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Honoring our Martyrs

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We Will Defend it

We Will Defend it
(An Interview with family of Leiutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal Shaheed)

I went there overwhelmed and immersed in a deep sense of loss and came back with a renewed hope and resolve to serve my country. This is the concluding impression once I am writing these lines about Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal Shaheed. It appeared as a great personal loss once I heard about his death but then thinking about Shahadat and the cause for which he laid his life brought me some soothe. Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal embraced Shahadat on 28th June 09 in North Waziristan Agency once his convoy was ambushed by terrorists near Gharlamai. Losing an old comrade is always painful and swallows us with deep sorrows. No doubt soldiers have a commitment to lay down their lives for the country but still we have a human soul and are made of flesh and bones. We have brass on our shoulders but just one foot below there is a heart which is willing to sacrifice every thing for the country but still can not shed away the intrinsic human feelings of love for family and friends. Soldiers knowingly and voluntarily enter into the Valley of Death but it never means that they forget the proud face of their father, warmth of mother's lap, care of brothers and sisters, love of dearest ones and chuckle of their kids. They keep all this in their hearts, never utter a word, often smile while advancing and embrace death like a darling. Has someone ever thought that no money or privilege can compensate for these great sacrifices. Of course, these are not the material gains but sheer love of the country that moves them forward under the greatest perils of death and disability. They are pride of the Nation.

I knew Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal Shaheed once we together served in Military Operations Directorate. I knew him as a man with great sense of commitment, interminable energy for consistent hard work and above all an amenable demeanour which he maintained during intense working hours of Military Operations Directorate. He was a friend and a brother. He was too willing to help out not only the colleagues but also our staff in solving their problems. He was a true humanist who always had a smile on his face and a big heart to accommodate. With these in my mind, I was moving to Islamabad to interview the family of this great departed friend. I was thinking more of their personal loss and less about other issues. And then I met those brave souls who changed my entire thinking patterns. A bereaved mother, a gloomy wife and dim children were in my imagination. This all was there but not in that magnitude that it could swallow the beaming pride, patriotic talk, unflinching resolve and above all a desire to keep serving the country with more gusto and dedication. This is the family of Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal Shaheed: Iffat Tahir, the wife; eight years old Abu Bakar and five years old Mohammad Hassan, the children and eighty years old Zubaida Khanum, the mother of this great son. They all are too proud of him and the cause for which he laid his life. They talked so passionately about him and Pakistan that our interview lasted for more than four hours.

Zubaida Khanum recalls her memories about her youngest son who took birth on 16th March 1969 in Gamtala Village, Narowal, District Sialkot. Being the youngest son, he was the most favourite and loved one for the complete family. Late Muhammad Rafique, father of Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Shaheed and his two elder sons Muhammad Zafar Iqbal and Javed Iqbal were all too keen to take care of him. Due to his loving manners, he still remained the favourite even after birth of his only sister, Bushra Farroq. Once Tahir Shaheed was in 6th his father succumbed to death and left the great burden of raising the family on shoulders of Zubaida Khanum. On 28th June 2009, history repeated itself and this time Abu Bakar and Hassan are only eight and five years old that their beloved father has departed them. Now Zubaida Khanum sees her daughter-in-Law Iffat Tahir performing the same Herculean task which she undertook with great courage and dedication. She still remembers with immense affection that how Tahir Shaheed used to search her in nearby houses, if she was not at home on his return from the school. He was a brilliant student who did his matriculation with distinction. Later the family shifted to Islamabad once Zafar Iqbal got a job there. Having few gently sloping down tears in her eyes, Zubaida Khanum remembers how her son was always concerned to take care of her happiness and health. Even on the night of 27th June 09, the night before his shahadat, Tahir talked to her on telephone and asked about her health. “It was a brief talk which was very unusual. He just asked about my health and requested to pray for his battalion” recalls the old mother. The way he said goodbye was aching for her but then thinking of his role as commanding officer of brave soldiers gave her some satisfaction. She knew that soon he will be with her as he had not availed vacations for last three months and he was also due for moving to Turkey on a special assignment. “I waited for him during entire month of June that he would come on leave but then I received his dead body covered in national flag. This is how God Almighty wanted and that is the way the great sons like Tahir depart. I am proud of him and pray that my son's sacrifice should bring peace to my country. I pray for Pakistan Army to succeed in every field. We owe everything to this land and if we have to sacrifice more sons like Tahir for keeping the Flag high, we must not hesitate for a moment”, adds the valiant mother. Who can surmount this Himalayan Spirit?


