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I reject US aid for Pakistan in exchange for sovereignty: Imran on BBC.

Dear Mr. Khan, please tell the terrorists based inside your country to not violate the sovereignty of other countries and we shall have a deal.

As long as you cannot do that, your country cannot claim sovereignty.

if only your people applied the same logic some years ago.....and if you want to talk about sovereignty -- how many indian nationals enter the EU, the US and the GCC illegally?

i wonder ;)
I think throwing away the AID and setting up proper taxation in country with population of so many ppl taxation would give Pakistan ample revenue 100% more then any aid we ever got

Sure it will hurt the first 1-2 years but once its done it will be best thing that ever happened to Pakistan

i have written a lot on the subject.

increase the tax base even to 35% of GDP and you could be damned sure we would have enough to service debt, improve infra. / state education facilities and still have more than enough for crucial defence spending.

the people dont trust the govt because the govt. squanders everything and loots.....this is a nation run by criminals at the moment.
if only your people applied the same logic some years ago.....and if you want to talk about sovereignty -- how many indian nationals enter the EU, the US and the GCC illegally?

Not sure how illegal immigration is related to terrorism, but Indians don't attempt to blow up stuff in the EU, US, GCC
Actually, how many pay taxes in Pakistan?

Only 1.6pc Pakistanis registered taxpayers
Only 1.6pc Pakistanis registered taxpayers | Pakistan Business News | Onepakistan.com


US View:

US Taxpayers Fund Pakistan Roads, Schools, Sesame Street
US Taxpayers Fund Pakistan Roads, Schools, Sesame Street - News Story - WSB Atlanta

US Taxpayers also fund the terrorist state that jewville called Israel. US is the only shameless and sinful country in the world whos consistently stand between peace and conflicts evolving that that piece of land, for more than half a century. and most americans don't like it a bit.
There are Estimated 8 Million pakistanis world wide

8,000,000 x 500$ = 4 Billion dollars can be raised if all Pakistanis overseas are required to submit 500$ annually to Pakistani Tresury to retain their Nationality

All Pakistani Highways going from Pakistan to Afghanistan shoudl also have TOLL!!!

1 Million Trucks between Pakistan/ Afghanistan daily if they drive on Pakistani roads, they MUST pay 1 dollar Toll to use Pakistani Roads

NATO trucks should be charged 100$/km

i like these ideas a lot.....

on overseas Pakistanis however, how do you enforce it? Local embassies could be tasked to do collections, but how do you legally enforce it? There also has to be an element of trust by the people for those representing Pakistan and trust isnt built overnight.
increase the tax base even to 35% of GDP and you could be damned sure we would have enough to service debt, improve infra. / state education facilities and still have more than enough for crucial defence spending.

35% is too much, countries like USA have ratios in the range ~30%
35% is too much, countries like USA have ratios in the range ~30%

nobody said it wasnt ambitious and that it would be easy...but it needs to be done. And it could only be remotely feasible if the people of Pakistan --the rich and the simple aam admi and the in betweens had faith in the system and trust

trust isnt something that comes overnight

the govt. has no problem taxing imported vehicles like Benzes and Bimmers at high rates; the rich in Pakistan are rich and can afford anything they could ever want. So how come a lot of these rich people don't pay taxes in their entirety while I know many middle class people (myself among them) who pay taxes in full and on time.
Not sure how illegal immigration is related to terrorism, but Indians don't attempt to blow up stuff in the EU, US, GCC

uhhmm you definitely have had a few bad apples. . .

like the doctor who tried to ram his bomb-laden jeep into Glasgow Airport a few years back. He was from Bangalore, no?

illegal immigration in some cases is related to terrorism though in most cases its simply a case of poor people trying to seek better life. However it is related directly to sovereignty in my view. And that's what the whole topic is about.
uhhmm you definitely have had a few bad apples. . .

like the doctor who tried to ram his bomb-laden jeep into Glasgow Airport a few years back. He was from Bangalore, no?

illegal immigration in some cases is related to terrorism though in most cases its simply a case of poor people trying to seek better life. However it is related directly to sovereignty in my view. And that's what the whole topic is about.

That is right.

He rammed the jeep.

Maybe he was indoctrinated by the Islamic activists in the UK.

That is just a one off case.
Pakistan has the lowest tax to GDP ratio in the world(ya right ..in the entire world!!) of 9.5%.

As of now Pakistan's GDP growth is between 2-2.3%(depending on the source)..which is almost equal to its population growth rate ..hence it percapita growth remains zero.
A study done by world bank indicates unless GDP growth is double the population growth rate..the poverty in said country will increase...As of now Pakistan has approximately 70 million people BPL..roughly equal to 40% poverty.

For Pakistan to grow anywhere near 6% ..it would require huge funding for PSDP from the govt ..for that would require at least 20% tax to GDP ratio.

How will Pakistan govt double it revenues..remains a big mystery..since it not even ready implement IMF suggested economic reforms and belt tightening measures (as they are unpopular with it coalition partners)
How will Pakistan govt double it revenues..remains a big mystery..since it not even ready implement IMF suggested economic reforms and belt tightening measures (as they are unpopular with it coalition partners)

From a PDF thread:

ISLAMABAD: For the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic the difference between what the government spent over the past twelve months and what the government managed to collect will cross Rs1,000,000,000,000.
No need for extra taxes.
Let the rich elite pay their dues and we will see a drastic improvement in the economy.

Plus, I don't support taxing Overseas Pakistanis $500 for maintaining their nationality. It is unfair to tax OP unless the above point is utilized. The only outcome will be a massive reduction in the number of OPs who will likely have to be provided other nationalities on humanitarian grounds.
This will put a lot of international pressure on Pakistan.
From a PDF thread:

ISLAMABAD: For the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic the difference between what the government spent over the past twelve months and what the government managed to collect will cross Rs1,000,000,000,000.

7% budgetary deficit(to GDP ratio) is unsustainable for any country

Sad news for Pakistani people is this 1 trillion(at least significant portion of it) will come of their pockets in form of inflation..which is already grossing at 15%.

A cruel justice is being served here ie They don't pay their taxes...but will eventually end up paying more in terms of inflation..when govt start borrowing from state bank.(printing currency)

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