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India and Japan sign 10-year military pact to counter China in the Indo-Pacific — strengthening the QUAD

So Indians and Japanese need to learn cooking dogs and bats?

Indian chefs already are experts at bat.

Losers bind together won't make them winners.

China vs G7 or China vs a bunch of losers.

When will our Chinese arms companies be able to milk from this Indian cow?

150 million per J10CE8-)8-)8-)
You can't but show a quarter where we all suffered because of China virus. It is shameful that you indulge in such ridiculous mockery.
The virus is from US, China first identified the virus due to her advanced disease monitoring system.
With so many military, defence and strategic pacts with each each, why doesn't the Quad speak up for India. It's nowhere to be seen while China takes 1,000 sq km from India without firing a single bullet.

When are Japanese, American and Australian fighter jets going to land in India as a show of force against China similar to when NATO moves it's assets to Eastern Europe to deter Russia.

So far, India's Hindu Extremist PM Narendra Modi is too scared to name China while other quad members have not even condemned China yet since India's surrender of Galwan Valley.
How does the Japanese funded Indian first bullet train project go?
As soon as land acquisition is done, I'll surely notify you. There nothing Japan can do about it. We are not communist regime to throw under a tank those who don't want to part with their land. In democratic set up, it takes time.
So when is Japan coming to help India get back over 38,000 square kms of indian land that was conquered by China?........... :disagree::

The OP is actually good news for Pakistan because it makes Gwadar and hence CPEC more valuable to China. Don't be surprised if China invests more money in to CPEC.
As soon as land acquisition is done, I'll surely notify you. There nothing Japan can do about it. We are not communist regime to throw under a tank those who don't want to part with their land. In democratic set up, it takes time.
Lol, it seems you don't know how "communist regime" works, it's a once in a life time opportunity to instantly become a multimillionaire if your house is luckily on the acqusition list of the govenment, so many people just push this luck to the limit.

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