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How to punish Youtube for blocking Dr. Israr Ahmed's channel

Dr. Israr Ahmed was very vocal against the hybrid US controlled regime and its puppets residing in Pakistan, he also exposed sellout mullahs and how they never stood against batil/evil.

We need to preserve all the Dr. Israr videos/content and spread it as much as we can
Israr Ahmed was a regressive idiot which you cannot rationally deny from watching that vid. The below person was a real learned scholar of Islam :

And it isn't Israr fellow that this girl was defending defiantly in 2011, defying the Crusaders called NATO :

Maududi is not the father of "Political Islam" but among those who perverted it, the "Muslim" Brotherhood being another such. "M"B's Egypt branch, in service of NATO, tried to assassinate Jamal Abdul Nasser and was rightly banned and its leader Syed Qutb executed.

Islam is political since its inception because True Islam is a political, social and socio-economic movement of progressiveness, justice and rationality very unlike what the mullahs and burqas present it to be.

You speak of "Muslim" Brotherhood and again it in service of the NATO Crusaders tried to overthrow the progressive system in Syria in the 1970s and the patriotic Syrian people fought against "M"B's criminality and terrorism and defeated it in a six year war from 1976 to 1982. Please watch the below wonderful and educating speech by then Syrian president Hafiz al Assad, father of the younger Assad who now is fighting again against "M"B and AQ for 11 years :

This post alone shows what a huge stupid moron u are. That ugly dictator who kept 70 women around himself and God knows what he did with them, is a scholar and leader, only to a retard like u. Also u r an illeterate indian, israr ahmed was not a follower of maududi, he did support them initially but then went his own way. If MB were NATO guys then they would have been in power now and not a sweaty dictator, who gets billions from those NATO countries. But i know u r too stupid to think beyond a limit.

If I have to justify my stance using "commonly accepted base" in South Asia especially the typical modern Muslim in India and Pakistan I will have to accept and justify irrationality and stupidity of the utter sort. Many modern Indian Muslims to justify their own irrationality and misogyny use the cloth of Islam to cover themselves with fake piousness and then will order others no as brainwashed as them and say that "Oh wear the burqa else you will suffer in the hereafter" or "Oh pray ten times a day or your will suffer in the hereafter". Those who consider themselves to be pious are the first ones to be supremely morally corrupted and become tools of the Crusaders. This is what in essense Hafiz al Assad said in that speech I posted previously.

You ask me for evidence and I ask for you evidence for the burqa in the Quran because that is the point of contention. The burqa, as has been posted by me and others here, is a pre-Islam Jewish garment nothing to do with Islam. In fact Islamically the burqa is anti-Islamic because it seeks to hide away the female from society, to deny her of her female existence when in fact Islam was the religion that brought social and socio-economic rights to the female when other religions oppressed the female and still do. Tell me, how is it that Israr Ahmed championed the burqa including the veil / naqab when the Quran states this ?

So, logically, according to the Quran in one circumstance the Muslim male has to be able to see the female's face to approach her for marraige. Now how is this possible if the the female is naqab'ed ? Does that particular male get gifted x-ray vision in that particular moment to see through the naqab of that female ? So what is Israr Ahmed talking about when he champions the burqa and the naqab ?

And what is this "Sunnah" ? Essentially stories gathered a hundred or more years after the death of Hazrat Muhammad, some acceptable / reasonable / understandable and some irrational. The modern India-origin ritualist called Tableegh Jamaati imposes the non-Islamic burqa on the Muslim female ( and seeks to impose on the non-Muslim in many places in the West ) whereas as above just by one verse the burqa is absent in the Quran while the TJs claim to follow. At the same time the TJs in a neighborhood in India hurry to the mosque for their unmissable afternoon prayer and while passing they see a cat screaming because he or she is being attacked by five dogs and the TJs don't stop to chase away the dogs and help the cat because they don't want to miss their prayer and this despite that they claim to follow "Sunnah" and one story in the "Sunnah" is of Hazrat Muhammad having a cat called Muezza and being much adoring of it and one of his comrades being nicknamed Abu Hurairah ( literally meaning "Father of the cats / kittens" ). Now, would these two people have wanted their beloved cats to be torn apart by the dogs in their neighborhood or city ? So what are the Tableegh Jamaatis believing so passionately in ? They are confused people - some just misinformed and misguided but most of them harmful to society, Muslim society in particular and humanity in general. It is no surprise that the Tableegh Jamaatis are used by the NATO Crusaders in NATO's regime change plots, whether in Afghanistan in the 1980s or in Syria or some months ago in Kazakhstan.

Who told u burqa is compulsory, that is more a cultural thing. In Islam there is concept of parda, and ots clearly written in Quran. The Quran also me tions salah (namaaz) hindreds of time. Have u even read the Quran? Im sure not, so stop making assertions retard commie.
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Also u r an illeterate indian, israr ahmed was not a follower of maududi

Before you begin to outrage against me and call me "Illeterate" first learn to spell that word - it is "Illiterate".

Rest, I will reply later.
LOL, this person, Israr Ahmed, beloved of right-wing Pakistanis has no legitimacy. Below is he imposing "Chehre ka parda" ( burqa with veil ) through his talk which many misinformed and misguided listen keenly. If he had lived now he would have been among those condemning Aurat March :

He is an oppressor of the female and a maintainer of social discomfort, maintainer of the artificial, anti-Nature anti-interaction and disconnection between males and females in public. It is automatic that he was a follower of that crook Maududi and it is automatic that he called for resignation of the reasonably progressive Musharraf.
Before you begin to outrage against me and call me "Illeterate" first learn to spell that word - it is "Illiterate".

Rest, I will reply later.
Oh wow lil indian learned to spell. Are u sure tai hai chen is not ur brother? Lolz. Yeah go and find excuses and then reply.
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