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Imran Khan Press Conference in Islamabad | 23-04-2022

That's what people want - march towards Islamabad. But we need to encircle GHQ as well because it was Mr Bajwa who toppled the government.
Even if Bajwa played a part, he in any case is on his way out.
The real culprits who have been systematically destroying the core values and setting in like a decay are the likes of the Judiciary and Election Commission.
Forgive me for saying this but would love to see some of these Whores getting lynched publicly.
Even if Bajwa played a part, he in any case is on his way out.
The real culprits who have been systematically destroying the core values and setting in like a decay are the likes of the Judiciary and Election Commission.
Forgive me for saying this but would love to see some of these Whores getting lynched publicly.

Real culprits are military high command. Bajwa and co have done what military has been doing to this country since 1947.

Time to name and shame them.
That's what people want - march towards Islamabad. But we need to encircle GHQ as well because it was Mr Bajwa who toppled the government.

I think we -- and Imran Khan -- should not mention the army and ISI any more.

The reason is that PTI can win a free election but then PDM and the foreign media will say that the army installed Imran Khan.
Even if Bajwa played a part, he in any case is on his way out.
The real culprits who have been systematically destroying the core values and setting in like a decay are the likes of the Judiciary and Election Commission.
Forgive me for saying this but would love to see some of these Whores getting lynched publicly.

Bro we all want some lunching's but that will set the wrong precedence. In the future considering our corrupt judiciary we will end up at the Sandam Hussain alleyway of murdering people, who ever we don't like rightly or wrongly.
Lets set up a commission and give them the mandate to investigate all the judges without any legal help and make them to answer all the questions which nation seeks. Same applies to all the politicians and their cases should be heard 24/7 in front of the cameras and completed within 1 year with or without doctor notes or convenient heart diseases they carry and without any breaks. Once convicted take away all the properties from them and those cases should be given constitution protection, accepted as final and never allowed to be opened again and then exiled to live in some villages for ever.
As far as the generals are concerned, those black sheep's heads must roll and for the sake of the good men and women who work there, fire them from there posts without perks and close the chapter so unity of our forces can be preserved. In future they must work and operate in their constitutional boundaries, COAS must be selected by the PM and door of the right of extension's must be closed.
March on the Islamabad must be once in a life time occasion where we make them to leave voluntarily including from the GHQ, as the sheer numbers can wet there pants. Holding fare and free elections by a care taking government and after the elections scouting for the untainted people to occupy the higher offices must begin. Put all the politicians, judges and rest of the mafia bosses till new government is installed and commission completes its inquiry on the ECL list.
Seeing cartoon Shahbaz as PM, I pinch myself, is it real or am having a nightmare. Even drug lords king pins have some standards, is our establishment have so low esteem and no standards to even sit at the same table like him, that is absolutely disgraceful.
There is a lesson for the Imran as well please don't do the same mistake and get rid of Buzdar type people from your ranks too and listen to the will of the people as our nation may not get another chance decades to come. We all want good for our country and hope something good comes out of all this turbulence and tamasha. Lets hope, thanks to the blessings of the Ramazan Allah put us at the right path so our country can prosper.
well pakistan needs a bit of Iran revolution. and then damage control.
get rid of corrupt politicians, few high beurocrates, Insaf ke mata (which is blind) and then army comes to resque ....
Election are called, Sab khus...

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