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IBO Waziristan 4 soldiers Martyres including a captain 6 injured.

Lets not mix the affairs of higher military leadership with the actions of the lower ranks.
My criticism was directed specifically at the higher Army leadership for focussing more on meddling in politics rather than force protection and capacity improvements for COIN operations.

“Maybe more focus on actual military affairs by the Army leadership …”

I have nothing but the utmost respect for the lower ranks, especially those deployed in active combat zones.
Am not talking about allegations or something. Whatever i wrote is clear enough.
I respect your discretion, but this line of argument is somewhat oxymoron. It has been used since ages, to defend the military, by separating the frontline soldiers and a political general usually a dictator , by armchair pro-military people. But never have I heard it being used by an officer, not certainly regarding a COAS under a political executive. And to top it off, ISPR has repeatedly re-itterated, no difference b/w officers and enlisted.
I am sure ISPR was not referring to politics. And then, I am sure not all officers sit at higher command positions. Officers do include from all ranks.
Bhai you should ignore all the political zombies here we need real ground coordination between all the LEAs everyone should be involved like they were under Raheel Sharif.

Training and tactics are sufficient inside the army but the Paramilitary and Police are on ratta, quality is not being produced it's partly due to some jahil army instructors who are deputed to these organisations as well.

And the whole local security dynamic in Waziristan is just non-existent.
Anyone else remember the short period of hope after the operations against terrorism, suicide bombings dying down, democracy taking hold and CPEC? Young me thought after the 2018 elections that our future was bright.
Future is in security first if Police and LEAs are not modernized on a strict basis like they were being in the late 2016s these things will continue the fact is that the Ratta style is being adopted to make up numbers for LEAs the focus has shifted towards quantity obviously with such policies Ts will continue to thrive.
bajwa is biggest security risk for my country , he loves everything other then military and security matter of Pakistan , desperately waiting for the day when he left everyone and fly to Belgium with his family for ever
bajwa is biggest security risk for my country , he loves everything other then military and security matter of Pakistan , desperately waiting for the day when he left everyone and fly to Belgium with his family for ever
About that, does Asim Munir have any shot at the (any of the) top spot(s), or the pre-known list of 4 are the finalized line-up??
When will Pakistan stop being pacifist and give Indians the same reply?
Staying on the defensive will mean we take heavy casualties. Staying on the defensive isn’t something for a smaller weaker country. We should be making it hell for Indians in india so we can be safe. We must keep Indians on edge and engaged in multiple insurgencies inside india to protect Pakistan.
It’s time Pakistan heats up Kashmir.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon, may Allah help us defeat the terrorists.
Let's not jump to conclusions this much quick along with harsh verdicts. Easiest thing to do.
I deal with this PDF lot on almost everyday basis, they will eat your brains but will reach the conclusions that they have already made in their minds.

Arre Bhai yeh bhains aghay beend baja ni ki baat hai Waziristan has only army doing the work whilst they have not improved local forces like Police and FC is sleeping somewhere if they want any improvement army has to bring along all the forces of the area yeh army karti nhi.

Look at Kashmir as an example Indians have brought in 4 different organisations for IBOs CRPF, CISF, Local police, and the army along with many special ops teams from other units.

Whilst under Raheel Sharif all organisations went under immense change from Paramilitary to police which has gradually fallen apart the ratta style is going on with no improvement in tactics, especially in Paramilitary yeh fauj ke instructors be jahil hotay hai who are sent for training Police and Paramilitary.

Abhi floods jari hai par bhai saab ino ne to drama bhi bana dia chee chee chee.

Army cleared the area and handed over the area after Ops to Civil Govt, they were inept.

At this rate, we'll lose more JCOs than we can churn out the Shahadat tag. This army needs to wake the hell up!!!!

So many soldiers martyred in IBOs yet no real change in tactics!

No real sense of coordination between the Army and LEAs when you don't have local authority by police or FC KPK and neither they are equipped or upgraded for the role these IBOs will continue to fail a useless loop.

So the Killing of Ordinary soldiers/people of Pakistan continue while the Colonial Generals of Pakistan Army continue to interfere in the the civilian affairs of Pakistan people.
No real sense of coordination between the Army and LEAs when you don't have local authority by police or FC KPK and neither they are equipped or upgraded for the role these IBOs will continue to fail a useless loop.
FC and Police CTD were upgraded and trained for such Ops.
Innalillahi wainalahi rajioun .

Lions led by pussies to their slaughter . 😤

That biggest Kanjar Pussy Bajwa .
Every week we hear these heartbreaking news and every week we hear the kanjar Bajwa upto he’s anti state antics .

Getting tired and fed up of all this now .
Next week a similar story will be told .

No offence to the brave heart Lion soldiers but I hope Bajwa meets a horrible death that history remembers .

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