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India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

And was someone saying that India had changed its ways and was not hostil to Pakistan anymore?


India continues to undermine Pakistan and attempt to get the world to act against it at every opportunity - obsessed with Pakistan that she is. The general should not talk out of his derriere and actually read open source information about Pakistan's C&C systems.

The minimum number of nukes required by Pakistan to maintain deterrence is not for him to determine. The general is likely worried that the expansion in Pakistan's plutonium based nuke program will allow us to field smaller and more powerful warheads, and possibly an MIRV.

Undermining would be visible if there were steps initiated to bolster the Talibs who are fighting your forces. In additionally, the problem is not how good is your C & C, or how effective your security electronics are, but the pro-Talib sentiment which is held by some personnel inspite of anything ....... and this you can not pooh-paah in your usual style as even your Prez was forced to admit the same and he declared that PA has been purged of pro-Talib officers!!

So incase a nutter of that lot gets into your inner circle, it shall be fun for all involved. So while you are laughing at it now, as you laughed at our denouncing the SWAT deal, you may well regret the same along similar lines (and I hope not)!

Although I cannot prove it for lack of information on the Indian side, I am extremely confident that Pakistani nuclear security is at least 2-3 notches ahead of what India has in place, hands down.

Very nice, wishful thoughts. Do you know where your officers and Indian army officers went to learn how to secure nukes?? Any guesses? Oh yes US it was ...... !!!

I shall give you example of Lt. Gen. Anis Bajwa!! Where did he go? US..... 1984-85 period! You had whole loads of officers there for just this purpose. Maj. Gen. Rashid Qureshi was also there ...... I wonder did he get his swabs back?:cheers:

Indian Army chief can rant all he wants to, because as most others speculating about the security of Pakistani weapons, he too knows nothing about how firmly they are secured.

The basic method is to keep the various components at various sites unknown to any single person which is followed by both India and Pakistan as also that in case of need to assemble any device is felt, orders are issued to concerned responsible officers who do not know where component A is coming from, or where Component B etc. They only know they have to send their charge to a pre-designated site.

This system is fool proof till only that time, when there is no internal breach. And your personnel have at times suspect inclinations. As per your own Prez's admission.
That is why Pakistan wants the United States and its allies to persuade India to come to the negotiating table, because that is the only way forward to achieving stability in the region.

Mr. Muse, excellent article and very neutral. The problem I have is the quote above. The burden on peace lies with Pakistan first not India. Pakistan has to show action of what India wants, and likewise vise versa. There has be a perception change in Pakistan inorder to go forward with the peace process, currently it is not there. Only future will tell.

People in hell want ice water -- what's the point of having a problem with that?

Pakistan want Xyz and India want Abc -- so long as what they want is negotiated in a civil atmosphere, who cares what they want.
Why hasn't the Frotier Corp, composed primarily of Tribal Pashtun, fallen apart fro defections then?

Instead we hear that it has improved considerably as a COIN force.

Correction - who surrendered enmasse to Talibs? :woot:

Secondly its the PA which is fighting, not FC. Their role is relegated to second line holding troops. Please check your sources. Actual retaking of ground is being done by PA-SSG and NOT FC!!!!!

And if you still think its FC, you guys are being taken for a ride.

As for improvement in FC, the PA officers there have done what was always needed, applied the boot in the correct places.
That is my point, that MIRV is more of an offense based nuclear arsenal then defense. Nuclear arms are predominatly meant for deterance purpose only. But As you boldely put it will make India's defense sheld obsolete, in return starts a new game of offense based nuclears arsenal from the Indian side.


MIRV tech will not put Indian Defences at a weaker plane. Any missile defence will aim to target the re-entry vehicle and not the booster stage of the missile, so now you shall have multiple targets. Its just where you may have had 90% kill probability, the ratio will go down drastically.

India is already on maneuverable MIRVs in Agni II-III and further variants the only system after Russian SS-27 Topol M to be fielded yet. So our Nuclear Posturing is Offensive from day 1.

Pakistan is only doing a catching up here justifiably!
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Obama says pak nukes are safe
Mullen says pak nukes are safe
not that i care but when world kind of stopped worryin we get this statement from indian chief. any particular intel which indian chief knows but mullen doesnt??

the intel is very good, perhaps best on Pakistan in Indian side

and rest assured, Indian Army is not worried about:

1. Pakistan failing as a state, there is enough confidence in and respect of PA by IA to know we can relax and PA will get the job done!

2. Pakistani weapons falling into Talibs hands. For we know you guys will use it very well on the same Talibs rather than allow it to go into their hands (that is if Talibs even manage to come near them in first place)

3. Pakistan developing more weapons. Again its your legal right and well neither is the PA general stupid nor IA general to not recognise what consequences await its use. A good stalemate will prevail as a result:cheers:

In short, just another ploy to mount pressure on Pakistan to act more forcefully on Talibs and Terror Inc. Take it in that context and laugh away:enjoy:

Again word play. If Pakistan is no longer considered a military threat then why have 3 of your strike corps face Pakistan along with the entire Western Air Command arrayed against Pakistan? Both of the elements are the creme of your forces and are arrayed against Pakistan.

The threat is Pakistan and as such Pakistan is reacting to your moves.

