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IAF asks for fresh ammo as Pakistan moves up F16s: Indian Media

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i think india is preparing for big air attack on Pakistan before elections involving large number of fighter jets we should remain active all time and our public should be mentally prepared for this
Speaking of the Indian Media non-stop propaganda, it is out of control for anyone out there. Almost every foreign source has rejected Indian narrative & baseless claims while tried to help populace to open their eyes/minds to the reality but of no avail. However, Pakistan narrative has reached almost everywhere with positive input as well as progressive diplomacy by exposing Indian lies & misinformation industry worldwide.

From the Indian side while buried their heads in sand; the so-called camps & all strikes fantasy series will continue and keep coming out as long as populace either take it by choice or most probably being shoved down their throats though, latter seems to be the case. It has now became a psych thing that most of Indians even wouldn't accept the reality. However, Modi's acknowledgment through missing Rafale direly, tells a lot only for the working minds on other side. And, Indian arms shopping wouldn't stop here and will keep buying weapons due to continuous rhetoric against neighbors as well as the dream to rule region.

I am not deleting this thread for a while just because 5 pages are being spent for what? Indian Laughter challenge? Said it before & I repeat that such propaganda pieces along with veiled cursing, rhetoric under mourning & sorrow through jingoism will continue unless completion of Indian Election.

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