“Though he was a complete family man, yet during the month of June 09, whenever I enquired about coming to home on vacations, he would always reply that he might not come as few of his soldiers had yet to avail the leave. It was his habit to talk in details about family routine issues, but during last week before his shahadat, he was always brief in his telephone calls. He would just talk for one or two minutes, enquire about the well being of the family and then ask to pray for success of his Battalion i.e., a renowned Baloch Regiment. He was too busy in planning and executing the operational tasks assigned to his Battalion. We also did not bother him as he used to tell me, “Iffat it is my Battalion and my soldiers who come first in priority. I love you all but then Army is my love too. I had taken oath to serve my country and I would do every thing possible to serve my Army and the Country”. It was his habit to often utter the slogan “Pak Army-Zindabad”. Once he was posted to Waziristan, he said to one of his friends who had already served in Swat that instead of returning from front as a Ghazi like him, he would choose to return as a Shaheed. He has fulfilled his promise. We are also happy that he died while 'Boots On' and met a shaheed's death. We know that he sacrificed for a cause and this cause is dear to us all. And we will do all to keep this cause of patriotism and nationalism alive in our hearts and deeds”. This was beginning of our talk with this frail lady with an Iron Will; Iffat Tahir, wife of Tahir Iqbal Shaheed. She is a lady with a passionate and un-daunting spirit to keep serving the country. She braves her huge loss with a patient smile and then talks incessantly about the cause of bringing stability and peace to the country for which her husband sacrificed his life. While talking about their happy days, she remembers the day with a nostalgic reflection once they got married on 11th October 1996. He was always caring and affectionate. Soon after marriage, we were posted to Junior Leadership Academy, Shinkiari. Tahir worked diligently to train young leadership of Pakistan Army. Later we went to Quetta in 1999 once Tahir was undergoing his staff course. After completion of the course, he was posted as Brigade Major to the Brigade fighting the battle with Indians on one of the highest battlefields of the world i.e., Siachin Glacier. During our twelve years of marriage, I always found Tahir as a great humanist whose heart was full of empathy and humility. He was always willing to help others. He would not care about his comfort or position and participate in even minor activities of all his acquaintances. “He was a good son, brother, father and an affectionate husband”, adds Iffat Tahir with a revered tone. He was a Hero, a Leader of his soldiers; to be praised and to be followed. “He was always passionate while talking about his soldiers. They were very dear to him. He used to open the 'Unit Complaint Box' himself after finishing the routine work at night and then ensured solution of the problems”. As a caring father, “he was very much concerned about education of Abu Bakar and Hassan. He would buy them story books and then narrate them good moral stories. He was hopeful that one day they would also join the Army” adds a hopeful mother of her small sons. “I sometimes think that now who would take care of these kids who have lost their loving father? But then she also adds that Abu Bakar and Hassan are contented that their father is in Heaven and is among the God's chosen ones. They are sure that they will meet their father on the Day of Judgment”.

Then Iffat Tahir talks about the importance of the cause for which her husband offered his life. She says, “it is the responsibility of all the Mothers to train our future generations. We have a great task to perform. During this era of foreign media invasion and cultural onslaught, if we are unable to teach the true values of our religion and culture, tomorrow we would have to pay the price. We achieved this country after lots of sacrifices and now it is our responsibility to defend it at all cost”,she said in firm tone. Iffat Tahir further added, “I have taught Abu Bakar that after every prayer, must pray for Pakistan's progress, peace and stability. Pakistan is our identity and never forget to work for the betterment of this country”. Sometimes Abu Bakar asks me, “if Quaid-i-Azam was alive at this time, would Pakistan be the same as it is now? She has no sure answer but tells him about her firm resolve to work relentlessly for making this country according to the dreams of our beloved Quaid. This resolve, pledge and ambition has overshadowed the great loss the lady has suffered. And now serving the Motherland is her agenda like her patriotic husband.

I moved back to my office after completing the interview deeply engrossed in thoughts and emotions. These are the real heroes and national assets who have offered their share of sacrifice to the country but still volunteer to keep the national flag high at all cost. They are ready to again sacrifice for the country. No loss has wavered their faith and determination to serve the nation. If she and many more 'daughters of Pakistan' are willing to sacrifice, no power in the world can damage Pakistan. But now I am faced with the most serious unanswered question, “What is my share and where is our share in this whole struggle for stability of Pakistan?”.

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WAR in Waziristan a background.A message to all Muslims to reflect.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Prophet Muhammad SAW a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongues other Muslim is safe.A Muslim Ummah is like a body.If one part of body feels pain the other part of body also feels pain, so is the case with Muslim Ummah.If part of Ummah feels pain then whole ummah feels the pain.

