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How Vietnam can profit from the incoming trade war

Poor china. Can't win any arguments so she resort on name calling "little" hahaha. China is still poor regardless of its $12 trillion GDP. Its still isn't enough to feed 1.7 billion poor chinese. Keep barking, son. Go win a real war with another country before you open your mouth.

China has the biggest industries and 1.7 billion poor chinese vs only 90 million vietnamese with 1/100 times smaller industries vs China. Of course, 1.7 billion Chinese vs 90 million Viet = 19 times the population = 19 times the polution. Do the math you ignorant brat. Chinese ppl are disgraceful ppl. Watch your own people behave in public. Disgusting.

LOL are you fuktarded? Watch your own Graceful poeple!! Fuking Disgusting in every level!:rofl:
LOL are you fuktarded? Watch your own Graceful poeple!! Fuking Disgusting in every level!:rofl:
He is not a white guy, because white Canadians or Americans, except those politicians, will not care much about Asia or Asian affairs in general. This idiot is most probably a vn refugee monkey or a slumdog. He talks like a Royalty but is actually a piece of shit... We don't have to care about those from a shit hole.
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He is not a white guy, because white Canadians or Americans, except those politicians, will not care much about Asia or Asian affairs in general. This idiot is most probably a vn refugee monkey or a slumdog. He talks like a loyalty but is actually a piece of shit... We don't have to care about those from a shit hole.
frequency had previously expressed he was of Vietnamese heritage.
haha, back in 2014, I said Donald Trump would destroy China's economy. No one thought he would be elected as president of the US. Now, ya'll whining about Trump doing what he's doing to serve his countrymen. Nothing is wrong with that.
Destroy China's economy by imposing a ridiculous tariff on China/EU/Canada/Mexi?
LOL are you fuktarded? Watch your own Graceful poeple!! Fuking Disgusting in every level!:rofl:

LOL, what's that has to do with Chinese ppl can't behave properly in public? In Canada, there are multiple cultures. That woman must be Chinese. You're an idiot. Thanks for pointing how much of an idiot you are. HAHAHAHA, why are you still carrying the Canadian flag, you backstabber and a hypocrite. Go back to China you pathetic wimp.

This is just an example, American companies also have to struggle for their survivals.
Poor china. Can't win any arguments so she resort on name calling "little" hahaha. China is still poor regardless of its $12 trillion GDP. Its still isn't enough to feed 1.7 billion poor chinese. Keep barking, son. Go win a real war with another country before you open your mouth

China has the biggest industries and 1.7 billion poor chinese vs only 90 million vietnamese with 1/100 times smaller industries vs China. Of course, 1.7 billion Chinese vs 90 million Viet = 19 times the population = 19 times the polution. Do the math you ignorant brat. Chinese ppl are disgraceful ppl. Watch your own people behave in public. Disgusting.

Why u mad though? LOL what did I said was not truth? Ask your fellow little Vietnamese if they are happy or sad in this trade war. LOL

Now you talk about us being poor but how do we have such great infrastructure if we are poor? Little Vietnam is rich now? Last I check, your people still trying to pickpocking from foreign tourists and tey to pick some random trash to sell. Lol sp do me a favor and talk big when you have a bigger mouth. My little son. LOL

Talking trash about population now huh? Look at your land mass. Calculate population n density ia a better way of seeing the real picture. 100mil fof that tiny landmass is very sad my son.
LOL, what's that has to do with Chinese ppl can't behave properly in public? In Canada, there are multiple cultures. That woman must be Chinese. You're an idiot. Thanks for pointing how much of an idiot you are. HAHAHAHA, why are you still carrying the Canadian flag, you backstabber and a hypocrite. Go back to China you pathetic wimp.
By the way, it's called multiculturalism in Canada. People have the freedom to honor and celebrate their culture including Vietnamese, Chinese, and oh my god...Tibetans. But whatever...you wouldn't know.
frequency had previously expressed he was of Vietnamese heritage.
OK, then he is a monkey. No wonder...
How can a monkey talks like a Royalty??? Just because he is a beggar in canada???
By the way, it's called multiculturalism in Canada. People have the freedom to honor and celebrate their culture including Vietnamese, Chinese, and oh my god...Tibetans. But whatever...you wouldn't know.
A failed experiment. Why not admit to it ?
By the way, it's called multiculturalism in Canada. People have the freedom to honor and celebrate their culture including Vietnamese, Chinese, and oh my god...Tibetans. But whatever...you wouldn't know.

multiculturalism, duh. Only dumb ppl think I wouldn't know.
Why u mad though? LOL what did I said was not truth? Ask your fellow little Vietnamese if they are happy or sad in this trade war. LOL

Now you talk about us being poor but how do we have such great infrastructure if we are poor? Little Vietnam is rich now? Last I check, your people still trying to pickpocking from foreign tourists and tey to pick some random trash to sell. Lol sp do me a favor and talk big when you have a bigger mouth. My little son. LOL

Talking trash about population now huh? Look at your land mass. Calculate population n density ia a better way of seeing the real picture. 100mil fof that tiny landmass is very sad my son.

