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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

How can the world condemn Indian belligerence when our own government hides it? Bollocks to the 170 killed in Mumbai, Pakistan has lost THOUSANDS in the WoT yet all we get are slaps on the wrist not a license to threaten India.
GOP has a laid back and casual attitude. Our government is still not clear what to do and what course of action would be right ? Pakistan Armed Forces are fully aware of the situation but GOP is the front in their eyes as well.

Frankly, I don't see this government going on for long with this kind of attitude.

I know this is off topic, but did you watch the Presiden's press conf. today? the foreign journalist asking the final question shut him up and said "Let me finish the question first" in a rude manner ..... I mean who in the world would say that to a head of state :undecided:

He looked like he was in a state of oblivion.
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india terarrst state no 1 in world who don't ceare borders of nighbers who has poilets uncontrol
Indian PM Wants 'Normalized' Relations with Pakistan

By VOA News
14 December 2008

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says he wants what he calls "normalized" relations with Pakistan - in spite of rising tensions between the two countries.

Mr. Singh made the statement Sunday during an election rally in Indian Kashmir.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Gordan Brown has pledged nine million dollars to Pakistan to help fight causes of terrorism and support democracy.

Mr. Brown visited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad today after meeting with Mr. Singh in New Delhi this morning.

An unnamed British government source says British police may ask Indian officials for permission to question the lone surviving gunman from the Mumbai attack that killed 171 people, including at least one British national.

The source also said British police may wish to interview militants held in Pakistan who are suspected in last month's attack.

Mr. Brown said he backs India's claims that the Pakistani-based terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba is responsible for the Mumbai attacks. He said he will tell Mr. Zardari that Pakistan must root out these terrorists.

Earlier Sunday, Indian air force officials denied allegations by Pakistani officials that Indian fighter planes "inadvertently" violated Pakistan's airspace.

A Pakistani air force spokesman said one violation took place on Saturday over the Pakistan-controlled section of Kashmir and the other over the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.

Lashkar-e-Taiba has strong ties in both areas.

On Saturday Pakistani officials reiterated their calls for India to provide evidence that Pakistan-based elements were involved in the Mumbai attacks that killed 171 people.

In an interview with Indian media, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India would disclose whatever information it had once the investigation is complete.

Islamabad denies any involvement in the three-day assault on Mumbai that began November 26.

VOA News - Indian PM Wants 'Normalized' Relations with Pakistan
Please stick to topic and don't derail thread.

oh I am
I was just replying to an earlier post for me. I dont know why is it that you have not been able to get that.
The casual attitude of GoP is due to:
1. The fact that US and NATO forces are in Afghanistan and ready to strike into NWFP at terrorist bases, so far under Bush it has not happened, but with Obama openly threatening a massive invasion, its not unlikely. In that event they dont want an active India on eastern side too at the same time
2. IMF loan is dependent upon godwill of G-8 countries (most are NATO) and to some extent India, Brazil and China. The economic crisis is too deep for the GoP to take a risk.
3. In all probability, like Kargil, the plan was made and executed at behest of ISI (something claimed by India and corroborated by West and Israel now) so GoP has no option but to relax and do as told.
I know this is off topic, but did you watch the President in the press conf. today? the journalist asking the final question shut him up and said "Let me finish the question first" in a rude manner ..... I mean who in the world would say that to a head of state :undecided:

He looked like he was in a state of oblivion.

I agree. I don't understand why he is not bothered to talk about this issue ? He should have raised this issue himself instead of it coming out as an answer to a question.

No one can understand what they are upto. National security always comes first no matter what.
How can the world condemn Indian belligerence when our own government hides it? Bollocks to the 170 killed in Mumbai, Pakistan has lost THOUSANDS in the WoT yet all we get are slaps on the wrist not a license to threaten India.

With friends like these (our own people) who needs enemies.
oh I am
I was just replying to an earlier post for me. I dont know why is it that you have not been able to get that.
The casual attitude of GoP is due to:
1. The fact that US and NATO forces are in Afghanistan and ready to strike into NWFP at terrorist bases, so far under Bush it has not happened, but with Obama openly threatening a massive invasion, its not unlikely. In that event they dont want an active India on eastern side too at the same time
2. IMF loan is dependent upon godwill of G-8 countries (most are NATO) and to some extent India, Brazil and China. The economic crisis is too deep for the GoP to take a risk.
3. In all probability, like Kargil, the plan was made and executed at behest of ISI (something claimed by India and corroborated by West and Israel now) so GoP has no option but to relax and do as told.

1.Strikes happend not due to Obama but due to our own government of Zardari.

2. Who cares for IMF loan ? Zardari
Who needs IMF loan? Zardari

3.The economic cirisis is not deep but made artificialy deep for grabing money by some vested interests.

4.The plan was made and executed by India and corroborated by West and Israel to break ISI.
that my friend ...... is something common both to india and pakistan ....... we dont need enemies, our own sink us:undecided:

In case of Muslims we had been having traitors throughout our history otherwise the outsiders can not dare to damage us.
oh I am
I was just replying to an earlier post for me. I dont know why is it that you have not been able to get that.
The casual attitude of GoP is due to:
1. The fact that US and NATO forces are in Afghanistan and ready to strike into NWFP at terrorist bases, so far under Bush it has not happened, but with Obama openly threatening a massive invasion, its not unlikely. In that event they dont want an active India on eastern side too at the same time
2. IMF loan is dependent upon godwill of G-8 countries (most are NATO) and to some extent India, Brazil and China. The economic crisis is too deep for the GoP to take a risk.
3. In all probability, like Kargil, the plan was made and executed at behest of ISI (something claimed by India and corroborated by West and Israel now) so GoP has no option but to relax and do as told.

CIA drones are already attacking in FATA and that makes a little difference to Pakisan "who" comes to power. Regarding "massive invasion" of Pakistan, US first priority is to "massively invade" Afghanistan" and so far we have seem that US, NATO & Afghan troops have failed to do so. It is not feasible for US to open 2 war fronts at the same time and they both fronts are "neighbours".

GOP has options and cards still to play. After Mumbai attacks, Eastren border is the biggest threat Pakistan is facing not FATA and it is evident from yesteday's incident. Indian denial doesn't mean it never happened.
4.The plan was made and executed by India and corroborated by West and Israel to break ISI.

do you really believe this ? why dont you understand why India wants you strong not weak? if we dont have you strong, we shall have to fight all those terrorists and fanatics in your tribal regions ourselves, we are glad that you are doing that for us with US contributing, You think we are fools to finish you off and then invite them to come and fight here in kashmir and elsewhere? oh India would love to see you break, for you believed in two nation theory for two different people, we dont. but we have our limitations and interests in you being united and strong, we dont want you broken!!!!:disagree:
I know this is off topic, but did you watch the Presiden's press conf. today? the foreign journalist asking the final question shut him up and said "Let me finish the question first" in a rude manner ..... I mean who in the world would say that to a head of state :undecided:

He looked like he was in a state of oblivion.

I missed. Who was that journalist? Howcome he was able to do that. No one can dare to speak to Zardari like that in our media. No one has any choice to do that.

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