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India abruptly puts off border talks with China

First try to prove the "Aryan" theorey.

What was that ? There is no Aryan-Dravidian except on a linguistic scale. Not on an ethnic scale.

Extensive genetic studies on the Indian population has rejected that theory emphatically.You need to educate yourself.
Do you anything else to say on commenting on Chinese commitment ?? or only personal attack ??

Can you do anything else except trollin and disrespecting martyrs? while people r taking u.... in arguements?

Typical low life indian troll.. u people are mentally disturbed.. i guess Omar is right abt ethnic n inferiority complexes of yours...
so were arabs, turks, afgans, mongols etc etc whom u ppl worship

Afghans? u mean the pashtuns tht are my countrymen? mongols? you mean the mughals living in Pakistan? the arabs tht came here to preach n who live here? like Fareed gunj baksh,shah rukn alam etc? turks?like the chughtais,tughlaks etc tht live in Pakistan?

Looks like u hindus were ruled by every ethnicity.. too bad baluchis never invaded you guys... oh well the italian madam is a good addition!
Haha, I don't actually have any problems with Hinduism. Though it does shock me to read about all those Dalits who were burned alive for being born into the wrong caste.

So consequently I have no problem with Nepal, and in fact admire them very much for what they have contributed to our culture.

nobody has a clean past, we have our issues, we recognize them and such practices are fading out. you should prepare for new arguments since in the near future such issues will be history. remember your silly remarks about india not being in the top ten economies.? :lol:
That's rich, considering that the most powerful person in India right now is a white European. :no:
difference being indian voters gave her the power, we can just as easily take it away. lets see when the election time comes around.

what can you do if CPC does something you disagree with (such as initiating border talks with India), huff and puff on PDF?
nobody has a clean past, we have our issues, we recognize them and such practices are fading out. you should prepare for new arguments since in the near future such issues will be history. remember your silly remarks about india not being in the top ten economies.? :lol:

LOL, but still more poor than Africa. The big points all remain the same. :P

Anyway I don't blame Hinduism for all the Dalit burnings, since they occur mostly in India, not Nepal.

If the brave Nepalese who contributed so much to our culture are now Hindus, then I have no problem with Hinduism.
India will always have more poor than africa, if you keep clicking on the same bookmark.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

That's a good quote. In fact (as you should probably have realized), I am doing the same thing again, in order to achieve the same results. Which makes perfect logical sense. :azn:
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