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Hurriyat, Pak allowed conducive atmosphere for polls, J&K CM Mufti Sayeed says

We want to remove article 370 for a reason....a valid reason which will benefit the people of JnK
It has got nothing to do with Pakistan
I don't understand why Pakistanis oppose this which will benefit the kashmiris

370 just mean allowing Indians to settle in IoK. No wonder Kashmiris don't see much benefit in it. Even pahari hindus in Jammu don't want it lol
370 just mean allowing Indians to settle in IoK. No wonder Kashmiris don't see much benefit in it. Even pahari hindus in Jammu don't want it lol
You do know that after article 370 is revoked.....the price of land will reach sky high in no time......
which will be a good thing for kashmiris
More infrastructure development will follow which means more tourism in this side of Kashmir
Militancy will reduce

Oh I see why you people are opposing it

have to wait..
till you cant hear WHAT they are opposing we just hit each other than going in core of issue ..
Tag me when they give a good enuff reason other than saying Kashmiris hate Indians
370- More cons than pros | Vicky Nanjappa
Article 370 an FAQ-
What is Article 370?
In simple terms it is what accords a special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.‎ The article was created on a temporary basis when the ruler of JandK signed the instrument of accession. Article 370 came into existence after independence and the same went ahead despite opposition from Dr B R Ambedkar who felt it would cause a further division.

What does it include?
According to this the union government would have control over external affairs, defence and communications.

What the union government cannot do in J and K?
It cannot declare a financial emergency. The government of India cannot legislate on matters ‎provided in the union and concurrent list. The union government will have to consult with the state government in any matter affecting the state. The residents live under a separate set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights, as compared to other Indians. It gives a great deal of autonomy to the state government. It makes it almost another union government barring few powers which have been mentioned above.

Reason for implementation:
After Independence it was felt that Kashmir needed more time to intergrate into India. It was decided that there was a need to exempt Kashmir from the basic provisions of the Indian constitution and hence 370 was introduced.‎

‎Only Temporary:

This is only a temporary provision. The intent was to give the state time to become part of India. It was stated that 370 will be repealed the day there is sanity in the valley and the people of the state approved of the same.‎


Under clause of 370 the President of India has the right to repeal it vide a public notification. The assembly of the state needs to give their consent. ‎

‎The cons:

No feeling of Indianess among the people.‎ Deprived the state of industrial development as article does not allow outside investment. Prevents outsiders from buying land once again hampering development. This has deprived the youth of employment and many have taken to fighting and rise in militancy.


Politicians in the Valley see some pros. The National conference feels it is a bride between state and centre. Imposing of central will is avoided due to the article and this is good according to them. It preserves the identity and culture of the people. It offers a lot of liberty to the people.

You do know that after article 370 is revoked.....the price of land will reach sky high in no time......
which will be a good thing for kashmiris
More infrastructure development will follow which means more tourism in this side of Kashmir
Militancy will reduce

Oh I see why you people are opposing it

Tag me when they give a good enuff reason other than saying Kashmiris hate Indians
see you got one reason as pakistani care about indian settle in kashmir land .. which they dont want ..
which cant be concrte reason for keeping 370...
willl tag you when i get more
You do know that after article 370 is revoked.....the price of land will reach sky high in no time......
which will be a good thing for kashmiris
More infrastructure development will follow which means more tourism in this side of Kashmir
Militancy will reduce

Oh I see why you people are opposing it

If Kashmiris become part of India after plebiscite then no one will have problem, in fact you guys can also keep Pakistan kashmir if they want to become part of India. Pakistanis in ki taraf tukhe ghe bhi nai agher ye India ke pas jana chate hai. We are not like Indians. But problem remains that even pahari hindus in Jammy do not want to remove article 370.
Kashmiri Gave their Mandate to GOI to buzz off from Kashmir and their Affairs.
Kashmiris voted despitr terrorist said dont particiapte in election
may i know your view why A370 is good or bad for JK?

If Kashmiris become part of India after plebiscite then no one will have problem, in fact you guys can also keep Pakistan kashmir if they want to become part of India. Pakistanis in ki taraf tukhe ghe bhi nai agher ye India ke pas jana chate hai. We are not like Indians. But problem remains that even pahari hindus in Jammy do not want to remove article 370.
can you give prrof for your claim ?
Good, he has acknowledged the concerned parties with a stake in IOK.

Of course...althought I do not like to hear from an Indian CM, but the fact is that Pakistan Gov is facilitating India and the peace in Kashmir since last 10 year..This is not happening because Pakistan would like to do it, rather Pakistan is just messed up with his own affair so much that it can not really afford to engage in another front war for at least another 15 year...So technically Mufti is right but the reason behind this support of Pakistan and his agent is to be told too...

BTW, i still feel that Hurriyat team expect that old guy Geelani is still a proxy created by RAW to just divide and rule in the Kahsmir insurgency team....So i do not even mind if GOI speaks to them....
even today, without a '100% independence' option, Pakistan will lose in a plebiscite/referendum.
There reason was to stop BJP from Scraping Article 370 from constitution and to keep it in place as Indian Interior Minister Sparked controversy of Scraping it before Elections.
Dear all you guys base your argument on A370 but still cant say pros and cons of same for kashmiris ?
can i get ans ple

Then why we are wasting time, lets do it. :-)
we are not
we ared oing normla process as other state in india
its juglar veing of pak as per your PA
Since you can read peoples minds, have you considered a change of career.
What you are implying could also translate into that he has no confidence in Indian security forces. :)

Just like though pakistani like you have faith in pak army, still peshawar like incidents happen?
Then why we are wasting time, lets do it. :-)
much bigger discussion, that. :sick:

anyway, I'm just a random guy but yeah, I say we do it.. just so you guys can finally STFU :D

my money's on it going how it went for Scotland :coffee:
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