Blain 2

Being ex-services, am sure you appreciate the fact that you will chew our *** off in Punjab what with the arrangement of canals and irrigation works in parallel conjunction not giving any staging area for us to put troops across the obstacles. So that takes care of I and II Corps

Now about 21 and remaining of South-Western Command, Sir Creek region is useless and stalemate, that leaves Rajasthan-Sindh axis, so we will chew you there irrespective of what you may hope or try.

Islamgarh (1971) was just a showpiece. Only in Kashmir you can try offensive ops with some hopes of success.

So let us just cut the nonsense here about Indian offensive corps.

Downgrading of the number of troops for west is being done with advent of IBGs with 21 Corps being integrated and earmarked to be the first such group created and converted.

However due to the fact that India will fight in near future with China very soon either in Sugar Sector or in Chumbi Valley sector, the posturing is more and more China oriented.

Lastly, Pakistan will not engage in full scale conventional war anymore

Localised conflicts can take place and will keep taking place!

People in hell want ice water -- what's the point of having a problem with that?

Pakistan want Xyz and India want Abc -- so long as what they want is negotiated in a civil atmosphere, who cares what they want.

I want a coke or a beer:cheers:
By no means feelings are not hurt. The thread is about Indian army chief speaking out, and my argument is that he has every right to do so.

First reason for his justification is this:

As Pakistan battles a growing Taliban insurgency, reports in U.S. media have raised the nightmare scenario of its nuclear weapons falling into militant hands.

Second reason is this:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Obama administration was confident Pakistan would not use a planned increase in U.S. aid to strengthen its nuclear arsenal.

Regarding the 8 nuclear that India dedicated for the army use, it was spoken before hand, and America had every right to walk away. Rest is history!!!

Keep shouting about Talibans. The gear is changed, every body (USA, China, Japan, Saudia Arabia, Germany, England, Canada, Australia, and all others) is with Pakistan. All of them have confidence about Pakistan nukes.

Indian previous policies are failed to make Pakistan's bad image. Now India is scaratching new stories but who cares and who listens?

No country responded about Indian COAS statement.

Obama administration previously saying abt PAK NUKES security, but now they have confidednce on their security so no more discussions are going abt Pak nukes.

lolz Its a funny statement from Indian COAS, even Pakistan not responding :P.

And yeah, one more thing how much support India got about Mumbai attacks from abroad. And wt Pakistan did. And wt abt your Government, wt they did. They were only serious to make Pakistan notorious not to investigate. They didnt cooperated with
Pakistan and now they have lost the grip.
I heard that Indian Gov is now looking to start talks with Pakistan :p

Hafiz Saeed's known the culprit for mumbai attacks will be released after 60 days if ur Government still remain non-serious to make cooperation with Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed's associates Mufti Abdul Rehman and Amir Hamza already released.

So, ask ur government to reply given 30 questions, otherwise Hafiz Saeed will also be released.

Below article is for your reference:-

LeT chief Hafiz Saeed’s house arrest extended for 60 days
And was someone saying that India had changed its ways and was not hostil to Pakistan anymore?


India continues to undermine Pakistan and attempt to get the world to act against it at every opportunity - obsessed with Pakistan that she is. The general should not talk out of his derriere and actually read open source information about Pakistan's C&C systems.

The minimum number of nukes required by Pakistan to maintain deterrence is not for him to determine. The general is likely worried that the expansion in Pakistan's plutonium based nuke program will allow us to field smaller and more powerful warheads, and possibly an MIRV.

You are talking about no's but i believe general deepak kapoor statement is an extension of indias official policy of complete nuclear disarmament..!!! The rogue nature in which WMD is developed and expanded is a cause of serious concern not only for India but for the entire region and the world.. especially if it is by a country who is fighting the battle for existence with taliban.. and who has large number of extrimist elements in it!!!! And that is a fact.. be it USA, russia,india, pakistan, iran or north korea. And if some feels so proud about indias concern.. i think they are not mature enough to understand the destruction a WMD can do for both countries..!!!!

And i also believe its very tactical of india to raise these issues at the world stage..it always helps in creating a perception of Pakistan in the world stage...right ;) and gives weightage to india in any official discussions regarding issues relating to India and Pakistan..!!!!
Look at the attatchment, cropted from Express newspaper.

Manmohan wants to cooperate with Pakistan.
Good for India. :tup:
You are talking about no's but i believe general deepak kapoor statement is an extension of indias official policy of complete nuclear disarmament..!!! The rogue nature in which WMD is developed and expanded is a cause of serious concern not only for India but for the entire region and the world.. especially if it is by a country who is fighting the battle for existence with taliban.. and who has large number of extrimist elements in it!!!! And that is a fact.. be it USA, russia,india, pakistan, iran or north korea. And if some feels so proud about indias concern.. i think they are not mature enough to understand the destruction a WMD can do for both countries..!!!!

And i also believe its very tactical of india to raise these issues at the world stage..it always helps in creating a perception of Pakistan in the world stage...right ;) and gives weightage to india in any official discussions regarding issues relating to India and Pakistan..!!!!

do u really think world will take note of a statement comin from ur chief???
and that also when they have had extensive discussions over this with our nuclear command?:disagree:
he is just doin wat he always deos. which is to poke into pakistani matters without havin full knowledge.
Its stupid when cheif of army makes childish statements like that :crazy:
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