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India and Vietnam to sign a defence pact amid China’s growing aggression in region





Should get Akash system.
China, Vietnam agree to properly address disputes
BEIJING: China and Vietnam agreed to properly address and control their disputes on Saturday, a fresh pledge made during a meeting between Vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong and visiting Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh.
“A neighbouring country cannot be moved away,” Fan said. “It is in the common interest of China and Vietnam to live in amity, handle disputes properly and promote common development.”
Bilateral relations have been strained since earlier this year due to Vietnam continuously and illegally disturbing a Chinese company’s normal oil drilling activities in waters near the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.
In mid-May, a series of riots began at foreign companies in southern and central Vietnam, leaving five Chinese nationals dead, around 20 foreign factories burned down, and some 1,100 foreign companies affected.
The violence came amid tensions between China and Vietnam over maritime disputes.
In the meeting, Fan stressed that both armed forces bear significant responsibility for safeguarding and sustaining bilateral ties. He urged the two militaries to always contribute “positive energy.”
“We should make our troops well-behaved, and not make remarks harming the feelings of both people or do things undermining the overall bilateral relations,” the vice chairman said. He added China is willing to work with Vietnam to implement the consensus reached by both leaders and advance bilateral ties and military-to-military relations.
Thanh said that intensifying the traditional friendship between two nations and their armed forces is in accordance with the common interests of both sides. He vowed joint efforts with China to strengthen the two countries’ unity and cooperation, address and control disputes, and cement the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.
He expressed hope that the two militaries would play an active role in maintaining bilateral ties and safeguarding peace and stability in the region.
On Friday, Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao met with Thanh and his 16-member high-ranking Vietnamese military delegation, which included six lieutenant generals and six major generals.
Also on Friday, Defense Minister Chang Wanquan held talks with Thanh. Both sides decided to gradually resume military ties and curb the maritime dispute.
The visit by the Vietnamese military delegation aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries’ armies, according to an online newspaper of the Vietnamese People’s Army on Thursday.
China, Vietnam agree to properly address disputes

meanwhile China is building airstrips and bases in the area and even building artificial islands.

yeah I'm sure China is going to handle this diplomatically :pop:
lol, Indian will never treat you as your wish they want to use your country for their war against China as their battle ground and dump their cold war period Russian garbage ammunition in hard cash to your country.

Sounds more like Pakistan - China relations ....lol
Dont worry the armanment of Vietnam with better weapons will happen. Indian will get more investment in Defence which will push for more sale and contracts to Vietnam. If the thret perception is pushed......Vietnam will get partner status or friendship prices....
meanwhile China is building airstrips and bases in the area and even building artificial islands.
yeah I'm sure China is going to handle this diplomatically :pop:
China is emerging Power of region has right to build strategic infrastructure for security and peace of the region.

Sounds more like Pakistan - China relations ....lol
like USA & India relations .... lol
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China is emerging Power of region has right to build strategic infrastructure for security and peace of the region.

like USA & India relations .... lol

that kinda contradicts the whole point of vietnam and china talking about the disputes while china is building Islands in the disputed area.

but you always gotta have a back up plan in case talking doesn't work out.
nationalism rise up these years, many keyboard supermen appear after eatting enough.The another important reason is that there are tons of words to smear China in western media,so,many people are angry and get feud promoted.
I think If we know each other better,everything will be fine.Which boy want to leave his beautiful girlfriend to kill people ?:smart:
well, you can blame yourself. as long as your lovely ruling CCP continues to stick to the fkcing 9-dash line and claim parts of our territory, there is no peace. a tip for you: stand up and write a letter to the greedy CCP and ask them to scrap the lawless claim :-)
that kinda contradicts the whole point of vietnam and china talking about the disputes while china is building Islands in the disputed area.
but you always gotta have a back up plan in case talking doesn't work out.

Peace talk start on the wishes of China and Vietnam's answer by defence minister level delegation to China is good sign
but Until then two countries not reach an agreement then countries like India will trying to use the situation for their arms trade
We are using USA showing the China boogeyman not the other way around as in your case ..... lol
oOHOo need of American shoulder to face China !!! the sign of American penetration in your dependence.... lol
^^ Will pakistanis please stop trying to act like brave, stand-alone forces? Everyone in this forum knows who threw themselves
at the feet of Americans, and now at Chinese, to help them face India.

You guys were suckers to US in the region even in 1999, now that US has improved it's relations with India, and started
pounding your people with drones, you are sucking upto the Chinese. What happens after that? You will suck up to
someone else...you will keep sucking others to help you face India.

So shut up and stay on the damn topic. This is about India-Vietnam defence relations.
oOHOo need of American shoulder to face China !!! the sign of American penetration in your dependence.... lol

:blah::blah::blah: ....... we don't need america to face china .... we are perfectly capable of doing that .

America penetrates daily one of our neighbouring country with their drones ..... any idea about that .... lol
True the Pakistani's are Naturally Brave.

But you Indians are saying on the forum that we are using USA against China are you dunked The American are using you as Tissue papers
your daze,:laughcry:
your frustration,:laughcry:
your anger:laughcry:
is understandable because
Answer less.:cuckoo::omghaha:
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