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Hitting Women in Islam ???? Sheikh Nauman Ali Khan ANSWERS

My views doesn't matter when ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have ordered clearly. The hitting which is allowed is not beating as such. Let say it's a slight touch of hand. In Islam if your women is doing something wrong than as first step you talk to her if she doesn't listen you separate your bed from her and in Islam that is actually the biggest punishment if she still doesn't listen bring her family elders and ask them to talk to her. If she still doesn't listen and you know for sure now that she is cheating on you in that case you are allowed to slightly hit and best is to even avoid that and just divorce her. Well if you still resort to that beating you are not allowed to hit on face or not hit hard that it leaves mark nor you are allowed to hit on any sensitive part in short their are so many conditions which basically tells you not raise hand because it's of no use. Because if a wife doesn't realizes her mistake even when you separate bed from her nothing else would change her mind.
So you understand Allah's order better than Nouman Ali Khan?
i dont know why people in islam can't differentiate between something encouraged, allowed and something allowed as desperate measures or last resort.

So you understand Allah's order better than Nouman Ali Khan?
noman ali khan is not the ultimate authority on every issue. i listen to many scholars . i don't agree with everything they say. even they differ among themselves about many issues. the right way is to study quran and hadiths yourself , listen to well versed scholars and analyze the information and pray Allah for guidance. unfortunately who has time and dedication for islam these days. we have left everything for mullah and mullahs like fazal ur rahman, popalzae, baghdadi and fazul ullah use our ignorance in the best possible way for their own material benefits.
i dont know why people in islam can't differentiate between something encouraged, allowed and something allowed as desperate measures or last resort.

noman ali khan is not the ultimate authority on every issue. i listen to many scholars . i don't agree with everything they say. even they differ among themselves about many issues. the right way is to study quran and hadiths yourself , listen to well versed scholars and analyze the information and pray Allah for guidance. unfortunately who has time and dedication for islam these days. we have left everything for mullah and mullahs like fazal ur rahman, popalzae, baghdadi and fazul ullah use our ignorance in the best possible way for their own material benefits.
Doing your own research you'd probably come to different conclusion, a lot of our mullahs are narrow minded and blinded by conservatism and culture, we come from a culture where it's acceptable to beat your inferiors, and women are right at the top of the list of inferior things.
If he wanted to kill people for blasphemy then there would be no Ta'if valley.


My Murshad e Paak (SA) was not vain and nor was he vengeful. He was the most selfless human to have ever walked this earth.
He is Rehmat Ul Aalameen. His example is one to follow, not halwa khor uneducated dudes with white beards
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