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How Pakistanis view Islamic State? survey reveals


Apr 28, 2011
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November 19, 2015 @ 11:36 AM

by Web Desk

Published in Pakistan

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The attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad, claimed by global terrorist outfit Islamic State – also known as Daesh –, have stirred a debate over terrorism and measures to reign in the extremism spreading all over the world.

Surveys by the Pew Research Centre in April and May gauged sentiment towards Isis in Muslim countries, finding that in none of the countries were 15 per cent of the population, or more, in favour of Isis.

The nationally representative surveys found that of all countries, Pakistan was the least unfavourable (28 per cent), and Lebanon was the most (100 per cent), towards the terrorist group, reported The Independent.


Source: The Independent

Pakistan was the least decided of all the countries surveyed, as 62 per cent had yet to reach an opinion on Isis.

The most sympathetic country was Nigeria (14 per cent), where Boko Haram, who have pledged allegiance to Isis, operate.

How Pakistanis view Islamic State? survey reveals -

Pakistan was the least decided of all the countries surveyed, as 62 per cent had yet to reach an opinion on Isis.

How Pakistanis view Islamic State? survey reveals -

TBH I dont think this should be a pressing concern at this moment as ISIS is still very much alien to most people in the subcontinent. I dont think ISIS has a real presence in the subcontinent apart from a few fanboyz here and there, Pretty much all ISIS flag waving and slogans in India and Pakistan are done by attention seeking wannabes with zero connection with ISIS. With a little alertness and monitoring these nanhe mujahids can be dealt with easily. Pak Army should focus on eliminating TTP first than chasing this ISIS Boogey.

November 19, 2015 @ 11:36 AM

by Web Desk

Published in Pakistan

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The attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad, claimed by global terrorist outfit Islamic State – also known as Daesh –, have stirred a debate over terrorism and measures to reign in the extremism spreading all over the world.

Surveys by the Pew Research Centre in April and May gauged sentiment towards Isis in Muslim countries, finding that in none of the countries were 15 per cent of the population, or more, in favour of Isis.

The nationally representative surveys found that of all countries, Pakistan was the least unfavourable (28 per cent), and Lebanon was the most (100 per cent), towards the terrorist group, reported The Independent.


Source: The Independent

Pakistan was the least decided of all the countries surveyed, as 62 per cent had yet to reach an opinion on Isis.

The most sympathetic country was Nigeria (14 per cent), where Boko Haram, who have pledged allegiance to Isis, operate.

How Pakistanis view Islamic State? survey reveals -
Another disturbing thing besides this support is their conspiracy theories which are baseless, logicless while the whole world was mourning the dead, some people on facebook and twitter were posting articles and posts like "terrorism has no religion" and "you harvest what you sow" another conspiracy theory which originated after paris attack is
#DovalRunningISIS trends in Pak: India's NSA is much hated across the border - Firstpost
this is what happend when all those currept Politicians from NOON league P Party F rahman group mQm loot countries worth poor gets poorer and hatful towards system and to those who are enjoying the status quo...
i bet in india its more than 25%...
There is popular support for terrorism in Pakistan. I'm not saying this is malign Pakistan, but a very large no of people have always supported terrorists as long as they do not attack Pakistanis.

There are surveys that tell us a very substantial percentage support LET or that a majority felt sad when Osama was killed or how Pakistani elite families want to marry their kids to Dawoods kids or how people take contrasting views on TTP and Af Taliban or how people celebrated return of Daniel pearls killer from indian jail etc etc...
62% is huge - can swing either way....... But then i never trust such surveys.....
common man in Pakistan doesnt even know what Daesh/ISIS is thats why 62% , my personal view is they are barbarians no one should follow them and even if there is smallest evidence of there support in Pakistan , Security forces should crush that .
62% is huge - can swing either way....... But then i never trust such surveys.....

Funny hinduvta turds who have elected a mass murdering PM are taking potshots at Pakistan

The undecided is because no one really knows about ISIS in Pakistan except maybe those with excess to the internet...the media hasn't covered them till after the Paris attacks

Take this survey of Hamas as an example....you would think it being a Palestinian faction will have a support of a large section of the Pakistani population but...


Concerns about Islamic Extremism on the Rise in Middle East | Pew Research Center

Outside of Israel Hamas is viewed least favorably in Pakistan ......with 79% undecided

As for Pakistani views about suicide bombing targeting civilians

83% the highest of any country say they are never justified
62% are those who dont want to come in open supporting the terror outfit.

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