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INDIA AA 'Taj Mahal used to be a Shiva temple that Mughals destroyed,' says BJP MP Vinay Katiyar

Saudi Arabia gave highest civilian award to Modi. :smitten:

Both enemies of the common Muslim standing side by side.
why not your friend above believes it was why can't you.
He is free to believe in any damn thing -- it won't change anything. You all believe that Pakistan existance goes back to antiquity right? Doesn't changes the history even though you re-write all your history books.
He is free to believe in any damn thing -- it won't change anything. You all believe that Pakistan existance goes back to antiquity right? Doesn't changes the history even though you re-write all your history books.
"Shajida khan" my point in that post was to prove that most Indians will believe anything that their politicians and media says just like sheep
"Shajida khan" my point in that post was to prove that most Indians will believe anything that their politicians and media says just like sheep
That includes almost all of the humanity. Ask Chinese. They won't even dare to question their party. If Party says there were ducks in Tianaman square not tanks, they will say ducks. Or Americans, if Trump says Muslims are biggest threat to US security, most Americans will rally behind him. So do Russians for Putin. Whats the big idea? Majority are sheeps almost any nation and community. Why go any further? Look at pakistan! How do you think Nawaz Sharief got elected so many times even though everyone knew he was corrupt to core even before Panama!
That includes almost all of the humanity. Ask Chinese. They won't even dare to question their party. If Party says there were ducks in Tianaman square not tanks, they will say ducks. Or Americans, if Trump says Muslims are biggest threat to US security, most Americans will rally behind him. So do Russians for Putin. Whats the big idea? Majority are sheeps almost any nation and community. Why go any further? Look at pakistan! How do you think Nawaz Sharief got elected so many times even though everyone knew he was corrupt to core even before Panama!
Nawaz got elected because the Pakistani's are corrupt to the core just like him and a corrupt ruler suits them.

if Trump says Muslims are biggest threat to US security, most Americans will rally behind him.
not most a lot of Americans did not like his views but still voted for him because they did not like Hillary.
not most a lot of Americans did not like his views but still voted for him because they did not like Hillary.
Well, fair enough, a LOT of Americans rallied behind him. Still proves my point. A demagogue can easily sway public opinion. India and Indians are not unique.

And this is nothing new! Remember war on terror? Remember WMDs? "Absence of Evidence" throat clearing? All the sheeps rallying behind MIC sponsored politicians and their media cronies? Nothing new and nothing unique.

Nawaz got elected because the Pakistani's are corrupt to the core just like him and a corrupt ruler suits them.
Same as above.

Nothing unique about Indians getting swayed by demagogue politicians and media.
It is just matter of time, they are building the hype and it is like 10th article shared on PDF about Taaj Mahal and its illegitimate status so within a few years we will see more and more indians getting convinced as was done in the case of the Babri masjid. I think it will happen sooner. The pattern is the same.
If you thinks PDF is any indication of how the average Pakistani or Indian thinks, you're a bigger moron than you let on.
Muslims seem to be tortured in India after the Burma massacres. If this goes on at this rate, the extremists Hindus will start expelling the Muslims to countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hopefully the Indian army is in a position to protect the Indian Muslims against slaughter by a million or so non Muslims at worse case scenario

Do you expect Indian military to protect Muslims?

You have better luck getting a fox to protect the hen.
If you thinks PDF is any indication of how the average Pakistani or Indian thinks, you're a bigger moron than you let on.
The whole of india (especially hindus) voted for Modi so what it has to do with PDF.
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