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India: 60 Registered Rapes a Day

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Indian gang up against anybody posting negative news of Indian at full force as usual.
(1) attack the poster.
(2) derail the thread with off topic rants.
(3) cry foul to the moderators.
(4) thread close. Thread starter banned.
May be you will be sucessful, but it won't change the FACT, rape is the faster growing crimes against "FEMALES" in India, "RAPE CAPITAL" is not there for nothing. Wonder if those poor VICTIMS happened to be your family members, will you still react the same way?
Did a relative tell u tht.

AwSum :rofl: :rofl:

Instead of condemnin rape......indians r trolling n derailing the thread.

Indian gang up against anybody posting negative news of Indian at full force as usual.
(1) attack the poster.
(2) derail the thread with off topic rants
(3) cry foul to the moderators.
(4) thread close. Thread starter banned.
May be you will be sucessful, but it won't change the FACT, rape is the faster growing crimes against "FEMALES" in India, "RAPE CAPITAL" is not there for nothing. Wonder if those poor VICTIMS happened to be your family members, will you still react the same way?

There Old Tactics to close the thread.trolling and derailing
bot attack i guess. I get the same messages from a particular poster in all the threads. May be it is programmed to function in that way.

Hint to identify it: Winston Churchill quote and word Hypocrisy


Indians don't have the balls to use force even after the Mumbai attacks.

China on the other hand, went head-to-head against the two superpowers of the world, USA (Korean war) and USSR (Sino-Soviet split).

India gets slapped around by everyone and cries to the Westerners for help.

And you have the nerve to call other people cowards. :lol:

Pakistan took half of Kashmir in 1947 and India went crying to the UN. They went off crying to the West after 1962 as well.

Your countrymen can talk big about "cowardice", but what did India do after the Mumbai attacks but whine? And whine again?


We were the winners of WW2, which is why we have veto power on the UNSC. :azn:

India is the constant crying loser. Crying over the Mumbai attacks, but without the balls to do anything.

Here are some words from the country that created you:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill
bot attack i guess. I get the same messages from a particular poster in all the threads. May be it is programmed to function in that way.

Yes, there is too much Indian hypocrisy, I have to bookmark my articles. :D

Winston Churchill is right, India is not a country. It is an invention of the British.
bot attack i guess. I get the same messages from a particular poster in all the threads. May be it is programmed to function in that way.

Hint to identify it: Winston Churchill quote and word Hypocrisy


You're corrrect !

From the same thread

China went head-to-head against the USA and 16 of her allies, during the 1950 Korean war, and pushed them out of North Korea.

China also went head-to-head against the USSR during the Sino-Soviet split. We fought head-on against the two global superpowers, even at our weakest point.

India? :lol: Pakistan took half of Kashmir in 1947, and you went crying to the UN. Beat up by a smaller kid.

Then you got beat up by China in 1962, and went crying to the USA for help.

Even your entire nation, was created by a Western country, i.e. Britain. And this is what Britain's Prime minister had to say:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill


The replies are scripted !

Not bot, but a comrade :azn:
Indian gang up against anybody posting negative news of Indian at full force as usual.
(1) attack the poster.
(2) derail the thread with off topic rants.
(3) cry foul to the moderators.
(4) thread close. Thread starter banned.
May be you will be sucessful, but it won't change the FACT, rape is the faster growing crimes against "FEMALES" in India, "RAPE CAPITAL" is not there for nothing. Wonder if those poor VICTIMS happened to be your family members, will you still react the same way?

but it won't change the FACT, rape is the faster growing crimes against "FEMALES" in India,

You are yet to reply why it is so high in your MOTHERLAND.
Fight rape – Editorial (Feb 11, 2011, Times of India) | Indian American Muslim Council

by newsdigest on February 18, 2011

The spate of rape cases reported over the last few days highlights a serious deficit in security for women in India. A girl in Kerala was pushed out of a running train and brutally assaulted and raped. A 21-year-old accountant was gangraped by five men in Ghaziabad. In Fatehpur district, Uttar Pradesh, a Dalit girl resisting rape had her nose, ear and part of her hand chopped off. From Kerala to Uttar Pradesh, Amritsar to Jhansi, sexual crimes against women are on the rise. According to National Crime Records Bureau statistics, more than 53 rape cases are recorded everyday. In 2009, a total of 21,397 rape cases were reported countrywide. Given the number constitutes a fraction of the actual number of rapes that take place, the figures are a serious indictment of efforts to provide security for women.

At the root of the problem is the approach of the police towards rape cases. It has been documented that in 90% of rape cases the victim is known to the accused. This makes it all the more necessary to investigate such cases speedily. Any delay could be used by the accused to intimidate the victim and her family into silence. Unfortunately, this is the case most of the time. It is precisely because very few rape cases ever lead to conviction that the law fails to provide effective deterrence. The solution lies in implementing police reforms that provide confidence to the victims and their families to fight for justice. This can be achieved by establishing dedicated rape cells staffed mostly by policewomen, and strengthening them in terms of staff and resources where they exist. Having special fast-track courts to try rape cases across the country is a good idea.

Rape victims suffer a great deal of social stigma. It is one of the main reasons that prevent victims from reporting the crime. Trauma centres and rehabilitation services for the victims are integral to the fight against sexual violence. There is no escaping the fact that sexual crimes can be reinforced by a perverse patriarchal mindset that treats women as commodities. Gender sensitisation programmes need to be institutionalised in schools and colleges across the country to counter this trend. In many cases victims are not even aware of the mechanism in place to seek justice. Awareness campaigns at the grassroots to educate women about what to do in threatening situations, and informing them about police procedures if sexual violence actually occurs, will greatly help. Better policing combined with speedy convictions and awareness campaigns is the answer to the problem.
Notice the diversion to racism, pretty soon there will be cries of Indians being bad racists and calling Chinese member derogatory names.

Scripted indeed.
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