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Aug 3, 2012
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Some of Iran's senior religious leaders appear to oppose the ''human wave'' assaults in which thousands of ill-trained and ill-equipped Iranian troops cross the border to face ''martyrdom'' at the hands of the Iraqis.

The strong indications of such a position come despite Iran's commitment to wage war against Iraq until the Baghdad Government is overthrown. The conflict is in its seventh year. The human-wave assaults have been perhaps the most important component of Iran's strategy in its land war against Iraq, whose population is one-third the size of Iran's. They have apparently convinced Iraq and its neighbors that they have both the manpower and the will power to continue fighting indefinitely despite Iraq's vastly superior military arsenal.

In a little-noticed news conference in Teheran last month, Hashemi Rafsanjani, the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament who has emerged as the country's chief foreign policy maker, outlined a battle strategy of retaliatory strikes and limited offensives based on caution rather than fervor. Strategy Seen as Wasteful

Rafsanjani's remarks were the first clear, high-level articulation of the idea that the human wave assaults have been wasteful. It would be unlikely that he would make such remarks without the approval of Khomeini, the Iranian leader.

Surprise in an offensive is essential ''to prevent extensive casualties,'' Rafsanjani said. ''When the enemy is alert, when he shoots a hail of bullets at our combat infantry and brings his firepower to bear, the casualties will go too high.''

He also cautioned that a major offensive should only begin when there is a good chance of winning.

''When, for example, we suddenly want to bring several thousand human crusaders to the war zone, and use a vast amount of military resources, we must be relatively sure - there must be a relative consensus - of victory,'' Rafsanjani said at the news conference, which was broadcast on the Teheran radio on June 4.

He called for similar caution in retaliating against Iraqi attacks. ''When the Iraqis engage in mischief, we will respond to the extent we are prepared,'' he said.

It is unclear whether the Parliament Speaker's call for caution and preparation will be translated into action.



Human Wave in this Modern Era? lol
Thread should be closed for posting an article from July 05, 1987. :disagree: people these days.
wahabis these days. Don't think they're human tbh

I've check the date, and that date still included Modern Era, Am I wrong?

So when's your Jihad due? Using a suicide belt or going with the good ol' "chop heads off of hostages with a 2 inch blade" route?
wahabis these days. Don't think they're human tbh

Look how Racist you're...

So when's your Jihad due? Using a suicide belt or going with the good ol' "chop heads off of hostages with a 2 inch blade" route?

Your IQ Must be Very Low, I've telling you Suisiders is going to Hell so That's not a Jihad!
that was a long time ago but still Iran won and they were near Baghdad still it counts
and i don't see why he would say it is a waste , yes they were ill equipped but there was nothing no body can do
for me it is a insult to the MARTYRS
Iraqi soldiers used to install nests with heavy machine guns on hills surrounding themselves with mines, and Iranians managed to reach them by human waves tactics :lol:, including children, whom Khomeini gave the keys of heaven. So, imagine how many casualties were lost as per Iraqi soldier. Iraqis couldn't believe that such a lame suicidal tactic was adopted by a regular army...
reach them by human waves tactics :lol:, including children, whom Khomeini gave the keys of heaven.

Laughing at the deaths of humans, including little children. To be expected from a disgusting animal. Those people defended their country by any means necessary, against your Arab and Western world attack. They are the bravest of the brave.
Laughing at the deaths of humans, including little children. To be expected from a disgusting animal. Those people defended their country by any means necessary, against your Arab and Western world attack. They are the bravest of the brave.

Do you think using children as a suicidal object is bravery? and for what? to sweep a mine? :disagree:
Do you think using children as a suicidal object is bravery? and for what? to sweep a mine? :disagree:
blackeagle,can you stop trolling for GOD's sake.
during the war basij never let the people lower than 18 to be joint aswell.the children who did that were the IRANIAN arabs and other were the ones who escaped from their house for war include hossein fahmideh who put Grenades and threw himself under the Iraqi tank and he could save that area himself.so they did that by choice not by force.
So, imagine how many casualties were lost as per Iraqi soldier. Iraqis couldn't believe that such a lame suicidal tactic was adopted by a regular army...

It wasn't the regular army Einstein. Read books about this war. The regular army and the IRGC had continuously 'fights' with each other over which entity would lead this war. After the IRGC had booked some success with this kind of human wave tactics and after some tactical errors by Iran's regular army, the opinion in Iran and of the rulers was that asymmetrical tactics would fit better.
during Iran Iraq war they were told to go but not forced

a child can go to war to defend it s motherland and there was parents consent letters signed before they go to war

I SALUTE those CHILDREN who embraced MARTYRDOM they left there enjoyable life only to defend there country
Iraqi soldiers used to install nests with heavy machine guns on hills surrounding themselves with mines, and Iranians managed to reach them by human waves tactics :lol:, including children, whom Khomeini gave the keys of heaven. So, imagine how many casualties were lost as per Iraqi soldier. Iraqis couldn't believe that such a lame suicidal tactic was adopted by a regular army...

Although talking with you and some of the other members is nothing but wasting time , let's give it a try .
It just shows your ignorance ,Iran has got there armies : regular army which is Artesh ,Sepah ( IRGC) and Basij , about Artesh it's funny but it destroyed Iraqi navy within 1 month after starting the war and during the war Iraqi air force was destroyed at least 3 times by IRIAF if some dictatorship Arab countries had not supported Sadam war would've not lasted more than 2 months .
Unlike you , we I mean Iranian people are so proud of our country , being patriot , something which is strange for you and that's why you can NOT UNDERSTAND WHY IRANIAN CHILDREN fought shoulder to shoulder with adult ones against the enemies of their country and the point is by the end their bloods overcame all those enmities .

If you are really enthusiastic to see keys of heaven I'll show you :


Passport of heaven made in Wahabi school which was given to terrorists in Syria .

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