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How Pakistan secures its nuclear weapons



New Recruit

Nov 1, 2005
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Islamabad, Sept. 3: There has often been speculation about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, and added to that, is a fear that they might fall into the hands of extremists. But Islamabad, it seems, has taken appropriate measures to safeguard them from extraneous forces.

Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and other related weapons are controlled by the National Command Authority (NCA), which has an Employment Control Committee (ECC) that decides on doctrine, posture and nuclear use.

Weapons development falls under the purview of the Development Control Committee (DCC), and according to Owen Bennett Jones, centralized control of these weapons is maintained by a two-key system and launch codes.

A three-man rule is also in place in that authority to launch the weapons has to be taken jointly by Pakistan’s President, Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff.

Internal security of nuclear storage is the responsibility of a 10,000-strong force headed by a Strategic Force Commander of Major-General rank.

It is generally believed that the weapons are not fully assembled and that warheads, detonators and missiles are kept separately. This storage method ensures against unauthorized launches.

All these steps for making Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal safe were necessitated after Washington expressed concern in 2002 that it wanted “sufficient forces on the ground” to control access to “Pakistan’s nuclear facilities”.

It was then felt that the nuclear weapons should not be made accessible to the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) or to Pakistani scientists, particularly those involved with nuclear research.

In March 2002, non-uniformed American defense personnel were even sent to man Pakistan’s nuclear reactor establishments with the objective of taking an inventory of what was there and to examine records of “what ought and ought not to be there”.

“The technology found (then) indicated that Pakistan was certainly in no condition to deliver a small nuclear device to Al Qaeda, given that the US was monitoring their facilities,” says one report.

In spite of all these protective measures, there is still concern in the international community about how safe is Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. From Pakistan’s point of view, there are certain sections of the society, which belief that the US is waiting to “seize or disable” Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal “in the event of a collapse of government or an outbreak of civil war”. (ANI)
sir there is no concern but propaganda against a Muslim state who has nukes.some time Indian lobby and some time other Western lobbys make these kind of reports that pakistans nukes are not safe.we think pakistan's nukes are safe like any nuclear state.think abut russia what abut there nukes why not world concern abut that
Pakistani nukes are safe and Indians are trying their level best to make Pakistani image bad in western eyes so that they can achieve their own goals. Remember that press conference when one Indian journalist asked Collin Powell about Pakistani nukes he said "Pakistan made a atomic bomb it is such a Islamic bomb that it can be used by them any time they want your comment please" and Collin Powell replied " NON SENSE" and then he admired in front of whole Indian press that Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapon state.

USA has made more mistakes than anyone else, remember they have dropped one hydrogen bomb in sea near Spain which has not been found till now, they fly the aircraft which carry nukes without the permission of any high ranking officer and even the pilots didn't knew about it, there nuclear related equipment is stolen and no body is arrested ( still they believe terrorists can steel nukes from Pakistan not from them ). MANY American companies were involved in nuclear proliferation to Iran north Korea and Libya but they put all the blame on A.Q khan and Pakistan.

There is no one in this world who can question USA for their deeds but when it comes to Pakistan then you know very well.
Pakistani nukes are safe and Indians are trying their level best to make Pakistani image bad in western eyes so that they can achieve their own goals. Remember that press conference when one Indian journalist asked Collin Powell about Pakistani nukes he said "Pakistan made a atomic bomb it is such a Islamic bomb that it can be used by them any time they want your comment please" and Collin Powell replied " NON SENSE" and then he admired in front of whole Indian press that Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapon state.

USA has made more mistakes than anyone else, remember they have dropped one hydrogen bomb in sea near Spain which has not been found till now, they fly the aircraft which carry nukes without the permission of any high ranking officer and even the pilots didn't knew about it, there nuclear related equipment is stolen and no body is arrested ( still they believe terrorists can steel nukes from Pakistan not from them ). MANY American companies were involved in nuclear proliferation to Iran north Korea and Libya but they put all the blame on A.Q khan and Pakistan.

There is no one in this world who can question USA for their deeds but when it comes to Pakistan then you know very well.

Did India Put "Abdul Qadeer Khan" under house arrest?
I think USA should remmeber, that it was USA where a plane flew with on board nuclear armed missiles, without noticed by the authorities.

Thats only in recent years the US has had alot of Cockups with their nuclear weapon security.
So we really do have Nuclear weapons? they were'nt just fire works???
Sorry folks was just kidding.
is the US really monitoring our Nuclear arsenal? do they actually know where we keep them? what if, they wish so to Invade Pakistan, can some one give me insight?

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