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Hundreds of Vietnamese women are kidnapped to China every year. This organization brings them back.

If you think that there are no Chinese involved you are delusional. There are plenty of testimonies in Viet Nam of how Chinese criminals crossed borders and actually actively involved in planning and execution of these abductions.

Then they are criminals too.

Doesn't change the fact that it is Vietnamese men who are kidnapping and selling their own women to foreigners.
Then they are criminals too.

Doesn't change the fact that it is Vietnamese men who are kidnapping and selling their own women to foreigners.
You want me to provide article Chinese goes to Vietnam near border and kiddnap rural village girls? You and other Chinese are spitting the same thing, that trying put on blame that it is soley Vietnamese fault. In realty there are cases where Chinese kidnapped girls from the border or collaborate with Vietnamese criminal to kidnapped poor girls. The point here your society one child policy crrates problem that even spread to poor country such as Vietnam.
You want me to provide article Chinese goes to Vietnam near border and kiddnap rural village girls?
Would not matter one bit. The Chinese on this forum sees NOTHING wrong with buying human beings in the first place, let alone being sympathetic to exploited women.
Would not surprise me one bit if any of the Chinese on this forum have to resort to 'bride buying' one day. What the hell else can they do ? Lack of women in China, misogyny, and racism. What social skills do these losers have in courting a woman like a civilized man ?

These Vietnamese guys who sell their own women are just like drug dealers, they see the demand, and they fulfill the demand. But at least drug dealers can say that they are only selling drugs, not their own mothers and sisters.
I have met another Vietnamese women in Malaysia married to a Chinese men here(My second time). She speaks good mandarin and was a teacher in Vietnam. Apparently she divorce his husband because he do not work. Vietnamese men has terrible reputation prompting many of Vietnamese women to seek men of other races.
There can be no provider unless there is FIRST a demand. That is basic economics.

There a need for women in China. Chinese men offered to pay for abducted women. So of course the criminal elements of other countries will do whatever they can to provide that need and to profit.

Do not try to dilute the moral guilt of Chinese men who made these deals. They know exactly what they get -- victims.
it doesnt matter if there is a demand ... one shouldnt provide it .... its more of a moral obligation ....
These Vietnamese guys who sell their own women are just like drug dealers, they see the demand, and they fulfill the demand. But at least drug dealers can say that they are only selling drugs, not their own mothers and sisters.
I do not know of any Viet on this forum who defends Vietnamese who sells their own women. On the other hand, even though you Chinese know that what your people is doing is immoral, you spared no efforts in trying to dilute the moral guilt of what your people are doing.

Like it or not, there is always an initiator of any business deal. The initiator is usually the one with a need/desire. You just do not like it that this sordid business exposed Chinese men as complicit and willing partners.
I do not know of any Viet on this forum who defends Vietnamese who sells their own women. On the other hand, even though you Chinese know that what your people is doing is immoral, you spared no efforts in trying to dilute the moral guilt of what your people are doing.

Seriously? :lol:

My very first response to you:

Absolutely. Anyone who pays for such services is a criminal.

Buying a foreign woman who has been kidnapped is appalling, and like I said anyone who does this is a criminal.

These Vietnamese men who are selling their own mothers and sisters to foreigners, now that's even lower.
Let's be honest here. Some Chinese men and Vietnamese men are disgusting bunch. Both deserve death sentences.
Jesus, now I have to spend 10 minutes to bump out a post because there is a grammar police around.
Believe me, people who care so much about grammar on such forum like this, either that person whose English is second language or some kid. You can easy spot how his english contains ... and LOL. That is not a college level nor English professional would write as such.

From my experience, person who is really good at writing is person who most tolerates grammar unless that is for an essay or research paper where grammar needs to be carefully crafted.

Let's be honest here. It's not worth replying to him. It only give him the opportunity to troll. I'm surprised the mod hasn't done anything about his username. Not to mention he's derailing the thread. Let's stick to topic and ignore the kid.
Would not matter one bit. The Chinese on this forum sees NOTHING wrong with buying human beings in the first place, let alone being sympathetic to exploited women.

It is not just women who get trafficked but I read cases of children being kidnapped to china to harvest organs. There is huge demand in China for organs and for some weird reason, Chinese after death, like to get buried with their organs intact.

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