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Improving the quality of threads by removing Indian members.

Should def.pk improve the quality of this forum by perma-banning problem-Indian members?

  • Yes, they are a nuisance.

  • No, I am Indian.

  • No, I am Pakistani.

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Frankly there are trolls on both sides... But I still feel that the PDF moderators have a long way to go to earn impartial quality!

Sad but true!
Have you found any other forum indian or Pakistani which is better moderated ? Be civil, read more, you will find PDF moderators are as good as they come.

The purpose of this forum as stated by the admin was to bridge gap between the two countries by providing them with a platform where both get the chance to understand the perspective of the other. But sadly that has never been the case as except few, majority of Indians who come here, come here for one single purpose that is to troll and somehow belittle Pakistan and Pakistanis. Lately even senior Indian members seem impressed by their young brethren and fully back their trolling. Some are even blessed with positive ratings.

All in all i would say that there should be some sort of criteria being made before anyone can be allowed to join this forum specially from across the border. Let them show some sort of adjective before giving them rights to post on threads. This will certainly increase the creditability of this forum and raise the standard of debate.

My 2 cents. Please feel free to disagree.
Internet is a place where a$$holes can truly express their self. Indians do have this place infested as similarly I can assume pakistanis would have that baharat-rak-shit website. All these warmongers, armchair generals, keyboard warriors wont last more than 2 mins in a real fight, so let the cheer leaders do what they do best and go on with your own life.

You cannot really remove/ban anyone from internet.

You seem like a educated person, why do you see the fault from one side ??? and You're totally unaware of the situation... its not just the Inidans but most of the pakistanis too are so annoying looking up early in the morning to post anti-indian articles and love to start anti-indian threads on their own... it goes same for the India users.. So if we go in same way then this forum should be shut down.. We're not here to accuse each other but to share and learn, if ou can't agree on that then you should just quit PDF. like Webmaster said, report if you find any posts that are against the rules not because it hurts your ego... and we already posted our complaints to webmaster to not to show partiality in banning or giving negative rating.. which happens to the indian members very often by pakistani members while defending the Pakistani assaults(while pakistani users never gets punished). Pakistani users are not Angels either

report,digest,share and learn or just quit.
The forum management is doing a great job handing reports. But the posts must violate the rules, it shouldn't be reported just because it hurt your ego.

Advise all sane members of the forum to report those who try to create trouble and hence decrease the quality of this forum.
Rightly said boss...

@OP - PDF already has set of rules and authorized people to ensure quality of forum...If you are not happy with something you can report it to Mod but its Mod who has to take action based on the rules mentioned in the book ....just because that particular post might have hurt your Ego as mentioned by Webbi...dont expect Mod to take stringent action against that poster...Perhaps, you need come out of your comfort zone and overcome the prejudice you have against Indian!
I feel that most Indians on this forums are RAW analyst wing so yes ban them as they dont contribute in development rather DICK fight starts
Well designed options lol , so basically folks from neither India nor Pakistan can only vote “yes”:rofl:

Sure, why not
Everybody's saying it but nobody appears to have taken the initiative to address the issue. Simply put, there are problematic Indian members on this forum who appear to have lost their way to Bharat Rakshak and need to be shown the door. I'd name a few but in the interests of propriety I'm going to refrain from doing so.

Pakistani threads are swamped by Indian members who feel it is their divine duty to bring India into everything. Entire threads are derailed by penis-measuring contests far before any sensible and healthy debate can gain traction. I was going through some of the older threads dating back to 2008 and it was such a relief seeing Pakistani posters engaging one another in constructive discussion without the odd Indian troll bringing India into the topic.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want this forum to be Indian-free. Not at all. There are some very respectable Indian posters without whom this forum won't have the diversity of opinion which makes it that interesting to read, but unfortunately the only contribution made by a large majority of juvenile Indian posters, is to lower the average IQ of this forum. I feel strongly about this and I am certain there are many who share my point of view.

Although the poll options may appear whimsical, rest assured they are not. There is a method behind the madness.

@Donatello @waz @Fracker @Leader @Jazzbot @Muhammad Omar @Indus Falcon @Horus @WebMaster @xyxmt @Bratva @rockstar08 @fakhre mirpur @chauvunist @Sage @Hyperion @Pakistan Shaheen @Zarvan @Color_Less_Sky @syedali73 @karakoram @Pak_Sher @Stealth @DESERT FIGHTER @graphican @Spring Onion @WAJsal @SipahSalar @volatile @Arsalan @Oscar @WebMaster @Chak Bamu @waleed3601 @pakistani342 @Jungibaaz @Jaanbaz @Jf Thunder @SBD-3 @Slav Defence @TankMan @Irfan Baloch @Manticore @AUz @Jzaib @IceCold and everybody else whom I've missed out. This is a time consuming task!

Anonymity does draw the masses hence the votes won't be displayed publicly. Although to prove the point I'm trying to make they should be.

Agree. Most of the genuine Indians are either gone or pop up occasionally and they admit feeling disgusted by the trolls representing their country. Those who troll are obviously replied in the similar way hence a thread becomes a mess up which is the intention of trolls.
I have a question..is this forum international or just pakistani or just islami or just muslim or just anti-indian or anything else?

If it is international, then the rules should be suitable to international audience a like.
Putting 'unbiasedopinion' as a name doesn't hide your biase.
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