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Imran Khan warns UN of potential nuclear war in Kashmir

I think Kashmiris should wholeheartedly support India. There is a better chance of fruition of unified Jammu & Kashmir state under India to its former glory than Pak. This includes Chinese held Kashmir territory.
:crazy::crazy::crazy: why they should support India, because of your barbarism/genocide in the valley, why you lock down the whole valley after annexation, we will see worst human tragedy in making after curfew will lift, one thing is for sure you can beat Hitler/Stalin for killing of innocent peoples @Mace :agree::agree::agree::blah::blah::blah::blah:
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And become nuclear wasteland @Mace

Pak’s nuke bluff was called on 26th Feb @pakistanipower. Proof: No one is taking IK’s nuke apocalypse scenario seriously.

If I were IK I would be only concentrating on credible nuke deterrence instead of piling on more nukes saving lots of resources.

Food for thought: First and foremost kudos on swift retort. But Pak would have gained heaps international attention if they had smartly dragged the feb skirmish longer with threatening posturing.

:crazy::crazy::crazy: why they should support India, because of your barbarism/genocide in the valley, why you lock down the whole valley after annexation, we will see worst human tragedy in making after curfew will lift, one think is for sure you can beat Hitler/Stalin for killing of innocent peoples @Mace :agree::agree::agree::blah::blah::blah::blah:

It is India’s internal issue @pakistanipower. Pak was not involved in creation of Article 370 and should not fret when article 370 is abrogated.

Curfew will be lifted in due course.
Pak’s nuke bluff was called on 26th Feb @pakistanipower. Proof: No one is taking IK’s nuke apocalypse scenario seriously.

If I were IK I would be only concentrating on credible nuke deterrence instead of piling on more nukes saving lots of resources.

Food for thought: First and foremost kudos on swift retort. But Pak would have gained heaps international attention if they had smartly dragged the feb skirmish longer with threatening posturing.
What happened on FEB 27 tell me, :sarcastic::sarcastic: drop some glide bombs in hustle that killed one crow and thrown off some trees, you can't able to stop all pakistani BMs/CMs do you have better ABM systems compare to USA/Russia/China/Israel, oh i forget you invented Vinamas (UFO)/ Internet/cell phone 7000 years ago don't you @Mace :suicide2::suicide::lol:;):enjoy:
Take my word.....Pakistan cannot use Nuke. Going by history of Pakistan post 1947, your elites will not Risk Pakistan for Kashmir....all this is to save face in front of your people who have been fed hate and False hope of Kashmir for past 70 years.

I suspect this to happen in sequence

1. IK will Go (as a sacrificial Goat, getting all the blame and in interest to save your establishment rear from public wrath). Replacement Shah Mehmood Qureshi as PM (new Principal Puppet of establishment)
2. Black Listing by FATF
3. Infiltration/ Jihadi event in Kashmir, leading to escalation...to wand of public attention from other crisis/economic condition/black listing
4. Begin Track 2 / back channel diplomacy - formulating LOC as international border (involvement of US/China/Russia)
5. Release of political leaders (Nawaz,Zardari etc)....to stabilise the internal environment
Only nation after united states is pakistan and may he china who can actually use nukes. You see when you don't fear death you can do anything. I am from the elite of pakistan and i would do it if i had to. Rather then blowing us up one by one in suicide attacks its better to nuke you guys in a few loud bangs. What follows would be acceptible as well suicide squad style
It is India’s internal issue @pakistanipower. Pak was not involved in creation of Article 370 and should not fret when article 370 is abrogated.

Curfew will be lifted in due course.
Not internal issue of yours, its a international dispute and on UN chatter you troll @Mace :crazy::crazy::crazy:
and this is your pathetic shining fcuk India, world biggest shit democracy that in India minorities rights especially human rights goes in gutter and Human rights are only for narrow minded pathetic terrorist Hindus @Mace :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
You're (India) are the biggest MESS/THREAT for the PEACE of Subcontinent @Mace :blah::blah::blah:

JAY TERRORIST HIND @Mace :blah::blah::blah:
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Only someone stupid as Pakistanis would think that they will nuke Kashmir and India will not respond
My goodness child. Listen to yourself.

If we nuke India (why nuke Kashmir?). ...India won't exist to do any retaliation. I believe that type of thinking is above your imagination
And what do you think will be India's response to these "miniature nukes"?

Let me remind you of 2 things
1 India does not have any " Miniature Nukes". We possess full size "Strategic Nukes" because toy nukes don't figure in our nuclear doctrine.
2 India's policy is No First Use but Massive Disproportionate Second Strike
We remind you too, Hindus live only in Hindustan and once nuke niliated you from the earth there will be left no Hindu to remerge again But Pakistan is Ideological country and Muslim live all around the world, can be reemerged again any corner of the world. So you guys Think twice
Again and again morons from both sides talking as if nuking is like something in a game.

This is what will happen. Nothing.
He is building up the steam hope this steam create momentum in the right direction. Something when steam isn’t creating the expected momentum, IK can always push start the momentum and steam will keep it rolling.

It all depends on whether he can sustain enough pushing to create the heat needed to make the head of steam. Otherwise, it will all fizzle out. We can wait to see what happens here.
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:crazy::crazy::crazy: why they should support India, because of your barbarism/genocide in the valley, why you lock down the whole valley after annexation, we will see worst human tragedy in making after curfew will lift, one thing is for sure you can beat Hitler/Stalin for killing of innocent peoples @Mace :agree::agree::agree::blah::blah::blah::blah:
Weak nations doesn't hve any rights to ask any questions, all what thy hve is jst to request!
Thts what our PM is doing now, and according to him, India is a huge power and we should not fight with it, we need to give it what ever it wants, our economy is not good so forget about kashmirs in IOK, our economy isn't good so forget about AJK and GB?
OUR economy isn't good pls trump help me?
Our economy isn't good, we not want war pls take what ever u want????
When u hve tht mind set then u hve not right to ask crapy questions, this world runs on power not on morality, and India and Israel has the power so bow down to them cause u don't hve good economy??? Lolzzx

Only nation after united states is pakistan and may he china who can actually use nukes. You see when you don't fear death you can do anything. I am from the elite of pakistan and i would do it if i had to. Rather then blowing us up one by one in suicide attacks its better to nuke you guys in a few loud bangs. What follows would be acceptible as well suicide squad style
Actully not, ur economy isn't good and ur PM not war and he is begging whole world to stop india taking AJK and GB , how come u can think off dam nucks which u already promised to give up
My goodness child. Listen to yourself.

If we nuke India (why nuke Kashmir?). ...India won't exist to do any retaliation. I believe that type of thinking is above your imagination
1 I was responding to a poster who said Pakistan can use miniature nukes in Kashmir
2 Niether India nor Pakistan has the ability to do a total decapitation first strike. India has a slight advantage because of smaller land area of Pakistan so less number of nukes required for decapitation.
How many missiles will you send in first strike? 50? 100? Do you know the location of all our missile silos? Maybe we have some in Assam? Or Andaman Nicobar Islands? How will you account for INS Arihant?
If you say you will hit Delhi to kill Modiji. Do you think he will be sitting around in the open? He will be in underground nuclear proof bunker.

I am not trolling but giving logical response. If you have a logical counter I am happy to debate
If we nuke India (why nuke Kashmir?). ...India won't exist to do any retaliation.

That may or may not be true. A counterstrike would be equally devastating for Pakistan. This is the M.A.D. doctrine applicable between nuclear rivals.

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