How's my comment has any connection to me being mad? I forgot, you must have down syndrome. It's not my problem that you've got insecurity issues with the Vietnamese. Calling them names to make you look important/big just make you look small, goof. You have nothing to back up your claims other than resort to name callings and insults to feel secure about your ugly heritage. Population density has nothing to do with 1.7 billion Chinese vs 90 million Vietnamese in terms of total output pollution generation. Where did you even get your education? Your math is very limited, just like how you comment on PDF. I thought your Chinese culture are all about advanced education, what happened to you? Too much Koolaid? LOL

Why you stealing my word "son"? oh right, because you're CHINESE! LOL!
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How's my comment has any connection to me being mad? I forgot, you must have down syndrome. It's not my problem that you've got insecurity issues with the Vietnamese. Calling them names to make you look important/big just make you look small, goof. You have nothing to back up your claims other than resort to name callings and insults to feel secure about your ugly heritage. Population density has nothing to do with 1.7 billion Chinese vs 90 million Vietnamese in terms of total output pollution generation. Where did you even get your education? Your math is very limited, just like how you comment on PDF. I thought your Chinese culture are all about advanced education, what happened to you? Too much Koolaid? LOL

Why you stealing my word "son"? oh right, because you're CHINESE! LOL!
I can tell your mad when you try to use some random video to make your point. Do I need to bring my high intellectual down to your level by bringing up some video of Vietnamese savagery in public? LOL

Like I said, I speak the truth. Vietnam is small and short so what I say is reality. Never met a Vietnamese taller than me in my life. LOL

Are you really that dumb? Did you see your people wearing mask when riding their motobike and you call that is not pollution? You are lucky that your little communist Vietnam is a non-threat to Western domination; otherwise the constant pollution propaganda about Vietnam in their media will play 24/7. LOL But the reality is we are fixing our pollution and become more industrialized while your country only starting to develop and still an agriculture base country so you will soon see more pollution coming out of that country once foreign companies start to open sweat shops and manufacture there. You'll see if I'm right or not.

Look at you trying to be smartass now. Do you even understand what population density even means? Looking at this list


Vietnam is rank #52 while update in 2009. China is rank #80 with the latest update. So by modest estimation, Vietnam should be top #50 by now.

My little son, come back at me when you have a bigger mouth and understand data before you open your mouth about population this and that. If you don't like Little Vietnam, then shall I call the land of the Agent Orange? LOL
Like I said, I speak the truth. Vietnam is small and short so what I say is reality. Never met a Vietnamese taller than me in my life. LOL
But CNese is stupid cant compare wt VN smart, ZHou En Lai admit it :cool:

…Zhou Enlai was the Chief of the General Staff. He dared to speak, he was more frank. He told me: “If I had known before the ways which you comrades employ, we would not have needed the Long March.” What was the Long March for? At the beginning of the march there were 300,000 troops; and at the end of the Long March there were only 30,000 remaining. 270,000 people were lost. It was truly idiotic to have done it in this way – speak as such so that you, comrades, know how much we are ahead of them. In the near future, if we are to fight against China, we will certainly win… However, the truth is that if a different country [other than Vietnam] were to fight against China, it is not clear that they would win like this [like Vietnam].

Vietnam in danger of becoming a dump as China says no to trash

July 17, 2018

China's ban on scrap imports has left the “developed” world scrambling for solutions and Vietnam facing the prospect of becoming a trash basket.

It’s another waste-full day in Minh Khai, Hung Yen Province.

Blocks of plastic bags sprawl on the ground, fill up alleys, besiege houses; machines groan and toss shredded plastic pieces into the air; sewage carrying debris leaks onto the streets; and kids splash themselves in a dark, murky pond.

It is a scene similar to the recycling dead zones in China –exhaustively detailed in documentaries such as Plastic China and books like Adam Minter’s Junkyard Planet.

There’s a big difference, though.

China’s recycling villages are cleaning up their act in haste.

Since January 1, the world’s biggest waste importer and recycler has said no to old mobile phones, paper, textiles and plastics it had always imported from the world for decades. It wants to take back its blue sky.

While a blue sky has not been a frequent sight in industrial Hung Yen or polluted Hanoi, it has been definitively gray in Minh Khai, one of Vietnam’s largest plastic recycling villages.

It’s noon, traditional Vietnamese nap time, but in Nguyen’s 100-square-meter workshop, the machines are still roaring.

The 31-year-old recycler is overseeing five employees as they cut, melt and mold plastic, even as she darts between heaps of translucent bags and her kitchen to cook her family of six a quick lunch.

