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"I'm a victim of racism in India": North Eastern state Mizoram Chief Minister

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Why do so many Indians have this 'persecution complex'? We want our territory back, not break up India. From what I can tell Pakistan only wants Kashmir back and they would be happy with the current boundary. Co-existence is possible ONLY if all parts are sincere about it.
you want to co-exist by taking territory?if kashmir is pakistani then why is a part of it under chinese control?give that up before you preach us about kashmir being paksitani.the only way to co-exist is to accept the status-quo and focus on development.
Then this leads to the next challenge: India's out-of-control population growth. A large population is both a strength and a liability - how do you feed/employ so many people? This too can be solved by emmigration to Europe, Africa, America, etc. But for them to accept us we need to be good guests. Human migration is natural over time.
and who has been the 'global overpopulation reigning champion' for decades?
mate in a democracy...it is difficult to achieve instant results...we obviously are aware and are working for it...just as you are.
see you can call people from chennai as southern chinese but it wont make a difference...all mongloids are not chinese.

Mongoloids do not live the southern parts of India. I am not the one who is saying all Mongoloids are Chinese. You own desi brothers and sisters say that when they harass the NE students at your cow belt, rape them, molest them, assassinate them, beat them up by calling 'Chinkies' and asking them to leave your India and go back to China. I have not heard any Mongoloid asking any Indian to go back to the African continent. Believe me.

yeah we use nukes all the time communist...saves a lot of time.

And thanks for the confession.
Mongoloids do not live the southern parts of India. I am not the one who is saying all Mongoloids are Chinese. You own desi brothers and sisters say that when they harass the NE students at your cow belt, rape them, molest them, assassinate them, beat them up by calling 'Chinkies' and asking them to leave your India and go back to China.
how many people have you heard saying that?if it was normal for indians to call the north-easterners 'chinkies' and ask them to "go back to china"...it wouldn't be news now would it?and you'd not go gaga about it...but i see that you are not interested in reasoning...so go ahead...i was getting more and more perplexed by the day as to why on a pakistani forum...india is not being bashed.
I have not heard any Mongoloid asking any Indian to go back to the African continent. Believe me.
next time you write fancy words like 'geo-political'/'geo-social'/'geo..blahblah'...try to get what 'geo-graphy' means
@ Paritosh,

Have a look at these reports of your own media.



Actually the basic problem is that you guys do not want to read.
dude honestly...indian media reports to indians also...i read all about them daily...infact there is a very good and potent series going on in the media...trying to educate people of their perils.nevertheless...most north-easterners do not get such a treatment.such things are considered bad and anti-social and that is exactly why they make news.if ther'd had been a rally or a protest by indians to protest the curbing of their rights to abuse the north-eastrners...i'd have totally bought your entire argument.
you want to co-exist by taking territory?if kashmir is pakistani then why is a part of it under chinese control?give that up before you preach us about kashmir being paksitani.the only way to co-exist is to accept the status-quo and focus on development.

and who has been the 'global overpopulation reigning champion' for decades?
mate in a democracy...it is difficult to achieve instant results...we obviously are aware and are working for it...just as you are.

Akhand Bharat again.
Neither do they claim themselves to be Indians.

Still no source that claims that our NE folks claim themselves to be Chinese? This was your original "claim" remember?

You ought to be paid for your story-writing skills! ;)
First of all, thank you so much for not thanking me. I do not also want to get thanks from Indians. In fact, getting cheap thanks is not my objective.

So you don't want thanks from Indians, don't want to associate with us? Then why live in India at all? By the way, since when have Communists become racists anyway?

The North East was never a part of mainland India. They are different from the Indians racially or ethnically

So what you're basically saying is that since North easterns are mongoloid, they are not Indian? So conversely, since Tibetans are different from Han Chinese, Tibet is not a part of China?

Geo-culturally and in mind set.

What the hell does mind set mean anyway? Your racist "mind set" seeps through again.

I know Indians want to snatch their lands away from them and thats why Indians try to accommodate them into the mainstream. But they are not that stupid, though Indians perceive them so considering their look. Let me tell you, you think a man who has small eyes and slightly flat nose is stupid, but science says its actually the size of cranium which matters in case of intelligence.

So you generalise a billion people as being land grabbers and racist? We can see who is bigoted around here.

What I want to say that you alone cannot determine the attitude of all your Indian brothers and sisters who inflict racist treatment on the North East Indian Chinese people. And of course you cannot change the attitude of the masses. Therefore, when a North East Chinese comes to your India, he experiences the brutal racist treatment and consequently he becomes more furious and feels highly alienated which he might not have experienced in his homeland. He returns home and shares his bitter experiences with his friends and family members. Thus your theory of accommodation to remove the sense of alienation is a boomerang.

A majority of north east Indians have faced no discrimination and consider themselves Indians. Case in point - In 1975 a referendum was held in Sikkim in which 97.5% of the people voted to join the Indian Union.

Yes a minority have faced discrimination. As have a minority in all countries of the world. This is an unfortunate fact of the society we live in. Any society will always have its share of bigots. You are one of them.

SinoIndusFriendship -

Why do so many Indians have this 'persecution complex'? We want our territory back, not break up India. From what I can tell Pakistan only wants Kashmir back and they would be happy with the current boundary. Co-existence is possible ONLY if all parts are sincere about it.

Our territory? The north east in not your territory. Even those fighting for independence from Indian rule do not consider themselves to be Chinese. India wants peace as well, however this can only happen when China rightfully recognizes that the entire north east is a part of India.

Then this leads to the next challenge: India's out-of-control population growth. A large population is both a strength and a liability - how do you feed/employ so many people?

India does manage to feed its people. Employment is a problem in every nation with a huge population, China is no exception. India's population is stabilizing.

It is quite clear that neither "Communist" nor SinoIndusFriendship have any valid point to make. When confronted by facts, they resort to the worn out retort of Akhand Bharat and racial remarks. This troll like behaviour was amusing at first but, there is a limit to stupidity.
Akhand Bharat again.

every indian who is proud to be one wants bharat to be akhand...and if you just happen to pick this word from somewhere...akhand bharat means a strong unified india.Every patriot would want his/her country to be unified and strong.
feel sorry for mr mizoram.....in his own country he is being treated as inferior human-being:disagree:
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