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How do we make PDF better?

Making pdf better? You can start with preventing unnecessary negative rating BS since some ThinkTanks use it high-handed.
I don't see any reports from you.
Report what? 90% posts in that section need to be deleted, there is nothing in it but abuse each other, and it’s nothing to report personally as I am not participating or like to share something with morally corrupt brain there. Just keep an eye if you want to make PDF “ better “
I have noticed a step up in the policing by the moderators to be perfectly honest. Still seems like a long way to go but with constructive criticism must come acknowledgment as well. I'm seeing several filth-laden posts being deleted or removed so that is a good sign, especially in the "war-torn" Middle East section. Even online the poor Middle East is taking a beating and pounding itself in the head! That just goes to show you we will never have peace or normalcy in that region if even online people are fighting like lunatics.

But I am glad to see some work being done, if it's @The Eagle or @waz or whomever. I just hope that with the deleted posts comes a mentioned warning of the specific infraction. Otherwise chances are that member might not even know his post was deleted, let alone why.
I always said there is mod for turkish section then there mod for irani section but there's no mod from arabs
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