stop with the crap of using your services background to try and being an absolute authority. You are certainly not sir. And yes I know lot of aspects of the secure measures can not be discussed on public/private forums, so am not asking you to. But at the same time, dont take the other person to be a novice as he is a "Doc", that is all.:cheers:

Well if it is the ORBAT that you are looking for then i am deeply sorry that it wouldn't be realizing, but just as soother i would like to clarify that since the very start, both in Balochistan and NWFP (to include Tribal belt) when ever operations have been launched they have been in conducted in conjunction and coordination among PA and FC (both FC Balochistan and NWFP). Keeping out the ratios of participation from both sides i can safely say that this cooperation have been extensive and at large scale, and these two forces have been so mingled up that considering them as separate entities would call for naivety on the part of the claimer! and the same very much holds guud for the Operation Rah-e-Haq.

Point to be noted, read my line again. What the hell are holding troops? A different force from an attacking force? Dont give me discourse on joint CI ops please. I know the intricacies of the same very well. The statement is clear, its the PA which is taking the offensive and the ground and FC is holding it (and you know the roles of holding forces so lets stop jesting over who has a bigger size here)

Lastly, Pathans have been part of our armed forces since the very start, Pukhtonistanism have been in our country again since the very start, Pathns have been occupying many top slots both in our military and civil bearucracy since the very start, many of these Pathans have been against the operations and been sympathetic to the terrorists since the very start, and on the lighter part 'Pathan Jokes' have been around since the very start, BUT, this have never stopped any of the decisions either taken by the govt of the military against the 'bad' Pathans nor it has raised concerns over a Pashtu General handing over the blue prints to CIA or MOSSAD!! So please let's cut the crap and think clearly, if it has not happen in 60 years it is not going to happen in future or to be specific if it has not hapen since 1998 it would never happen in future!

Did I, at ANY POINT, raise fingers at the community as a whole? Please do tell me where. It were the Pathans who bolstered your initial sponsored forays in J&K in 1947 itself. So I know what you are trying to say here.

If you think that this hype and propaganda can still succeed, then you are welcome to fuel the 'hell' more than ever, and guess what we are waiting!!

Propaganda? Anything that discomfits you, you guys call it propoganda. We called Swat treaty as grave mistake - its a propaganda, Talibs are law abiding citizens holding legitimate demands of imposition of sharia thats all!! And you gave same shite to us that time too blah blah, blah blah and blah blah, yet you see where you landed, wait further ..... and forever, who cares?
And that's India's army chief?
Honestly, aren't Indians themselves scratching their heads over this?
How stupid or how ignorant can a person be?
If India is a "peace loving" country, like all Indians like to tell us, then how come we continue to hear unwanted horsecrap coming from the likes of your army chief and other very important icons from Indian soil.

India is peace loving with & for those who know & appre the relevance / implications of peace.

This is absolutely no way to bring the message of "peace" and harmony.

The message of peace & harmony has been tried on numerous occasions with mixed results to say the least.
This is no way to bring both nations closer.

Somewhere down the line there is a realisation that the 2 nations cannot come any closer .
Indian hypocrisy at it's best.
As for Indians claiming that their weapons and missiles are aimed for China and that they're gradually changing their strategy and tactics against China, you people must know that we actually don't give two hoots about it, infact, the more India is concentrated at tackling China, the easier it gets for Pakistan to fight if the time may come against India.

Weapons & Missiles are unlike the Guns of Navarone are not unidirectional. All thats needed is a change in the coordinates & fuel.. they will then fly anywhere.

And make no mistake, that time will come, especially when our peace loving neighbour is using double standards and continues to spur out bullsh!t like this which almost every Pakistani will most certainly not appreciate, especially our Army staff and our government.

I am confused as to what policy the Indian government is following regarding Pakistan, strange people, those Indians are.

GOI does not need to follow any policy. Pk is doing a fine job of ' sorting' itself.[/B]
Then why India is shaking with fear on Pakistan nuclear program.

You know, this thread proves and shows us that our Indian friends are nothing but hypocrits.
They actually don't really know what stance they should take and what policy their government has adopted towards Pakistan.
You can't blame the Indians, I mean, afterall, they surely must be confused aswell reading "peace loving" bullsh!t like this message from their army chief against Pakistan.

We continue to ask the Indians in this thread about why and how?
And the only answers they can come up with are vague and rather confusing, I think that proves our point.
You know, this thread proves and shows us that our Indian friends are nothing but hypocrits.
They actually don't really know what stance they should take and what policy their government has adopted towards Pakistan.
You can't blame the Indians, I mean, afterall, they surely must be confused aswell reading "peace loving" bullsh!t like this message from their army chief against Pakistan.

We continue to ask the Indians in this thread about why and how?
And the only answers they can come up with are vague and rather confusing, I think that proves our point.

we are afraid of the prospect of going all-out in a nuke war with you...there is no glory only annihilation.
nukes wipe out cities...the flora and fauna for 100s of years.
and believe me a nuke war is not a figment of imagination...
the most responsible govt.s and nations believe in taking nuke threats seriously...too seriously ask the americans...
and for India..the only country in the world surrounded by two hostile nuclear neighbors...one ajmal kasab is a reason good enough to go for nuclear castration..
specially when we have already received a formal nuclear threat from the former dictator of pakistan in recent history...we have our reasons to believe that your so called deterrent....will not wait for a nuclear invitation.
we are afraid of the prospect of going all-out in a nuke war with you...there is no glory only annihilation.
nukes wipe out cities...the flora and fauna for 100s of years.
and believe me a nuke war is not a figment of imagination...
the most responsible govt.s and nations believe in taking nuke threats seriously...too seriously ask the americans...
and for India..the only country in the world surrounded by two hostile nuclear neighbors...one ajmal kasab is a reason good enough to go for nuclear castration..
specially when we have already received a formal nuclear threat from the former dictator of pakistan in recent history...we have our reasons to believe that your so called deterrent....will not wait for a nuclear invitation.

It is india that wants to be superpower... Both China and Pakistan are hardly busy with getting titles. So if crazy India wants to act stupid it will get what it shoudl get. India is hostile and dangerous. Uour not patriotic but nationalistic. Care to change your name?
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