These days, Nguyen, who declined to give her full name, can’t afford to take a long break. Her pellet-making machine handles about 1.5-2.5 tons of plastic per day, about 50-75 tons a month. Trash is pouring in from all over the world, Nguyen said, but mostly from Germany, Japan and the U.S.

Nguyen has been a recycler for about two decades but only in the past year has she seen such a surge in the volume of foreign waste.

She cannot cite figures; all Nguyen knows is that Chinese brokers hand her cash and tell her they need no contract. “I don’t even know who they are but every month, I buy about three containers from them,” Nguyen told VnExpress International.

Like many recycling households in Minh Khai, Nguyen will sell her pellets back to China, where they are made into cheap plastic tables, stools, containers that find their way back to compete in Vietnamese market.

Minh Khai has 1,000 households, of which more than 90 percent recycle plastic at home. Hanoi lacks an effective official recycling scheme, so for more than three decades, Minh Khai has been one of the major informal recycling hubs that handle plastic for the capital and the Red River Delta.

Until 2017, only 143 households were registered businesses.

“It’s only in the past two years that our village started buying more from Chinese brokers,” a 64-year-old recycler named Hoang remarked. “Truck after truck brings up to a thousand tons of plastic a day.”

Nguyen has been a recycler for about two decades but only in the past year has she seen such a surge in the volume of foreign waste.

She cannot cite figures; all Nguyen knows is that Chinese brokers hand her cash and tell her they need no contract. “I don’t even know who they are but every month, I buy about three containers from them,” Nguyen told VnExpress International.

Like many recycling households in Minh Khai, Nguyen will sell her pellets back to China, where they are made into cheap plastic tables, stools, containers that find their way back to compete in Vietnamese market.

Minh Khai has 1,000 households, of which more than 90 percent recycle plastic at home. Hanoi lacks an effective official recycling scheme, so for more than three decades, Minh Khai has been one of the major informal recycling hubs that handle plastic for the capital and the Red River Delta.

Until 2017, only 143 households were registered businesses.

“It’s only in the past two years that our village started buying more from Chinese brokers,” a 64-year-old recycler named Hoang remarked. “Truck after truck brings up to a thousand tons of plastic a day.”

International dumping ground

In 2011, China introduced its Green Fence program, an attempt to slowly close its doors to contaminated materials.

China had been importing 45 percent of world’s plastic waste since 1992, and according to a research article published on Science Advances this June, the Chinese ban will displace an estimated 111 million metric tons of plastic waste by 2030.

While major exporters like Europe and the United States are diverting their trash to Southeast Asia, industry insiders say that China’s recycling industry itself could shift to other destinations in the region, such as Vietnam.

In 2011, China introduced its Green Fence program, an attempt to slowly close its doors to contaminated materials.

China had been importing 45 percent of world’s plastic waste since 1992, and according to a research article published on Science Advances this June, the Chinese ban will displace an estimated 111 million metric tons of plastic waste by 2030.

While major exporters like Europe and the United States are diverting their trash to Southeast Asia, industry insiders say that China’s recycling industry itself could shift to other destinations in the region, such as Vietnam.

As of May 2018, nearly 28,000 containers were stuck in seaports across Vietnam, according to the Vietnam Maritime Administration. The goods range from electric cords, outdated household appliances, secondhand fabric and used cars to plastic and paper scrap, which makes up the majority.

Tan Cang Cat Lai, one of Vietnam’s largest shipping terminals, had more than 8,000 TEUs (1 TEU equals a 39-cubic-meter container) of plastic waste and paper as of May 21.

The Tan Cang Cai Mep International Terminal also said that the large volume of plastic waste containers the port has received has caused troublesome backups and delays. Both terminals, which are operated by the Saigon Newport Corporation, say they are not accepting plastic scrap until October 15.

Customs officials are ramping up inspections after a recent report of the Vietnam Customs described numerous violations in scrap paper and plastic waste imports – including materials not meeting quality standards, mislabeling, forged import permits and even lack of permits.

In a recent National Assembly session in Hanoi, Tran Hong Ha, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, responding to concerns that the country can become a landfill of industrial and radioactive waste, said Vietnam has to start saying no to scrap import because the country is not able to deal properly with solid waste.

“Waste in Vietnam is different from the world and even the advanced technologies that other developed countries use to treat their waste have turned out to be inappropriate in Vietnam,” he said.

Many domestic waste treatment plants do not operate effectively and if those plants cannot meet technical and environment criteria, they should be shut down, the minister added.

Until developed nations find a concrete solution for the new-found crisis, it appears that the burden will be borne by Vietnam’s seaports and its limited recycling infrastructure.

For informal recyclers like Hoang and Nguyen of Minh Khai, business will remain hectic, but they are not complaining.

Speaking to VnExpress International, Nguyen posed a rhetorical question: “Where would the trash go if we don’t take it?”

Story and photos by Trang Bui


▲ Vietnam's 2016-2017 plastic waste import.


▲ Minh Khai Village’s drainage ditch is filled with plastic waste.


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