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India abandons UN Security Council seat ambitions

The current P5 in the UNSC were included because of their relevance at the end of WWII. The world has changed alot in the 65 years that have passed since. I think a new order is needed to represent the new geopolitical landscape. My composition for P5 in 2030 would be:

- United States
- European Union (I don't think individually France or Britain will have the economic/military power to warrant their separate seats)
- Russia
- India
- Brazil

European Union would be a nobody by then. Instead it would be something like USA, China, India, Russia, Brazil rather than European continent at all unless you're counting that France or Germany take a strong stance.
I would just like to add that Indonesia would also be a very strong contender for 2 reasons:

1. Massive population and probably 2nd world economy by then.

Maybe in G8+5 association but unlikely in P5. Indonesia needs to be really big in any significant manner. It is a peaceful emerging nation with very limited strategic and military clout.

2. Also we would need a country to represent the Muslims in the world and most Muslim countries could line up behind it for a permanent seat as it would be the most populous and richest(in terms of overall GDP) Muslim country.

I don't think UN would appreciate a religious representation if that is to be considered a criteria. Otherwise, countries with unique religions both organized or philosophical would demand religious representation.
Maybe in G8+5 association but unlikely in P5. Indonesia needs to be really big in any significant manner. It is a peaceful emerging nation with very limited strategic and military clout.

I don't think UN would appreciate a religious representation if that is to be considered a criteria. Otherwise, countries with unique religions both organized or philosophical would demand religious representation.

I don't think Indonesia is likely to stay isolationsist into the future. It can now as it can obtain nearly all it's resources from it's own lands but the quite rapid economic growth that is expected over the next 2 decades(7% a year or so) will mean that it will have no option but to go on the hunt like China and India for resources in the future. It's oil reserves are unlikely to last much beyond the next decade.

It has already recognised this by partnering with South Korea to produce a new generation fighter aircraft(called KF-XC) as it wants to eventually have an indigenous defence industry. I am sure that it will develop a much more comprehensive defence industry over the next 2 decades and is likely to partner with countries such as Korea and Turkey extensively for this purpose

The Indonesia of 2030 could quite easily look massively different with a population of 300 million and middle income GDP status. Think of it as a larger version of what Brazil is now. And the fact that it would still be growing relatively quickly would mean that, even without that fact that it would be richest Muslim state, it would have a case in it's own right for permanent membership.

Feel free to disagree but these are my thoughts.
"Looks like the propoganda effect is wearing out for India..first NSG not UNSC??
India super power, India world power..now dreams turning into deflated baloon ! "

You are dreaming. India can get its geo political objectives achieved one way or another. The political capital that would be required would rather be spent getting terrorist scum killed in pak via US drones.

If we dont get a UNSC seat, it dosen't weaken us, it weakens the legitimacy of the UNSC. Well still be the 3rd largest economy and a global power soon. UNSC is a charade and you know it too.

Sorry to burst your bubble:devil:

3rd Largest Economy?????? Bullshit. India is still lagging at 10th place in global ranking. It is expected to be third in 10 years by this time China will be 1st. Three years back, Western gurus and Bollywoodaydreamers predicted that Indian economy would be third by 2010. What we see now? The Bollywood daydreamers are still gagging at tht 10th and 11th place. But India is world No 1 Weapons Importer, this cannot be disputed since every Indian Government is very keen to buy all weapons existing in the World market. In the 90s it was Russian weapons now Western.
india for UNSC permanent membership? Well, Asia has been well represented in UNSC by China.
European Union would be a nobody by then. Instead it would be something like USA, China, India, Russia, Brazil rather than European continent at all unless you're counting that France or Germany take a strong stance.

Lovely joke, but not funny at all.

EU is currently having some financial issues in some of its member states, the rich countries are basically paying to help the poors. Now consider why they are doing this? For fun? Not, for a united and unified EU.

Also, if you look, no matter what happens, UK and FR are already permanent members, they are not going to lose the seats. This means EU has two vote in UNSC, two veto powers.
India was offered the UNSC seat post WW2 only to be rejected by our pacifist leader Nehru.....so I think your point above is irrelevant...

UNSC seat and permanent seat are different concept.

When the UN was created by US/Russia/UK/FR/China in 1945, your nation even didn't exist in the world.

but yes, the general norm to define the p5 is the "victors" of WW2, though I have my own opinions wrt. some of the "victors"....But thats irrelevant since its in the past and the P5 are not going anywhere...

FR didn't really do much, was just a clown of the war, as usual.
UK's contribution is pretty slim.

If you look at China, we killed about 100 Japanese generals during the war, fought with millions of their troops.

Japanese generals killed in the war by Chinese troops:

when compared to this, you have to agree that india wasn't even a part of the war.

How many axis generals were killed/capture by indian troops? how many axis troops were eliminated by indian troops? zero and slightly higher than zero.
UNSC seat and permanent seat are different concept.

When the UN was created by US/Russia/UK/FR/China in 1945, your nation even didn't exist in the world.

FR didn't really do much, was just a clown of the war, as usual.
UK's contribution is pretty slim.

If you look at China, we killed about 100 Japanese generals during the war, fought with millions of their troops.

Japanese generals killed in the war by Chinese troops:

when compared to this, you have to agree that india wasn't even a part of the war.

How many axis generals were killed/capture by indian troops? how many axis troops were eliminated by indian troops? zero and slightly higher than zero.

You killed 100 or 1000 generals ,so what ?? You got your place,now its India time to get its rightful place .Now be afraid ,very afraid ,Indians are coming.
Yes of course, despite ALL FIVE PERMANENT members of the security council already agreeing to India's candidacy:
China backs India's aspirations for UNSC

please don't lie, thanks.

the NDTV article clearly says China backs India's aspirations for UNSC. It is like:

india: I want to be rich.
china: Right, it is 100% good aspiration.
india: are you going to back it?
china: of course, I back your aspiration.
india: are you going to back me to achieve that?
china: no way
india: then why you say you would back the aspiration.
china: I said I will back your aspiration, you can even have the aspiration to be No.1, that is of course not a wrong aspiration to have, I back your aspiration.
You killed 100 or 1000 generals ,so what ?? You got your place,now its India time to get its rightful place .Now be afraid ,very afraid ,Indians are coming.

you can dream, dream it every day and night.
but at the end of day, a nation failed to host the commonwealth game should never be admitted into the UNSC permanently.

dude, their votes/support mean nothing.
there is a magic thing called veto power. 5 nations have it, China is one of them.

read the OP article again, it is never about how many countries support you, it is only about how many of the big 5 support you. sadly, China is enough to block it.

also, please think about it, this is a very good question for educated and smart indians: what Russia got left? nothing basically, they only have some Soviet Union craps and a UNSC seat. now do you believe they are going to support you? to share the same status with you?

please don't be naive. you signed the contracts with Russians, how many times they changed their minds after signing? just ask yourself. why they keep increase the cost of your aircraft carrier?
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