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Engaging China is crucial: Indian foreign secretary

To think that KMT would ever come to power in mainland China is a bigger joke:lol:? Does KMT still want to do that, or are they content with their island?

Some KMT members want to stay in Taiwan, maybe even thinking about the separatism like DPP. While their Ultranationalist faction still thinks of how to overthrow CCP.

And their elites are mostly Ultranationalists who are still in charge of the party for now.
If it is one China - why hasn't China (Peking) tried to assimilate China (Taipei) yet? Any why wait so long to assimilate Hong Kong too? What's with the Chinese government and not standing up to western nations?
If it is one China - why hasn't China (Peking) tried to assimilate China (Taipei) yet? Any why wait so long to assimilate Hong Kong too? What's with the Chinese government and not standing up to western nations?

This political issue is more complicated than you thought to be.

CCP wants one China being united under the name of PRC, whereas the KMT elites want one China being united under the name of ROC.
:pop: What the Chinese people want a government, the decision by the Chinese. If you do not like China, Pick up your guns. Otherwise, shut up, shrew.
Loser has the right to cry, no right to preach.
:pop: What the Chinese people want a government, the decision by the Chinese. If you do not like China, Pick up your guns. Otherwise, shut up, shrew.
Loser has the right to cry, no right to preach.

It is our moral duty to preach to the less privileged citizenry in our neighborhood. We can only hope that one day you can see the light and your citizens stop seeking refuge in our lands. We have no problem giving refuge to poor Chinese citizens who face atrocities from their State but we must make them aware so that they might become brave, grow a backbone and stand up to their genocidal regime.
What's with the Chinese government and not standing up to western nations?

China went head-to-head against the USA and 16 of her allies, during the 1950 Korean war, and pushed them out of North Korea.

China also went head-to-head against the USSR during the Sino-Soviet split. We fought head-on against the two global superpowers, even at our weakest point.

India? :lol: Pakistan took half of Kashmir in 1947, and you went crying to the UN. Beat up by a smaller kid.

Then you got beat up by China in 1962, and went crying to the USA for help.

Even your entire nation, was created by a Western country, i.e. Britain. And this is what Britain's Prime minister had to say:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill
It is our moral duty to preach to the less privileged citizenry in our neighborhood. We can only hope that one day you can see the light and your citizens stop seeking refuge in our lands. We have no problem giving refuge to poor Chinese citizens who face atrocities from their State but we must make them aware so that they might become brave, grow a backbone and stand up to their genocidal regime.

:coffee: They are terrorists and separatists. India violated China's sovereignty, so we have reason to carry out any revenge.
Which country support the terrorist organizations against the Chinese, China will support a terrorist organization against the country.
Which country support the separatism against the Chinese, China will support separatism against the country.
China went head-to-head against the USA and 16 of her allies, during the 1950 Korean war, and pushed them out of North Korea.

China also went head-to-head against the USSR during the Sino-Soviet split. We fought head-on against the two global superpowers, even at our weakest point.

India? :lol: Pakistan took half of Kashmir in 1947, and you went crying to the UN. Beat up by a smaller kid.

Then you got beat up by China in 1962, and went crying to the USA for help.

Even your entire nation, was created by a Western country, i.e. Britain.

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

Looks like an education acquired from a communist text book so I should not hold it against you.

I was referring to why the Chinese waited so long to get Hong Kong back? Why China doesn't do anything about Taiwan?

Given China's definition of victory, I can see why you think you beat India. It is like Hitler invading Russia, running back to Berlin before the Russians regrouped and calling it a victory!!!
But then, it is not your fault. You have constantly been taught wrong information by your state run education board.
:coffee: They are terrorists and separatists. India violated China's sovereignty, so we have reason to carry out any revenge.
Which country support the terrorist organizations against the Chinese, China will support a terrorist organization against the country.
Which country support the separatism against the Chinese, China will support separatism against the country.

Please type in a coherent language. Are you trying to make a point here?
Looks like an education acquired from a communist text book so I should not hold it against you.

I was referring to why the Chinese waited so long to get Hong Kong back? Why China doesn't do anything about Taiwan?

Given China's definition of victory, I can see why you think you beat India. It is like Hitler invading Russia, running back to Berlin before the Russians regrouped and calling it a victory!!!
But then, it is not your fault. You have constantly been taught wrong information by your state run education board.

In addition to abusive and framing, what you can do? Shut up, loser.
Looks like an education acquired from a communist text book so I should not hold it against you.

Your stereotypes fail again. :lol:

I am from Hong Kong. The media freedom index, ranks Hong Kong as second highest in Asia. Meanwhile, India isn't even ranked in the top 100.

But since you couldn't answer anything I said, you fell back on the "brainwashing" angle. :D

The bottom line is that India was created by Britain, and has been slapped around by everyone.

Even Pakistan, which is a fraction of India's size, was able to force India to run away crying to the UN in 1947.

Even after the Mumbai attacks, India was too afraid to respond with force.
Please type in a coherent language. Are you trying to make a point here?

China's position that only Chinese people can request for an interpretation. Indians are not eligible.
China only need to tell the Indians what is China's revenge. Indians can choose to accept or hostile.
That's enough.
Given China's definition of victory, I can see why you think you beat India. It is like Hitler invading Russia, running back to Berlin before the Russians regrouped and calling it a victory!!!
But then, it is not your fault. You have constantly been taught wrong information by your state run education board.

Please do not compare that little skirmish to the largest loss of life in combat ever. Russia won because despite being beaten to a bloody pulp they pulled it together, invaded Germany and captured Berlin. If they did not they would have been the losers. India has done no such thing after being beaten to a bloody pulp. The whole world including India admits that they lost. Only person brainwashed here is you by your own delusional wet dreams.

BTW taking land, achieving objectives, and inflicting disproportionate casualties is the definition of victory in war by anyones standards.

But apparently suffering disproportionate casualties, losing land, and crying to other countries is your idea of victory.

Well then may India have much more Victories

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