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IMF darkest and scariest demand on national security spendings

Best news ever... Well-done IMF!

Pak fauj has been rapping Pakistan with their co-workers and emptying the coffers!!
Utterly incorrect. The IMF is only concerned with financial issues. It is up to Pakistan to see what expenditures it can afford, and what it cannot.
This assertion has been thrown by Ishaq Dar:

Dar slams 'uncustomary' IMF attitude, snubs demand for abandoning long-range missiles​

He is condemning IMF and then saying ‘absolutely not’ to so called demands on missile program. I doubt IMF would ask about specific program, but cuts on defense spending is certainly not out of question.
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The mere mention should raise alarm bells. Bajwa is compromised so that leaves a gaping hole for speculation.

Hey, as long as there are enough suckers to keep buying it ... ... ...


You are a little hyper in this thread. Did you drink too much caffeine today?
Or maybe this is done on purpose to derail the IMF program, to pressurize the establishment to fulfill the promise made to NS in london?
I think N league is preparing its narrative to walk out of IMF program and let the country default - and the reason would be missile + nuke program.
IMF can require budget cuts for military & strategic programs. Sri Lanka being one recent example.

Let us start on a factual basis: please provide a source for those claims so that I can know what is it that you are referring to here. Thanks.

i have firm believe Sharif family never lie ...do you ?

You have the right to believe whatever you wish, as do I. However, I do not judge personal beliefs, merely respect another's right to hold them as they wish.

Most probably a fake story to elevate himself and positive PR in comparison to treacherous Bajwa twat enjoying his ill gotten wealth and retirement home in Belgium and Dubai..

You have the right to believe whatever you wish, as do I. However, I do not judge personal beliefs, merely respect another's right to hold them as they wish.

This assertion has been thrown by Ishaq Dar:

Dar slams 'uncustomary' IMF attitude, snubs demand for abandoning long-range missiles​

He is condemning IMF and then saying ‘absolutely not’ to so called demands on missile program. I doubt IMF would ask about specific program, but cuts on defense spending is certainly not out of question.

Fishtavaal, Dar is a known liar and crook. Skindavaal, he has every reason to lie about this matter, at this point. I will remain skeptical, and not speculate beyond known facts in evidence. You may believe whatever you wish, however.
I just love that majority who are commenting with “Pakistani nukes are lost!!!” Are sitting in the US, Canada or UK as if their personal handgun got stolen.

You have NOTHING to do with Pakistan’s nukes and if it is a massive conspiracy to remove them or sell them - stop living, making money off the land and paying taxes to the powers you are inferring as the ones taking away Pakistan’s nukes
Don’t be so absurd. I’m one of the OSPs who wants Pakistan to keep its nukes because we understands the intangible benefits it provides to the people of Pakistan. As bad as things were during WOT, the nukes helped kept Pakistan from experiencing the same faith as Iraq, Syria, and Libya. It also keeps the Indians at bay. Hell, you’ve seen what happens a country when it voluntarily gives up its nukes - Ukraine!
Additionally, myself and many OSPs have investments in Pakistan. I have few properties, my mother spends 8 months out of the year there, my wife came from Lahore.
We have to raise this issue and bring it to a spotlight, or else the folks who run Pakistan will just give the house away for western visas, properties, and jobs for their kids - like they currently do now!
We need to be vocal about this, OSPs and those living in Pakistan.

And as for your information, I’ve been very vocal that Pakistan should keep its nukes amongst my peers in the defense world.

Utterly incorrect. The IMF is only concerned with financial issues. It is up to Pakistan to see what expenditures it can afford, and what it cannot.
Please stop your disinformation tactics. First you asserts there was no torture under the US during the WOT, which millions of online sources proved you wrong, and now you say IMF is only concerned with financial issues when again a simple google search says otherwise:

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Please stop your disinformation tactics. First you asserts there was no torture under the US during the WOT, which millions of online sources proved you wrong, and now you say IMF is only concerned with financial issues when again a simple google search says otherwise:
In these cases IMF is telling them to cut down on military spending, something which is probably being asked here, nothing about nukes specifically. What Pakistan does with the nukes is up to Pakistan, whether it decides to downsize arsenal or increase it etc. in order to achieve this.
Please stop your disinformation tactics. First you asserts there was no torture under the US during the WOT, which millions of online sources proved you wrong, and now you say IMF is only concerned with financial issues when again a simple google search says otherwise:

I agree, the price of onions is outrageous! But even that, nor your wattabootery above, has anything to do with the topic in this thread. Another fail from your kind, as expected. :D
I agree, the price of onions is outrageous! But even that, nor your wattabootery above, has anything to do with the topic in this thread. Another fail from your kind, as expected. :D
You asserted two false things. That is my point, either you’re misinformation or it’s a dubious attempt to spread misinformation. Personally, I think it’s the latter. What wrote above deals directly with the topic on hand - you said IMF is only concern with “financial issues” to which I called you on the bullshit you’re spreading, once again just like that on the other thread about Americas use of torture. It’s very deliberate and specific, as if you have some sort of agenda.

In these cases IMF is telling them to cut down on military spending, something which is probably being asked here, nothing about nukes specifically. What Pakistan does with the nukes is up to Pakistan, whether it decides to downsize arsenal or increase it etc. in order to achieve this.
well knowing who runs Pakistan, the sheer pathetic negotiating skills and communication style, I’m calling out the obvious. I don’t trust the establishment not to sell out the core interests of Pakistan. That’s all they’ve done since Pakistan became a country.
you said IMF is only concern with “financial issues” to which I called you on the bullshit you’re spreading

The real bullshit here is pretending that Pakistan can refuse to consider changes that it needs to get its financial house in order. IMF is indeed concerned ONLY with that, not with the range or color schemes of its nuclear phallic symbols.
The real bullshit here is pretending that Pakistan can refuse to consider changes that it needs to get its financial house in order. IMF is indeed concerned ONLY with that, not with the range or color schemes of its nuclear phallic symbols.
If you’re a military planner whose country has control and influence over such organization as the IMF, you don’t think they would this medium to disarm a potential troublesome nation like Pakistan? I hope Pakistan slashes its military budget by 50%, and but keeps the strategic weapons. It keeps the wolves at bay. No permanent friends or enemies in international relations, just interests.
If you’re a military planner whose country has control and influence over such organization as the IMF, you don’t think they would this medium to disarm a potential troublesome nation like Pakistan? I hope Pakistan slashes its military budget by 50%, and but keeps the strategic weapons. It keeps the wolves at bay. No permanent friends or enemies in international relations, just interests.

That is NOT IMF's responsibility. If Pakistan can show a viable plan to rectify its structural deficiencies causing its recurrent financial imbalances, that is the only thing the IMF remains concerned with, in line with its charter. Thus far, Pakistan has failed to do so 22 times already.
That is NOT IMF's responsibility. If Pakistan can show a viable plan to rectify its structural deficiencies causing its recurrent financial imbalances, that is the only thing the IMF remains concerned with, in line with its charter. Thus far, Pakistan has failed to do so 22 times already.
I fully agree my friend. It’s pathetic how they’ve managed to turn such a country into what it is today. I deeply care for the people, and many do not deserve this.

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