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Incident at Natanz not an accident, damage worse than Iran revealing

Trench Broom

Feb 14, 2020
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United Kingdom
The incident at Natanz on Sunday morning was not an “accident” and the damage is much graver than what Iran is presenting to the public, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

An "accident" occurred on Sunday morning in the electricity distribution network at Iran's Natanz nuclear facility, the country's main uranium enrichment facility, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi told the Iranian Fars News Agency.

The little Zionist worshipper is back.

Why are you getting happy for? LOL didn't your Israeli air force try to bomb Pak nuke reactors once upon a time? What happened there? Did your balls drop off.
The little Zionist worshipper is back.

Why are you getting happy for?

Any normal person would be happy when a genocidal regime that has murdered hundreds of thousands of your fellow Arab people has another 'blunder'.

Of course we know that Pakistanis worship at the alter of the Mullahs. A vapid stagnant state with no future which clings onto the sinking ship that is Iran. A country under so many sanctions, but still manages to be more successful and resourceful than Pakistan :pakistan:
Any normal person would be happy when a genocidal regime that has murdered hundreds of thousands of your fellow Arab people has another 'blunder'.

Of course we know that Pakistanis worship at the alter of the Mullahs. A vapid stagnant state with no future which clings onto the sinking ship that is Iran. A country under so many sanctions, but still manages to be more successful and resourceful than Pakistan :pakistan:
What does a morrocan jew is doing making comments on nations that he does not know or will never be allowed to enter...go to your own African forums if any of them accept you..they know better how to handle pests.
What does a morrocan jew is doing making comments on nations that he does not know or will never be allowed to enter...go to your own African forums if any of them accept you..they know better how to handle pests.
I understand that it's frustrating for you to see Natanz routinely attacked with ease. Right under your noses. It's certainly very embarrassing for the isolated, sanctioned pariah terror state. :)
I understand that it's frustrating for you to see Natanz routinely attacked with ease. Right under your noses. It's certainly very embarrassing for the isolated, sanctioned pariah terror state. :)
Ok Mr. Terror this... terror that..you had your fun...now time for you to leave iran and Iranians alone...do not be so obsessed with everything iranian...get a life where ever you are..if you are in Israel please practice your swimming lessons..if you are in Morroco...I heared they have nice beaches...get out and have fresh air...Persian have no animosity with you do not make enemy . BE NICE..SAY SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT OTHERS FROM Time TO TIME.
Any normal person would be happy when a genocidal regime that has murdered hundreds of thousands of your fellow Arab people has another 'blunder'.

Of course we know that Pakistanis worship at the alter of the Mullahs. A vapid stagnant state with no future which clings onto the sinking ship that is Iran. A country under so many sanctions, but still manages to be more successful and resourceful than Pakistan :pakistan:

That is low, very low. Shall I spill some beans about the Moroccans and their King's inclination towards the Moroccan Jews!!!

Don't say I don't know. Because I know, had been an honorary citizen of "Maghreb".
Do you have any freedom in your country, apart from booze and women!!! You are no better than the Iranians.

Clergy may subjugate them , but your Kings had been worst.
Spokesman says accident hit the Natanz electrical distribution grid, a day after Iran switched on new centrifuges

A spokesman for Iran’s civilian nuclear programme said an “accident” struck the electrical distribution grid of the Natanz nuclear facility, a day after the government announced it was starting up new uranium enrichment centrifuges.

Iran nuclear: 'Terrorist act' at underground Natanz facility

A nuclear facility in Iran was hit by a "terrorist act" a day after it unveiled new advanced uranium centrifuges, a top nuclear official says.
He did not say who was to blame but urged the international community to deal with nuclear terrorism.

What has Iran been saying?
On Sunday, a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Behrouz Kamalvandi, said an "incident" had occurred in the morning involving the nuclear facility's power network.
Mr Kamalvandi did not provide further details but told Iran's Fars news agency there there had been "no casualties or leaks".
Later state TV read out a statement by AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi, in which he described the incident as "sabotage" and "nuclear terrorism".
"Condemning this despicable move, the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasises the need for the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] to deal with this nuclear terrorism," he was quoted as saying.

"Iran reserves the right to take action against the perpetrators."
The IAEA said it was aware of the reports of an incident but would not comment.
Last July, sabotage was blamed for a fire at the Natanz site which hit a central centrifuge assembly workshop.

Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran , has reportedly broken his head and ankle during an "inspection" in Natanz nuclear facility, but it was declared that his general health is good.
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The Mossad spy agency is behind the blackout that occurred at Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz, according to intelligence officials.

According to them, the strike was a "substantial hit" to the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.


Iran calls blackout at Natanz nuclear facility 'nuclear terrorism'

The head of Iran's civilian nuclear program Sunday has called a blackout that struck the country's Natanz nuclear facility "nuclear terrorism."
Ali Akbar Salehi made the comments in a report published online by Iranian state television on Sunday night.
He did not name a suspect in the sabotage.
Intelligence officials familiar with the Natanz incident said that the Big Bang completely destroyed the internal independent power system supplying the centrifuges underground.

It would take at least nine months to restore the Natanz production -New York Times .
The Mossad spy agency is behind the blackout that occurred at Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz, according to intelligence officials.

According to them, the strike was a "substantial hit" to the Islamic Republic's nuclear program.


Iran calls blackout at Natanz nuclear facility 'nuclear terrorism'

The head of Iran's civilian nuclear program Sunday has called a blackout that struck the country's Natanz nuclear facility "nuclear terrorism."
Ali Akbar Salehi made the comments in a report published online by Iranian state television on Sunday night.
He did not name a suspect in the sabotage.
1-10 how happy are you right now? Must feel good opening up this thread huh?
@LeGenD, I can understand that the Iran haters are having a field trip with this event. However, three threads here and one at the Iranian section, seems a bit over played. Is it possible to close down all but one?
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