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INDIA AA 'Taj Mahal used to be a Shiva temple that Mughals destroyed,' says BJP MP Vinay Katiyar

They are trying to re-write history, they will probably succeed to convince their own feeble masses,,,heck their is no probably about it.Kudos bro
For Taaj Mahal, they have to work a little bit more because of its international fame and also because the baniya loves money even if it comes from the cow meat export. So articles will be written for years so that the narrative is built and people start to believe their lies.

However for lesser known monuments the job is not so difficult. All they have to follow the script..yeah the same script they followed for Babri masjid. Follow these steps
  1. Burry some hindu relics and pages of scriptures written in sanskirt near the foundation of the masjid or monument in the dark of the night when Muslims are sleeping.
  2. After some days, make a claim that this masjid or monument was built on top of some ancient temple (as was Babri Masjid and as is Taaj Mahal)
  3. Gather a few thousand slum dogs lead by bhakts and dig up the "spot", get the "evidence", show to the people
  4. Destroy that masjid or monument and police and state will just look the other way
  5. Collect funds and build the shiv temple.
  6. Use the mob to burn nearby Muslim houses and kill a few dozen or a few hundred Muslim
That's the script to be replicated everywhere with minor adjustment according to the situation.
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Pakistani cheerleaders need to calm down. A random MLA or MP saying something doesn't amount to Government policy.

Muslims seem to be tortured in India after the Burma massacres. If this goes on at this rate, the extremists Hindus will start expelling the Muslims to countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hopefully the Indian army is in a position to protect the Indian Muslims against slaughter by a million or so non Muslims at worse case scenario
Pakistani cheerleaders need to calm down. A random MLA or MP saying something doesn't amount to Government policy.
Yes true these Pakistani Punjabis lived decades under Sikh rule. Hindu Dogras of Jammu were also part over this rule. We didn't exterminate them we ruled over their ancesters. This is how they repay our benevolent rule.

They hate us like beasts of burden hate their owners.
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may be it was temple but who care.. let archeology dept deal with it...
taj is perfect as it is....
Muslims seem to be tortured in India after the Burma massacres. If this goes on at this rate, the extremists Hindus will start expelling the Muslims to countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hopefully the Indian army is in a position to protect the Indian Muslims against slaughter by a million or so non Muslims at worse case scenario
Both current President and Prime Minister of India were trained by RSS. President is the commander in chief of all forces. If RSS infiltrates Indian army fully, then Indian army can take over and Indian constitution can be dissolved. Then only India will become a hindu state.

You are just worried that you would have to do your duty and take care of the refugees.(Hijrat) CPEC will make it easier in dealing with 160 million refugees.
Muslims seem to be tortured in India after the Burma massacres. If this goes on at this rate, the extremists Hindus will start expelling the Muslims to countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hopefully the Indian army is in a position to protect the Indian Muslims against slaughter by a million or so non Muslims at worse case scenario
Should we look at the number of Muslims killed in India and Pakistan who died in the last 15 years who died unnatural deaths? So we can figure where it is they need protection.
Who cares. Let the BJP party destroy the Taj Mahal if they want to.

It is their country.
There was only one ling there before. Now there are four! Katiyar should be happy!
For Taaj Mahal, they have to work a little bit more because of its international fame and also because the baniya loves money even if it comes from the cow meat export. So articles will be written for years so that the narrative is built and people start to believe their lies.

However for lesser known monuments the job is not so difficult. All they have to follow the script..yeah the same script they followed for Babri masjid. Follow these steps
  1. Burry some hindu relics and pages of scriptures written in sanskirt in the dark of the night when Muslims are sleeping.
  2. After some days, make a claim that this masjid or monument was built on top of some ancient temple (as was Babri Masjid and as is Taaj Mahal)
  3. Gather a few thousand slum dogs lead by bhakts and dig up the "spot", get the "evidence", show to the people
  4. Destroy that masjid or monument and police and state will just look the other way
  5. Collect funds and build the shiv temple.
  6. Use the mob to burn nearby Muslim houses and kill a few dozen or a few hundred Muslim
That's the script to be replicated everywhere with minor adjustment according to the situation.
Excellent assessment though I would add one more criteria, some local Sage/charlatan will come up with a dream stating that Mahadev himself authorised this action for his destroyed temple, this formula was was used in the Babri Masjid incident when Ram is supposed to have told some charlatan that this was the site of an Ayodha temple.Kudos bro
Excellent assessment though I would add one more criteria, some local Sage/charlatan will come up with a dream stating that Mahadev himself authorised this action for his destroyed temple, this formula was was used in the Babri Masjid incident when Ram is supposed to have told some charlatan that this was the site of an Ayodha temple.Kudos bro
Exactly, and see how the "secular" govt of india just chose to look away rather it helped the hindus in doing that. That needs to be shown to the world
It has happened already in case of Babri masjid..where were you sleeping then?
I personally was not even born back then. But then, Taj Mahal is no mosque. And it is nowhere comparable to the position Taj Mahal hold for all Indians.
I personally was not even born back then. But then, Taj Mahal is no mosque. And it is nowhere comparable to the position Taj Mahal hold for all Indians.
It is just matter of time, they are building the hype and it is like 10th article shared on PDF about Taaj Mahal and its illegitimate status so within a few years we will see more and more indians getting convinced as was done in the case of the Babri masjid. I think it will happen sooner. The pattern is the same.
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