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India and Pakistan produce 40 percent of world's cotton


Aug 27, 2011
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‘Time for New Delhi, Islamabad to rework strategies and tap trade potential'

Stating that it was time for both India and Pakistan to re-work their trade strategies, and tap the huge potential, especially in energy, petrochemicals, textiles and cotton, the All Pakistan Textiles Mills Association (APTMA) has called for removal of all non-tariff barriers to ensure free trade of cotton and textile products.

“It is time for India and Pakistan to set the international trend and price in the field of textiles and cotton trade. Together both the countries account for nearly 40 per cent of the world's cotton production. Pakistan produces around 15 million cotton bales and India around 34 million bales. While India has a share of $25 billion in world textile exports, Pakistani exports stand around $5 billion which was hardly anything substantial if the $800 billion world trade size in textiles is kept in mind. We need to join hands to set the trend and even beat China,” APTMA chairman Gohar Ijaz told The Hindu.

Cotton shortage

Mr. Ijaz, who has been nominated as the chairman of the Task Force on Energy, said Pakistan had faced shortage of cotton but its production had increased this year by 30 per cent after last year's worst floods. “We should charge international value for our cotton. Pakistan is a deficit state as far as cotton is concerned and India is surplus. We can change the international trend, if we join hands,” he remarked.

Stating that he was for free and liberal trade, Mr. Ijaz said Pakistan had a huge market potential for Indian exports in the areas of raw material for textiles, synthetic textiles, polymer and geo textiles. “Why should we explore international sectors for textile trade? We can join hands and even have production bases in Pakistan where labour is available and then export products at our will to various players across the globe,” he said.

Giant step forward

Terming the notification of the “negative list” a giant step forward, Mr. Ijaz said India had now to respond with positive steps and work on removing non-tariff barriers to facilitate enhanced trade and economic engagement.

“This is also a big step that allows larger people-to- people exchange allowing businesses from both sides to meet each other regularly and explore potential for future business opportunities, especially in the field of energy including petrochemical trade,” he stated.

The Hindu : News / National : It is time for us to call the shots in textiles, Pakistan tells India
“Why should we explore international sectors for textile trade? We can join hands and even have production bases in Pakistan where labour is available and then export products at our will to various players across the globe,”

If our govt. keep this point in mind and emphasis on it, i don't have any problem with MNF status to India, anyway we know that India & Pakistan join can do lot of things but we also know that this is a dream.
what i found interesting is that even on a "per capita" basis, India and Pakistan produce twice as much cotton as the rest of the word. (19.85% of world population, but 40% of the cotton production).

Just to keep the context, current combined wheat production is 15.82% of world production.
On the rice front though, the combined production is 20.7% of world production (rice is mainly India though).

Didn't know cotton was so much here, compared to rest of the world.

Textile trade is quite miserable for both of us .... only $30 billion out of $800 billion ???

perhaps because local demand for clothing is too high. :laugh:

do India and Pakistan wear twice as many clothes as rest of the world. :laugh:
We should expand trade ties to new levels and leave the past behind us enough is enough lets move forward to a new chapter.

Textile trade is quite miserable for both of us .... only $30 billion out of $800 billion ???

perhaps because local demand for clothing is too high. :laugh:

do India and Pakistan wear twice as many clothes as rest of the world. :laugh:

I think we sell raw cotton more & also sell the finish products on cheap prices or make products of well known brands and those companies are actually making premium profits.
I heard the subcontinent produced 90%+ of cotton before the British de-industrialized you. Still a long way to go.
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