Pakistan is undergoing the worst period in the history of Muslim Ummah.Muslims are fighting between themselves in Waziristan region in NWFP province.Deadly fighting is going on between Pakistan army and Talibans living in that region.But question here arises who is right and who is wrong?
Waziristan borders with Afghanistan.Pashtoon tribe of Waziristan and Afghanistan have never accepted this border called Durand line that divides Pakistan and Afghanistan made by clever British to divide them and families across the border had been freely moving.These pashtoons had been marrying with each other and they always helped each other on difficult times.
America launched attack on Afghanistan on 9/11.Before America attacked , Russians had been defeated by Talibans and Mujahideens and Taliban establised their government in 1996 to 2001 under Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umer. Soon America launched attack , Pakistani army chief and president at that time Musharaf decided to give full support to America.This was unislamic and coward decison by Commander of army who claim that they are Islamic Army.Under this pact with America, Musharaf allowed Americans to establish their bases so that they can kill Muslims in Afghanistan.In the beginning I quoted that Muslim is one from whose and tongue other Muslim is safe.But look here Mushraf did exactly opposite to this.So he does not deserve to be counted among believers.He was actually follower of America's dictation and yearns for dollars and not Islam.So much so that his face pictured in American newspaper like a faithful dog and Bush patting him.Pakistan army under Musharaf also like faithfuls of Musharaf mindlessly start killing those pashtoon of Waziristan region who wanted to save their Muslim brother in Afghanistan.They are the ones from whose hand and tongue, Muslims of Afghanistan were saved.Mushraf start arresting Mujahideens from Pakistan who were crossing durand line and start handing over to America.This worsened the situation and angered Pashtoon Mujahideen.To stop this cruelty Mujahideen formed an organization under the banner of TTP Tekrikay Taliban Pakistan and declared their war against Pakistan Army.Any sane Muslim can decide that this decision against Pakistan army was according to verse of Quran that Allah says in Quran fight with those who fight with you.

Allah says in Quran that KAFIRS are those who make decisions against rules of Allah.This is the reason why Taliban believe that Pakistan army and Government who obey America are Kaffir.Pakistan policy is alway based to please America and accept whatever they tell Pakistan to do.Pakistan have made Christians and Jews as their friends while Allah clearly said and ordered Muslim not to make Jews and Christians as friend and who ever will make them as friend will be like them.


If Pakistan want to get rid of all this mess solution is one that they have to say GOODBYE to USA..

Whats the duty of every individual:

If that individual is in army. He should have to say that Sorry Boss I cannot kill Muslims for Americans. He shouldn’t go to waziristan if going there is necessary he should left his job for Allah’s sake .Inshallah Allah will give me better opportunity. Killing muslims just some for thousand rupees is not a wise decision. Generals and brigadiers are taking huge salaries from CIA but Soldiers are loosing emaan just for free

Sahi muslim
Book 020, Number 4533:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither. listen to him nor should he obey his orders

Sahih Muslim 4569
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: In the near future there will be Amirs (rulers) and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God"s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. .

Every individual should condemn and disapprove and hate the bad deeds of Army and Pakistan Govt according to his level.Anyone who approve bad deeds of them is just like those who are doing it


Please Spread this message so that our soldiers , Captains and lefitinents are not manipulated by those Generals who are extremely rich.Who spend luxury life styles in Defence Housing Sector in all cities of Pakistan while they and their children enjoy life in night clubs and discos in those Areas.These general have sold their soles for few Dollars and they spend huge money in Media and TV to encourage NATIONALISM on TV and praising army so that our young children join army with pride.

Nationalism is sin in islam.Under the doctrine of NATIONALISM it is ok that Muslim in Afghanistan or Palestine die as long as Pakistan is safe.This was root reason why Mongols destroyed Baghdad when Baghdad at the time was immersed in Nationalism and allied itself with Mongols in the hope they would be saved while Muslim in neighbouring lands were butchered by Mongols.

America like MONGOLS will attack Pakistan if it is not stopped and Pakistan will witness minarets of skulls.Let us stop our army, stop relying on Ulema especially Sufi Ulema who are again paid servants of Pakistan government and politicians.They will always mislead us.

Aslam Alykum All.

I can write 200 pages to answer you. But i know it wont change your thinking by an ratio. But for others who may read you this is my response.
What ever you have written is utter bull ****?
You know i gotta laugh at seagull who thanked such a disgusting post.Seagull buddy are you not the same people who fought for Benglai nationalism?lol world is full of hypocrites or people who love to take shots at others.
May Allah bless all the departed souls ..... All the soldiers and officers who laid down their lives in the call of duty.

Right cause, wrong cause is not decided by them. They follow orders of Politicians and Generals who put them in such position.

I am sure all of them went away with the wish to lay down their life in Siachin, kargil or a real front against real enemy.
I can write 200 pages to answer you. But i know it wont change your thinking by an ratio. But for others who may read you this is my response.
What ever you have written is utter bull ****?

