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If there can be an English Channel Tunnel, why not in Sethusamudram?

It is used by travelers, not trucks or "trade" as you say.

France has it's own ports and you would've heard of a thing called the Royal Navy? They can trade anyway they want.

Europe is not Central Asia that they would need roads to do their trade. :omghaha:

In short, the trade is not done through the tunnel.

Sigh !

Google before you post. The 1st links I saw..


Which is, precisely why I quoted an Indian.:omghaha:

You don't make any sense at all.

I said Dravidian because of the choice of Karunanidhi's party and that of Anna DMK, with Jayalalitha, who you've rightly pointed out is the incumbent but given Karunanidhi's 5 terms in power, and a huge support base, I thought that you would give a sh!t about that but it turned out that you didn't given your complete disregard for non-Raman believers. ;)

Even after South Indians including Tamils cr@pping your theory , still you have came back to write BS which you have no idea of.Well no surprise you are a pakistani.

DMK has a huge support base .....Yet they failed pathetically .Should give you some hint.

Non-raman believer ....What is that ???
Unlike Indians who believe they are perfect and can never have any flaw within their society or system, I had rectified my mistake and later alluded to Karunanidhi's stature in the state where he was elected CM, 5 times.

Troll ....................... don't waste time ....even tamil don't know what exactly he is talking about......

Quotes from Tamil Nadu's 5 time chief minister, Karunanidhi

Who is this Raman (as Lord Ram is referred to in Tamil)? In which engineering college did he study and become a civil engineer? When did he build this so-called bridge? Is there any evidence for this?"

Where is proof Ram built bridge, asks Karunanidhi - Indian Express

"Lord Ram is an imaginary character and Ram Sethu is not a man-made bridge. The Centre should not do anything to disturb the Sethusamudram project," he said.

Lord Ram is an imaginary character: Karunanidhi
Second point first
Victor Gnanapragasam

Tamil diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I also know many, personally.
First, point last:
Are you saying Karunanidhi is irrelevant?
Karunanidhi ridicules BJP, AIADMK stand on Sethu project - The Hindu
Stop being a typical North Indian, trampling upon the rights of the South Indian Dravidian people who are progressive, open-minded and don't believe in Rama.
Don't try to include Iyer and Brahmins into the list of those who do as they are only a minority and not credible in TN. They lost twice, back to back, in the Indian democratic elections (that are also held in Kashmir and North East) in TN where Karunanidhi won.

damn u had no idea you would know about my state.....anyway when comes to this project Indian media shuts the **** about it cause of the Hinduism....where's the national interest for them now and they'll shout at dmk and tamilians for asking to vote against Sri Lanka of the genocide they made against Tamil community...

the only one who is stupid and schizopherenic is you gotti........
Karuna is not the CM and his family itself is practising hindu.....why dont you stop talking thru your @ss......:lol:

FYI karuna doesn't believe in god as much as other Hindus do....that's why he brought up the project and jaya opposed it cause she is the Brahmin...and a big fat hitch...we voted for her for the first time thinking there'd be a change but results still going down in vain
damn u had no idea you would know about my state.....anyway when comes to this project Indian media shuts the **** about it cause of the Hinduism....where's the national interest for them now and they'll shout at dmk and tamilians for asking to vote against Sri Lanka of the genocide they made against Tamil community...

FYI karuna doesn't believe in god as much as other Hindus do....that's why he brought up the project and jaya opposed it cause she is the Brahmin...and a big fat hitch...we voted for her for the first time thinking there'd be a change but results still going down in vain

she did not oppose it because she is brahmin,

we dont have to support a project which ll make money for the dmk benami,TR Baalu.

Quotes from Tamil Nadu's 5 time chief minister, Karunanidhi

Who is this Raman (as Lord Ram is referred to in Tamil)? In which engineering college did he study and become a civil engineer? When did he build this so-called bridge? Is there any evidence for this?"

Where is proof Ram built bridge, asks Karunanidhi - Indian Express

"Lord Ram is an imaginary character and Ram Sethu is not a man-made bridge. The Centre should not do anything to disturb the Sethusamudram project," he said.

Lord Ram is an imaginary character: Karunanidhi

he is going to die in 2-3 years and then we ll see about it.
she did not oppose it because she is brahmin,

So Brahmins are going to continue to rule the state and impose their beliefs on the majority of Hindus (Shaivism), Muslims and Christians regardless of how they perceive reality to be?

So much for complaining about Mughal dominance and barbarism.

why do you need a tunnel there?

For the same reason the British and the French did - thus, the question. :sick:
damn u had no idea you would know about my state.....anyway when comes to this project Indian media shuts the **** about it cause of the Hinduism....where's the national interest for them now and they'll shout at dmk and tamilians for asking to vote against Sri Lanka of the genocide they made against Tamil community...

There is a general attitude in the South Asian subcontinent, which is more of a colonial hang up than anything, where they completely disregard the sentiments of those communities who they don't perceive to be like them or the same as them.

Pakistan did that with the Bengalis but it helped us change our attitude towards all other communities and we have moved passed the Punjabi-dominated society of the 80's and 90's and now all other communities are empowered, with their own lobbies and rule the country, simultaneously.

The Baloch agitation, that I had been following and even supporting (independence) has subsided because of the empowerment and equal representation in all sections of the government.

This is where India is failing and because it has no such experience, it will not learn. It did that in Pakistan but that was different because the freedom was gained from the British and the stubborn attitude of Vallabhai Patel et al, did nothing but push them further away.

