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"How Can You Defend Israel?"

Ah, but can we Americans and other freedom-loving peoples defend ourselves and our ideals without defending Israel, in word or deed? My answer to that is no. Whether you are American or Pakistani, if you value democratic freedoms and civilized behavior, you have to defend Israel. If you try to omit Israel from advocacy of democratic freedoms, you are nevertheless going to be accused of being a Zionist, so why not go all the way?

who? . . .who? . . Say it again . . :rofl:
Ah, but can we Americans and other freedom-loving peoples defend ourselves and our ideals without defending Israel, in word or deed? My answer to that is no. Whether you are American or Pakistani, if you value democratic freedoms and civilized behavior, you have to defend Israel. If you try to omit Israel from advocacy of democratic freedoms, you are nevertheless going to be accused of being a Zionist, so why not go all the way?

I m looking around but cant find anyone interested in your lecture...

The answer to the original topic...

You cant... Theres a saying that goes... Somethings are built for destruction... Israel is one such things...

States like Soviet Union, Crusader Kingdom of Jerusulum have a shelf life of less than a hundred years... Watch what happens to Israel within in the next two decades...
Thanks. You do realize that you justify what the article points out. That Israel society does allow healthy self criticism.

Just imagine a org like "BIS" in our part of the so called democratic world .... we would have torn them apart.

Yeah right... My poor friend Gilad has gotten numerous death threats from Israelis for turning his back against Zionism and exposing its ugly face...

Self criticism my foot...
i hate to agree that indeed the only middle east country that is progressing and developing well is israel. israelis work hard and are very educated people, they have built in their small desert a paradise which is partially american aid, and partially the fruit of their labour and efforts in all fields, they simply out class arabs in every fields and it will take arabs a century to equal them, just knowing what kind of status they are in, or maybe more then 100 yrs..

but the truth is, israel is killing innocent people and occupying their lands, as long as israel maintains that behaviour, they are rude, selfish, brutal and racist, as long as they dont try to befriend their counterpart arabs and persians and dont reach a negotiation or stop killing muslims, they will never live in peace in middle east and eventually if one day arabs become determined to finish them off, israelis will have to leave this place...

it is hard for a son to watch his parents or siblings die or vice versa, so they will also never let israelis live in peace.. not even USA their godfather can protect them that much
Yeah right... My poor friend Gilad has gotten numerous death threats from Israelis for turning his back against Zionism and exposing its ugly face...

Self criticism my foot...

Let me paste from their portal

"We also conduct tours in Hebron and the South Hebron Hills region, with the aim of giving the Israeli public access to the reality which exists in its own back yard, yet is rarely portrayed in the media."

Is this what a Evil Regime does?

Do you have any such example's from our part of the world?

Coming back to the thread .... Why not comment on the content of the article itself --- on the numerous moments written by the author?
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