Oh please do refute what he had to say, instead of using foul language. May Allah guide you, using foul language is not a trait of a muslim.
Not trying to pick a fight here. But I'd like to know just how is it you consider Pakistani soldiers as martyrs?
How are they martyrs? Islamically speaking that is. They are not Mujahideen. They do not fight for Islam, or for the pleasure of Allah Subhanhuwatala, nor do they fight to implement the Law of Allah. They fight under the flag of Nationalism and not La Ilaha Ilalah. How are they martyrs?

I'm not putting them down, but I just do not consider them as martyrs. They are soldiers who died in battle, and nothing more. Martyrdom is reserved only for Mujahideen, who fought only for the sake of Allah, and no other reason.

That whole article of Lieutenant Colonel Tahir Iqbal is just nationalism and nothing more. Nationalism is haram. There is being proud of your country, and then there is what is written there.

I'm not going to say anymore than that, because Its not in my nature to speak Ill of the dead, regardless of who they may be.

Our Soldiers are martyrs because they are fighting against those who have their own version of Islam, who terrorise innocent civilans, who blow up innocent people in markets, who don't allow little girls to go schools etc etc.

The scums have destroyed the true image of Islam and our soldiers are fighting hard to send them to Hell which in other words are Fighting for True ISLAM and hence are MARTYRS.

You probably don't even know what ISLAM is and therefore it's not worth arguing with you. Seems like you are troll.
Our Soldiers are martyrs because they are fighting against those who have their own version of Islam, who terrorise innocent civilans, who blow up innocent people in markets, who don't allow little girls to go schools etc etc.

The scums have destroyed the true image of Islam and our soldiers are fighting hard to send them to Hell which in other words are Fighting for True ISLAM and hence are MARTYRS.

You probably don't even know what ISLAM is and therefore it's not worth arguing with you. Seems like you are troll.

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum
Sorry, but that does not make them martyrs. The Pakistani army are not fighting for Islam. They are fighting for Pakistan & on the orders of the Americans.

No one has destroyed the image of Islam. Islam has been attacked since the time of the Prophet Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam. It was being attacked and criticised centuries before the likes of Al-Qaeda or the Taliban ever existed, who is to blame for that?

Also, who are you to assume they are being sent to hell? They may or may not be responsible for what they have been accused, if they are, then they are very sinful people but they are still Muslims. Their judgement rests with Allah 'azza wa-jall, not with you or the Pakistani army.

And if they you lot really do consider them martyrs, why is it they get a military funeral, with their coffins draped in the flag of Pakistan?

True Martyrs are buried on the battlefield where they died. They are not washed, no Janazah is to be prayed over them.

I am not a troll. I came here for a proper discussion. It seems many here are overly sensitive when it comes to the Pakistani army or its soldiers being questioned or criticised. Thats nationalistic pride for you.
You know i gotta laugh at seagull who thanked such a disgusting post.Seagull buddy are you not the same people who fought for Benglai nationalism?lol world is full of hypocrites or people who love to take shots at others.
Laugh all you want to Patriot - but that is my position also and I have stated it earlier, on this forum. And you didn't laugh then.

I have never held our struggle against you as a Jihad. We were then fighting for our rights and those killed then among us and yours are also not martyrs.

Our friend here whose post you find so disgusting has taken the trouble to go into the details of explaining what a struggle in the name of ALLAH and its implications mean.

I have heard Hindoo soldiers killed in the Kargil battle referred to as Shaheeds. What do you say of that. Is a Shaheed so easy as that. Fight, fight, die, die and you become a Shaheed? Weird thinking there.

Get your gyros fixed.
As-Salaamu 'Alaykum
Sorry, but that does not make them martyrs. The Pakistani army are not fighting for Islam. They are fighting for Pakistan & on the orders of the Americans.

No one has destroyed the image of Islam. Islam has been attacked since the time of the Prophet Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam. It was being attacked and criticised centuries before the likes of Al-Qaeda or the Taliban ever existed, who is to blame for that?

Also, who are you to assume they are being sent to hell? They may or may not be responsible for what they have been accused, if they are, then they are very sinful people but they are still Muslims. Their judgement rests with Allah 'azza wa-jall, not with you or the Pakistani army.

And if they you lot really do consider them martyrs, why is it they get a military funeral, with their coffins draped in the flag of Pakistan?

True Martyrs are buried on the battlefield where they died. They are not washed, no Janazah is to be prayed over them.

I am not a troll. I came here for a proper discussion. It seems many here are overly sensitive when it comes to the Pakistani army or its soldiers being questioned or criticised. Thats nationalistic pride for you.

Who told you no janazah is to be prayed?

Please read about islam then start discussion


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