They didn't even let us have our share of the pie and continued to spread hate about us so as to keep India united using hate for Pakistan as it's fundamental pillar.

FYI karuna doesn't believe in god as much as other Hindus do....that's why he brought up the project and jaya opposed it cause she is the Brahmin...and a big fat hitch...we voted for her for the first time thinking there'd be a change but results still going down in vain

Now, although, your location is Karnatka, I am sure you aren't trying to be funny because you were right and even the previous elections were very close in that Jayalalitha could've won but Karunanidhi used his television channel and "rice" to gain votes.

Jayalalitha, being an actress, is by no means following in the tradition of actor-turned politician, Ronald Reagan. She isn't a populist leader like Karunanidhi and DMK's politics will definitely result in her having to go to the right of them and take a more stricter stance.

She did a very similar thing in the previous elections whilst speaking for the Eelam Tamils but I don't think the true rights of the Tamils can be achieved without Tamil Nadu being free. The civil disobedience we see is not directed at Sri Lanka but at India and that's what the Tamil activists said when Prabhakaran was killed. The Tamils feel abandoned and rightly so because India is stuck playing geopolitics and trying to "break" China's so-called string of pearls whilst disregarding the sentiments of 100 million Tamils.

Tamils have realized that India is just a self-interested power and has no sincerity with them in their concerns.

I see another Bangladesh happening because the Bengalis felt just as disenchanted with Pakistan as the Tamils feel now with India.
So Brahmins are going to continue to rule the state and impose their beliefs on the majority of Hindus (Shaivism), Muslims and Christians regardless of how they perceive reality to be?

So much for complaining about Mughal dominance and barbarism.

For the same reason the British and the French did - thus, the question. :sick:

Thats why we dont need one.

There is a general attitude in the South Asian subcontinent, which is more of a colonial hang up than anything, where they completely disregard the sentiments of those communities who they don't perceive to be like them or the same as them.

Pakistan did that with the Bengalis but it helped us change our attitude towards all other communities and we have moved passed the Punjabi-dominated society of the 80's and 90's and now all other communities are empowered, with their own lobbies and rule the country, simultaneously.

The Baloch agitation, that I had been following and even supporting (independence) has subsided because of the empowerment and equal representation in all sections of the government.

This is where India is failing and because it has no such experience, it will not learn. It did that in Pakistan but that was different because the freedom was gained from the British and the stubborn attitude of Vallabhai Patel et al, did nothing but push them further away.

They didn't even let us have our share of the pie and continued to spread hate about us so as to keep India united using hate for Pakistan as it's fundamental pillar.

Now, although, your location is Karnatka, I am sure you aren't trying to be funny because you were right and even the previous elections were very close in that Jayalalitha could've won but Karunanidhi used his television channel and "rice" to gain votes.

Jayalalitha, being an actress, is by no means following in the tradition of actor-turned politician, Ronald Reagan. She isn't a populist leader like Karunanidhi and DMK's politics will definitely result in her having to go to the right of them and take a more stricter stance.

She did a very similar thing in the previous elections whilst speaking for the Eelam Tamils but I don't think the true rights of the Tamils can be achieved without Tamil Nadu being free. The civil disobedience we see is not directed at Sri Lanka but at India and that's what the Tamil activists said when Prabhakaran was killed. The Tamils feel abandoned and rightly so because India is stuck playing geopolitics and trying to "break" China's so-called string of pearls whilst disregarding the sentiments of 100 million Tamils.

Tamils have realized that India is just a self-interested power and has no sincerity with them in their concerns.

I see another Bangladesh happening because the Bengalis felt just as disenchanted with Pakistan as the Tamils feel now with India.

far fetched Gotti,TN is as self centred and oppurtunistic and as equally patriotic as your Bengalis and secondly,they are right in the middle with India.

I ll have a 20000 usd bet with you that Tn wont secede in the next 20 years,

wanna take it?

So Brahmins are going to continue to rule the state and impose their beliefs on the majority of Hindus (Shaivism), Muslims and Christians regardless of how they perceive reality to be?

So much for complaining about Mughal dominance and barbarism.

For the same reason the British and the French did - thus, the question. :sick:

She has a party which is not a brahmin party but a normal linguistic party,thats it.

I am happy for having added more information in your existing knowledge base and you did the same for me (as I didn't have to labor my way through the strenuous and exhaustive research, as you did).

Also, the bridge is quite convenient for travelers and the article that you showed, proves that it was being used as a replacement for the railways, during the recession, which is a one-time, disastrous thing that does not take place as often as you would think (or often enough to be used as a permanent explanation for the purpose of its existence).

Furthermore, given your argument of it being used only for trade purposes, and not being significant enough to be considered in that regard, I have the following quote to add into your slowly expanding knowledge.

"India is Sri Lanka’s leading trade partner globally; Sri Lanka is India’s major trading partner in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. The relationship has improved steadily after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in March 2000. "

Engaging Sri Lanka is the best way forward - The Hindu

If there is an FTA (Free-trade agreement) signed, then, we are forced to assume the same English channel tunnel example, applies here given that the Eurozone has such an agreement signed with all it's member states (Britain and France included)

After noticing your on topic post, here's another one

Having a free Tamil Eelam without TN is like saying you have a free Kosovo with an occupied Albania or a free Northern Ireland with an occupied Ireland.

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